Lean 4 定理证明

作者:Jeremy Avigad, Leonardo de Moura, Soonho Kong and Sebastian Ullrich, 以及Lean社区 译者 subfish_zhou

原文地址Theorem Proving in Lean 4

本中文教程旨在教你使用Lean 4。 参考Lean 4 Manual中的Setting Up Lean section一节来安装Lean。本项目也包括一个快速安装教程。 本书的Lean 2 和Lean 3 版本见这里

本项目的翻译量较大,因此大多采用机翻,仅供习惯中文的读者作为参考,译者推荐有能力的读者阅读原文。欢迎对本译文提出宝贵意见,可邮件至subfishzhou@gmail.com 译者自制的习题参考答案在本项目Github仓库的Exercise文件夹中。本项目尚未完工。



形式验证(Formal verification)是指使用逻辑和计算方法来验证用精确的数学术语表达的命题。这包括普通的数学定理,以及硬件或软件、网络协议、机械和混合系统中的形式命题。在实践中,验证数学命题和验证系统的正确性之间很类似:形式验证用数学术语描述硬件和软件系统,在此基础上验证其命题的正确性,这就像定理证明的过程。相反,一个数学定理的证明可能需要冗长的计算,在这种情况下,验证定理的真实性需要验证计算过程是否出错。


自动定理证明(Automated theorem proving)着眼于 "寻找" 证明。归结(Resolution)定理证明器、表格法(tableau)定理证明器、快速可满足性求解器(fast satisfiability solvers)等提供了在命题逻辑和一阶逻辑中验证公式有效性的方法;还有些系统为特定的语言和问题提供搜索和决策程序,例如整数或实数上的线性或非线性表达式;像SMT(satisfiability modulo theories)这样的架构将通用的搜索方法与特定领域的程序相结合;计算机代数系统和专门的数学软件包提供了进行数学计算或寻找数学对象的手段,这些系统中的计算也可以被看作是一种证明,而这些系统也可以帮助建立数学命题。

自动推理系统努力追求能力和效率,但往往牺牲稳定性。这样的系统可能会有bug,而且很难保证它们所提供的结果是正确的。相比之下,交互式定理证明器侧重于 "验证" 证明,要求每个命题都有合适的公理基础的证明来支持。这就设定了非常高的标准:每一条推理规则和每一步计算都必须通过求助于先前的定义和定理来证明,一直到基本公理和规则。事实上,大多数这样的系统提供了精心设计的 "证明对象",可以传给其他系统并独立检查。构建这样的证明通常需要用户更多的输入和交互,但它可以让你获得更深入、更复杂的证明。

Lean 定理证明器旨在融合交互式和自动定理证明,它将自动化工具和方法置于一个支持用户交互和构建完整公理化证明的框架中。它的目标是支持数学推理和复杂系统的推理,并验证这两个领域的命题。

Lean的底层逻辑有一个计算的解释,与此同时Lean可以被视为一种编程语言。更重要的是,它可以被看作是一个编写具有精确语义的程序的系统,以及对程序所表示的计算功能进行推理。Lean中也有机制使它能够作为它自己的元编程语言,这意味着你可以使用Lean本身实现自动化和扩展Lean的功能。Lean的这些方面将在本教程的配套教程Lean 4编程中进行探讨,本书只介绍计算方面。


Lean 项目由微软雷德蒙德研究院的Leonardo de Moura在2013年发起,这是个长期项目,自动化方法的潜力会在未来逐步被挖掘。Lean是在Apache 2.0 license下发布的,这是一个允许他人自由使用和扩展代码和数学库的许可性开源许可证。


第二种是本地版本:本地版本远快于网页版本,并且非常灵活。Visual Studio Code和Emacs扩展模块给编写和调试证明提供了有力支撑,因此更适合正式使用。源代码和安装方法见https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/.

本教程介绍的是Lean的当前版本:Lean 4。


本书的目的是教你在Lean中编写和验证证明,并且不太需要针对Lean的基础知识。首先,你将学习Lean所基于的逻辑系统,它是依值类型论(dependent type theory)的一个版本,足以证明几乎所有传统的数学定理,并且有足够的表达能力自然地表示数学定理。更具体地说,Lean是基于具有归纳类型(inductive type)的构造演算(Calculus of Construction)系统的类型论版本。Lean不仅可以定义数学对象和表达依值类型论的数学断言,而且还可以作为一种语言来编写证明。

由于完全深入细节的公理证明十分复杂,定理证明的难点在于让计算机尽可能多地填补证明细节。你将通过依值类型论语言来学习各种方法实现自动证明,例如项重写,以及Lean中的项和表达式的自动简化方法。同样,繁饰(elaboration)和类型推理(type inference)的方法,可以用来支持灵活的代数推理。



theorem and_commutative (p q : Prop) : p ∧ q → q ∧ p :=
  fun hpq : p ∧ q =>
  have hp : p := And.left hpq
  have hq : q := And.right hpq
  show q ∧ p from And.intro hq hp

你可以在Lean在线编辑器中尝试运行这些代码。(译者注:该编辑器速度很慢,且目前只支持Lean 3,但足够运行本书中大多数代码,仅需微小的语法改动。


This tutorial is an open access project maintained on Github. Many people have contributed to the effort, providing corrections, suggestions, examples, and text. We are grateful to Ulrik Buchholz, Kevin Buzzard, Mario Carneiro, Nathan Carter, Eduardo Cavazos, Amine Chaieb, Joe Corneli, William DeMeo, Marcus Klaas de Vries, Ben Dyer, Gabriel Ebner, Anthony Hart, Simon Hudon, Sean Leather, Assia Mahboubi, Gihan Marasingha, Patrick Massot, Christopher John Mazey, Sebastian Ullrich, Floris van Doorn, Daniel Velleman, Théo Zimmerman, Paul Chisholm, and Chris Lovett for their contributions. Please see lean prover and lean community for an up to date list of our amazing contributors.

kokic、Faputa修改了n处typo,rujia liu审校了译本,toaster对改进译本提出了诸多宝贵建议,译者在此表示感谢。


(updates in 2023.09.17)

本教程演示在Windows系统下如何安装Lean 4正式版。Linux和MacOS版本请参考Lean Manual。




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如果你遇到"SSL connect error", "Timeout was reached","Failed to connect to github.com port 443"...等错误,就是说明你的网络环境有问题。重启电脑或者检查你的梯子。



  1. 使用Lean版本管理器elan代替下载文件和手动设置路径。





    2.输入命令set-Executionpolicy Remotesigned,选择Y





  2. 安装git。安装 VS Code,并安装lean4扩展。

    installing the vscode-lean4 extension

  3. 在终端中运行

    $ elan self update  # 以防你下载的不是最新版elan
    # 下载及应用最新的Lean4版本 (https://github.com/leanprover/lean4/releases)
    $ elan default leanprover/lean4:stable
    # 也可选择,只在当前目录下使用Lean4
    $ elan override set leanprover/lean4:stable
  4. 创建一个以 .lean 为扩展名的新文件,并写入以下代码:

    #eval Lean.versionString


    successful setup


用VS code打开一个新文件夹,你可以用两种方式创建新工程。

  1. 在终端中运行(<your_project_name>替换为你自己起的名字)

    lake init <your_project_name>

    以创建一个名为your_project_name的空白新工程。如果你想把你的Lean程序编译成可执行文件,在终端中运行lake build命令。


    require mathlib from git


    curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/master/lean-toolchain -o lean-toolchain
  2. 如果你想直接创建一个引用Mathlib4的新工程,在终端中运行

    lake +leanprover-community/mathlib4:lean-toolchain new <your_project_name> math



更多内容请参考Mathlib Wiki

在你的项目文件夹下打开VS code,使用终端运行

lake update
lake exe cache get


Decompressing 1234 file(s)
unpacked in 12345 ms



import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic
example (a b : ℝ) : a * b = b * a := by
  rw [mul_comm a b]

如果你的Lean infoview没有任何报错,并且光标放在文件最后一行时会提示“No goals”,证明你的Mathlib已经正确安装了。


curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/leanprover-community/mathlib4/master/lean-toolchain -o lean-toolchain
lake update
lake exe cache get


依值类型论(Dependent type theory)是一种强大而富有表达力的语言,允许你表达复杂的数学断言,编写复杂的硬件和软件规范,并以自然和统一的方式对这两者进行推理。Lean是基于一个被称为构造演算(Calculus of Constructions)的依值类型论的版本,它拥有一个可数的非累积性宇宙(non-cumulative universe)的层次结构以及归纳类型(inductive type)。在本章结束时,你将学会一大部分。


“类型论”得名于其中每个表达式都有一个类型。举例:在一个给定的语境中,x + 0可能表示一个自然数,f可能表示一个定义在自然数上的函数。Lean中的自然数是任意精度的无符号整数。


/- 定义一些常数 -/

def m : Nat := 1       -- m 是自然数
def n : Nat := 0
def b1 : Bool := true  -- b1 是布尔型
def b2 : Bool := false

/- 检查类型 -/

#check m            -- 输出: Nat
#check n
#check n + 0        -- Nat
#check m * (n + 0)  -- Nat
#check b1           -- Bool
#check b1 && b2     -- "&&" is the Boolean and
#check b1 || b2     -- Boolean or
#check true         -- Boolean "true"

/- 求值(Evaluate) -/

#eval 5 * 4         -- 20
#eval m + 2         -- 3
#eval b1 && b2      -- false


def关键字声明工作环境中的新常量符号。在上面的例子中,def m : Nat := 1定义了一个Nat类型的新常量m,其值为1#check命令要求Lean给出它的类型,用于向系统询问信息的辅助命令都以井号(#)开头。#eval命令让Lean计算给出的表达式。你应该试试自己声明一些常量和检查一些表达式的类型。

普通类型论的强大之处在于,你可以从其他类型中构建新的类型。例如,如果ab是类型,a -> b表示从ab的函数类型,a × b表示由a元素与b元素配对构成的类型,也称为笛卡尔积。注意×是一个Unicode符号,可以使用\times或简写\tim来输入。合理使用Unicode提高了易读性,所有现代编辑器都支持它。在Lean标准库中,你经常看到希腊字母表示类型,Unicode符号->的更紧凑版本。

#check Nat → Nat      -- 用"\to" or "\r"来打出这个箭头
#check Nat -> Nat     -- 也可以用 ASCII 符号

#check Nat × Nat      -- 用"\times"打出乘号
#check Prod Nat Nat   -- 换成ASCII 符号

#check Nat → Nat → Nat
#check Nat → (Nat → Nat)  --  结果和上一个一样

#check Nat × Nat → Nat
#check (Nat → Nat) → Nat -- 一个“泛函”

#check Nat.succ     -- Nat → Nat
#check (0, 1)       -- Nat × Nat
#check Nat.add      -- Nat → Nat → Nat

#check Nat.succ 2   -- Nat
#check Nat.add 3    -- Nat → Nat
#check Nat.add 5 2  -- Nat
#check (5, 9).1     -- Nat
#check (5, 9).2     -- Nat

#eval Nat.succ 2   -- 3
#eval Nat.add 5 2  -- 7
#eval (5, 9).1     -- 5
#eval (5, 9).2     -- 9


让我们看一些基本语法。你可以通过输入\to或者\r或者\->来输入。你也可以就用ASCII码->,所以表达式Nat -> NatNat → Nat意思是一样的,都表示以一个自然数作为输入并返回一个自然数作为输出的函数类型。Unicode符号×是笛卡尔积,用\times输入。小写的希腊字母αβ,和γ等等常用来表示类型变量,可以用\a\b,和\g来输入。

这里还有一些需要注意的事情。第一,函数f应用到值x上写为f x(例:Nat.succ 2)。第二,当写类型表达式时,箭头是右结合的;例如,Nat.add的类型是Nat → Nat → Nat,等价于Nat → (Nat → Nat)

因此你可以把Nat.add看作一个函数,它接受一个自然数并返回另一个函数,该函数接受一个自然数并返回一个自然数。在类型论中,把Nat.add函数看作接受一对自然数作为输入并返回一个自然数作为输出的函数通常会更方便。系统允许你“部分应用”函数Nat.add,比如Nat.add 3具有类型Nat → Nat,即Nat.add 3返回一个“等待”第二个参数n的函数,然后可以继续写Nat.add 3 n

注:取一个类型为Nat × Nat → Nat的函数,然后“重定义”它,让它变成Nat → Nat → Nat类型,这个过程被称作柯里化(currying)。

如果你有m : Natn : Nat,那么(m, n)表示mn组成的有序对,其类型为Nat × Nat。这个方法可以制造自然数对。反过来,如果你有p : Nat × Nat,之后你可以写p.1 : Natp.2 : Nat。这个方法用于提取它的两个组件。



#check Nat               -- Type
#check Bool              -- Type
#check Nat → Bool        -- Type
#check Nat × Bool        -- Type
#check Nat → Nat         -- ...
#check Nat × Nat → Nat
#check Nat → Nat → Nat
#check Nat → (Nat → Nat)
#check Nat → Nat → Bool
#check (Nat → Nat) → Nat


def α : Type := Nat
def β : Type := Bool
def F : Type → Type := List
def G : Type → Type → Type := Prod

#check α        -- Type
#check F α      -- Type
#check F Nat    -- Type
#check G α      -- Type → Type
#check G α β    -- Type
#check G α Nat  -- Type

正如上面所示,你已经看到了一个类型为Type → Type → Type的函数例子,即笛卡尔积 Prod

def α : Type := Nat
def β : Type := Bool

#check Prod α β       -- Type
#check α × β          -- Type

#check Prod Nat Nat   -- Type
#check Nat × Nat      -- Type

这里有另一个例子:给出任意类型α,那么类型List α是类型为α的元素的列表的类型。

def α : Type := Nat

#check List α    -- Type
#check List Nat  -- Type


#check Type      -- Type 1


#check Type     -- Type 1
#check Type 1   -- Type 2
#check Type 2   -- Type 3
#check Type 3   -- Type 4
#check Type 4   -- Type 5

可以将Type 0看作是一个由“小”或“普通”类型组成的宇宙。然后,Type 1是一个更大的类型范围,其中包含Type 0作为一个元素,而Type 2是一个更大的类型范围,其中包含Type 1作为一个元素。这个列表是不确定的,所以对于每个自然数n都有一个Type nTypeType 0的缩写:

#check Type
#check Type 0

然而,有些操作需要在类型宇宙上具有多态(polymorphic)。例如,List α应该对任何类型的α都有意义,无论α存在于哪种类型的宇宙中。所以函数List有如下的类型:

#check List    -- Type u_1 → Type u_1

这里u_1是一个覆盖类型级别的变量。#check命令的输出意味着当α有类型Type n时,List α也有类型Type n。函数Prod具有类似的多态性:

#check Prod    -- Type u_1 → Type u_2 → Type (max u_1 u_2)

你可以使用 universe 命令来声明宇宙变量,这样就可以定义多态常量:

universe u

def F (α : Type u) : Type u := Prod α α

#check F    -- Type u → Type u


def F.{u} (α : Type u) : Type u := Prod α α

#check F    -- Type u → Type u


Lean提供 fun (或 λ)关键字用于从给定表达式创建函数,如下所示:

#check fun (x : Nat) => x + 5   -- Nat → Nat
#check λ (x : Nat) => x + 5     -- λ 和 fun 是同义词
#check fun x : Nat => x + 5     -- 同上
#check λ x : Nat => x + 5       -- 同上


#eval (λ x : Nat => x + 5) 10    -- 15

从另一个表达式创建函数的过程称为lambda 抽象。假设你有一个变量x : α和一个表达式t : β,那么表达式fun (x : α) => t或者λ (x : α) => t是一个类型为α → β的对象。这个从αβ的函数把任意x映射到t


#check fun x : Nat => fun y : Bool => if not y then x + 1 else x + 2
#check fun (x : Nat) (y : Bool) => if not y then x + 1 else x + 2
#check fun x y => if not y then x + 1 else x + 2   -- Nat → Bool → Nat

Lean将这三个例子解释为相同的表达式;在最后一个表达式中,Lean可以从表达式if not y then x + 1 else x + 2推断xy的类型。


def f (n : Nat) : String := toString n
def g (s : String) : Bool := s.length > 0

#check fun x : Nat => x        -- Nat → Nat
#check fun x : Nat => true     -- Nat → Bool
#check fun x : Nat => g (f x)  -- Nat → Bool
#check fun x => g (f x)        -- Nat → Bool

看看这些表达式的意思。表达式fun x : Nat => x代表Nat上的恒等函数,表达式fun x : Nat => true表示一个永远输出true的常值函数,表达式fun x : Nat => g (f x)表示fg的复合。一般来说,你可以省略类型注释,让Lean自己推断它。因此你可以写fun x => g (f x)来代替fun x : Nat => g (f x)


#check fun (g : String → Bool) (f : Nat → String) (x : Nat) => g (f x)
-- (String → Bool) → (Nat → String) → Nat → Bool


#check fun (α β γ : Type) (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) (x : α) => g (f x)

这个表达式表示一个接受三个类型αβγ和两个函数g : β → γf : α → β,并返回的gf的复合的函数。(理解这个函数的类型需要理解依值乘积类型,下面将对此进行解释。)

lambda表达式的一般形式是fun x : α => t,其中变量x是一个“约束变量”:它实际上是一个占位符,其“作用域”没有扩展到表达式t之外。例如,表达式fun (b : β) (x : α) => b中的变量b与前面声明的常量b没有任何关系。事实上,这个表达式表示的函数与fun (u : β) (z : α) => u是一样的。形式上,可以通过给约束变量重命名来使形式相同的表达式被看作是alpha等价的,也就是被认为是“一样的”。Lean认识这种等价性。

注意到项t : α → β应用到项s : α上导出了表达式t s : β。回到前面的例子,为清晰起见给约束变量重命名,注意以下表达式的类型:

#check (fun x : Nat => x) 1     -- Nat
#check (fun x : Nat => true) 1  -- Bool

def f (n : Nat) : String := toString n
def g (s : String) : Bool := s.length > 0

  (fun (α β γ : Type) (u : β → γ) (v : α → β) (x : α) => u (v x)) Nat String Bool g f 0
  -- Bool

表达式(fun x : Nat => x) 1的类型是Nat。实际上,应用(fun x : Nat => x)1上返回的值是1

#eval (fun x : Nat => x) 1     -- 1
#eval (fun x : Nat => true) 1  -- true



注意到#eval#reduce不是等价的。#eval命令首先把Lean表达式编译成中间表示(intermediate representation, IR)然后用一个解释器来执行这个IR。某些内建类型(例如,NatStringArray)在IR中有更有效率的表示。IR支持使用对Lean不透明的外部函数。 #reduce命令建立在一个化简引擎上,类似于在Lean的可信内核中使用的那个,它是负责检查和验证表达式和证明正确性的那一部分。它的效率不如#eval,且将所有外部函数视为不透明的常量。之后你将了解到这两个命令之间还有其他一些差异。



def double (x : Nat) : Nat :=
  x + x

这很类似其他编程语言中的函数。名字double被定义为一个函数,它接受一个类型为Nat的输入参数x,其结果是x + x,因此它返回类型Nat。然后你可以调用这个函数:

#eval double 3    -- 6


def double :=
  fun (x : Nat) => x + x


def double : Nat → Nat :=
  fun x => x + x

#eval double 3    -- 6

定义的一般形式是def foo : α := bar,其中α是表达式bar返回的类型。Lean通常可以推断类型α,但是精确写出它可以澄清你的意图,并且如果定义的右侧没有匹配你的类型,Lean将标记一个错误。


def pi := 3.141592654


def add (x y : Nat) :=
  x + y

#eval add 3 2               -- 5


def add (x : Nat) (y : Nat) :=
  x + y

#eval add (double 3) (7 + 9)  -- 22



def greater (x y : Nat) :=
  if x > y then x
  else y



def doTwice (f : Nat → Nat) (x : Nat) : Nat :=
  f (f x)

#eval doTwice double 2   -- 8


def compose (α β γ : Type) (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) (x : α) : γ :=
  g (f x)

这句代码的意思是:函数compose首先接受任何两个函数作为参数,这其中两个函数各自接受一个输入。类型β → γα → β意思是要求第二个函数的输出类型必须与第一个函数的输入类型匹配,否则这两个函数将无法复合。


compose可以在任意的类型α β γ上使用,它可以复合任意两个函数,只要前一个的输出类型是后一个的输入类型。举例:

-- def compose (α β γ : Type) (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) (x : α) : γ :=
--  g (f x)
-- def double (x : Nat) : Nat :=
--  x + x
def square (x : Nat) : Nat :=
  x * x

#eval compose Nat Nat Nat double square 3  -- 18


Lean还允许你使用let关键字来引入“局部定义”。表达式let a := t1; t2定义等价于把t2中所有的a替换成t1的结果。

#check let y := 2 + 2; y * y   -- Nat
#eval  let y := 2 + 2; y * y   -- 16

def twice_double (x : Nat) : Nat :=
  let y := x + x; y * y

#eval twice_double 2   -- 16

这里twice_double x定义等价于(x + x) * (x + x)


#check let y := 2 + 2; let z := y + y; z * z   -- Nat
#eval  let y := 2 + 2; let z := y + y; z * z   -- 64


def t (x : Nat) : Nat :=
  let y := x + x
  y * y

表达式let a := t1; t2的意思很类似(fun a => t2) t1,但是这两者并不一样。前者中你要把t2中每一个a的实例考虑成t1的一个缩写。后者中a是一个变量,表达式fun a => t2不依赖于a的取值而可以单独具有意义。作为一个对照,考虑为什么下面的foo定义是合法的,但bar不行(因为在确定了x所属的a是什么之前,是无法让它+ 2的)。

def foo := let a := Nat; fun x : a => x + 2
  def bar := (fun a => fun x : a => x + 2) Nat



def compose (α β γ : Type) (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) (x : α) : γ :=
  g (f x)

def doTwice (α : Type) (h : α → α) (x : α) : α :=
  h (h x)

def doThrice (α : Type) (h : α → α) (x : α) : α :=
  h (h (h x))


variable (α β γ : Type)

def compose (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) (x : α) : γ :=
  g (f x)

def doTwice (h : α → α) (x : α) : α :=
  h (h x)

def doThrice (h : α → α) (x : α) : α :=
  h (h (h x))


variable (α β γ : Type)
variable (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) (h : α → α)
variable (x : α)

def compose := g (f x)
def doTwice := h (h x)
def doThrice := h (h (h x))

#print compose
#print doTwice
#print doThrice




section useful
  variable (α β γ : Type)
  variable (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) (h : α → α)
  variable (x : α)

  def compose := g (f x)
  def doTwice := h (h x)
  def doThrice := h (h (h x))
end useful


你不需要缩进一个小节中的行。你也不需要命名一个小节,也就是说,你可以使用一个匿名的section /end对。但是,如果你确实命名了一个小节,你必须使用相同的名字关闭它。小节也可以嵌套,这允许你逐步增加声明新变量。



namespace Foo
  def a : Nat := 5
  def f (x : Nat) : Nat := x + 7

  def fa : Nat := f a
  def ffa : Nat := f (f a)

  #check a
  #check f
  #check fa
  #check ffa
  #check Foo.fa
end Foo

-- #check a  -- error
-- #check f  -- error
#check Foo.a
#check Foo.f
#check Foo.fa
#check Foo.ffa

open Foo

#check a
#check f
#check fa
#check Foo.fa




#check List.nil
#check List.cons
#check List.map

open List命令允许你使用短一点的名字:

open List

#check nil
#check cons
#check map


namespace Foo
  def a : Nat := 5
  def f (x : Nat) : Nat := x + 7

  def fa : Nat := f a

  namespace Bar
    def ffa : Nat := f (f a)

    #check fa
    #check ffa
  end Bar

  #check fa
  #check Bar.ffa
end Foo

#check Foo.fa
#check Foo.Bar.ffa

open Foo

#check fa
#check Bar.ffa


namespace Foo
  def a : Nat := 5
  def f (x : Nat) : Nat := x + 7

  def fa : Nat := f a
end Foo

#check Foo.a
#check Foo.f

namespace Foo
  def ffa : Nat := f (f a)
end Foo


然而,在许多方面,namespace ... end结构块和section ... end表现出来的特征是一样的。尤其是你在命名空间中使用variable命令时,它的作用范围被限制在命名空间里。类似地,如果你在命名空间中使用open命令,它的效果在命名空间关闭后消失。


简单地说,类型可以依赖于参数。你已经看到了一个很好的例子:类型List α依赖于参数α,而这种依赖性是区分List NatList Bool的关键。另一个例子,考虑类型Vector α n,即长度为nα元素的向量类型。这个类型取决于两个参数:向量中元素的类型α : Type和向量的长度n : Nat

假设你希望编写一个函数cons,它在列表的开头插入一个新元素。cons应该有什么类型?这样的函数是多态的(polymorphic):你期望NatBool或任意类型αcons函数表现相同的方式。因此,将类型作为cons的第一个参数是有意义的,因此对于任何类型αcons α是类型α列表的插入函数。换句话说,对于每个αcons α是将元素a : α插入列表as : List α的函数,并返回一个新的列表,因此有cons α a as : List α

很明显,cons α具有类型α → List α → List α,但是cons具有什么类型?如果我们假设是Type → α → list α → list α,那么问题在于,这个类型表达式没有意义:α没有任何的所指,但它实际上指的是某个类型Type。换句话说,假设α : Type是函数的首个参数,之后的两个参数的类型是αList α,它们依赖于首个参数α

def cons (α : Type) (a : α) (as : List α) : List α :=
  List.cons a as

#check cons Nat        -- Nat → List Nat → List Nat
#check cons Bool       -- Bool → List Bool → List Bool
#check cons            -- (α : Type) → α → List α → List α

这就是依值函数类型,或者依值箭头类型的一个例子。给定α : Typeβ : α → Type,把β考虑成α之上的类型族,也就是说,对于每个a : α都有类型β a。在这种情况下,类型(a : α) → β a表示的是具有如下性质的函数f的类型:对于每个a : αf aβ a的一个元素。换句话说,f返回值的类型取决于其输入。

注意到(a : α) → β对于任意表达式β : Type都有意义。当β的值依赖于a(例如,在前一段的表达式β a),(a : α) → β表示一个依值函数类型。当β的值不依赖于a(a : α) → β与类型α → β无异。实际上,在依值类型论(以及Lean)中,α → β表达的意思就是当β的值不依赖于a时的(a : α) → β。【注】

译者注:在依值类型论的数学符号体系中,依值类型是用Π符号来表达的,在Lean 3中还使用这种表达,例如Π x : α, β x。Lean 4抛弃了这种对新手不友好的写法,但是沿袭了三代中另外两种意义更明朗的写法:forall x : α, β x∀ x : α, β x。这几个表达式都和(x : α) → β x同义。但是个人感觉本教程这一段的讲法也对新手不友好,(x : α) → β x这种写法在引入“构造子”之后意义会更明朗一些(见下一个注释),当前反倒是forall x : α, β x这种写法对于来自数学背景的读者更加清楚明白,关于前一种符号在量词与等价一章中有更详细的说明。同时,依值类型有着更丰富的引入动机,推荐读者寻找一些拓展读物。


#check @List.cons    -- {α : Type u_1} → α → List α → List α
#check @List.nil     -- {α : Type u_1} → List α
#check @List.length  -- {α : Type u_1} → List α → Nat
#check @List.append  -- {α : Type u_1} → List α → List α → List α

就像依值函数类型(a : α) → β a通过允许β依赖α从而推广了函数类型α → β,依值笛卡尔积类型(a : α) × β a同样推广了笛卡尔积α × β。依值积类型又称为sigma类型,可写成Σ a : α, β a。你可以用⟨a, b⟩或者Sigma.mk a b来创建依值对。

universe u v

def f (α : Type u) (β : α → Type v) (a : α) (b : β a) : (a : α) × β a :=
  ⟨a, b⟩

def g (α : Type u) (β : α → Type v) (a : α) (b : β a) : Σ a : α, β a :=
  Sigma.mk a b

def h1 (x : Nat) : Nat :=
  (f Type (fun α => α) Nat x).2

#eval h1 5 -- 5

def h2 (x : Nat) : Nat :=
  (g Type (fun α => α) Nat x).2

#eval h2 5 -- 5




universe u
def Lst (α : Type u) : Type u := List α
def Lst.cons (α : Type u) (a : α) (as : Lst α) : Lst α := List.cons a as
def Lst.nil (α : Type u) : Lst α := List.nil
def Lst.append (α : Type u) (as bs : Lst α) : Lst α := List.append as bs
#check Lst          -- Type u_1 → Type u_1
#check Lst.cons     -- (α : Type u_1) → α → Lst α → Lst α
#check Lst.nil      -- (α : Type u_1) → Lst α
#check Lst.append   -- (α : Type u_1) → Lst α → Lst α → Lst α


#check Lst.cons Nat 0 (Lst.nil Nat)

def as : Lst Nat := Lst.nil Nat
def bs : Lst Nat := Lst.cons Nat 5 (Lst.nil Nat)

#check Lst.append Nat as bs

由于构造子对类型是多态的【注】,我们需要重复插入类型Nat作为一个参数。但是这个信息是多余的:我们可以推断表达式Lst.cons Nat 5 (Lst.nil Nat)中参数α的类型,这是通过第二个参数5的类型是Nat来实现的。类似地,我们可以推断Lst.nil Nat中参数的类型,这是通过它作为函数Lst.cons的一个参数,且这个函数在这个位置需要接收的是一个具有Lst α类型的参数来实现的。

译者注:“构造子”(constructor)的概念前文未加解释,对类型论不熟悉的读者可能会困惑。它指的是一种“依值类型的类型”,也可以看作“类型的构造器”,例如λ α : α -> α甚至可看成⋆ -> ⋆。当给α或者赋予一个具体的类型时,这个表达式就成为了一个类型。前文中(x : α) → β x中的β就可以看成一个构造子,(x : α)就是传进的类型参数。原句“构造子对类型是多态的”意为给构造子中放入不同类型时它会变成不同类型。


#check Lst.cons _ 0 (Lst.nil _)

def as : Lst Nat := Lst.nil _
def bs : Lst Nat := Lst.cons _ 5 (Lst.nil _)

#check Lst.append _ as bs


universe u
def Lst (α : Type u) : Type u := List α

def Lst.cons {α : Type u} (a : α) (as : Lst α) : Lst α := List.cons a as
def Lst.nil {α : Type u} : Lst α := List.nil
def Lst.append {α : Type u} (as bs : Lst α) : Lst α := List.append as bs

#check Lst.cons 0 Lst.nil

def as : Lst Nat := Lst.nil
def bs : Lst Nat := Lst.cons 5 Lst.nil

#check Lst.append as bs

唯一改变的是变量声明中α : Type u周围的花括号。我们也可以在函数定义中使用这个技巧:

universe u
def ident {α : Type u} (x : α) := x

#check ident         -- ?m → ?m
#check ident 1       -- Nat
#check ident "hello" -- String
#check @ident        -- {α : Type u_1} → α → α



universe u

  variable {α : Type u}
  variable (x : α)
  def ident := x

#check ident
#check ident 4
#check ident "hello"


可以通过写(e : T)来指定表达式e的类型T。这就指导Lean的繁饰器在试图解决隐式参数时使用值T作为e的类型。在下面的第二个例子中,这种机制用于指定表达式idList.nil所需的类型:

#check List.nil               -- List ?m
#check id                     -- ?m → ?m

#check (List.nil : List Nat)  -- List Nat
#check (id : Nat → Nat)       -- Nat → Nat


#check 2            -- Nat
#check (2 : Nat)    -- Nat
#check (2 : Int)    -- Int


#check @id        -- {α : Type u_1} → α → α
#check @id Nat    -- Nat → Nat
#check @id Bool   -- Bool → Bool

#check @id Nat 1     -- Nat
#check @id Bool true -- Bool







def Implies (p q : Prop) : Prop := p → q
#check And     -- Prop → Prop → Prop
#check Or      -- Prop → Prop → Prop
#check Not     -- Prop → Prop
#check Implies -- Prop → Prop → Prop

variable (p q r : Prop)
#check And p q                      -- Prop
#check Or (And p q) r               -- Prop
#check Implies (And p q) (And q p)  -- Prop

对每个元素p : Prop,可以引入另一个类型Proof p,作为p的证明的类型。“公理”是这个类型中的常值。

structure Proof (p : Prop) : Type where
  proof : p
#check Proof   -- Proof : Prop → Type

axiom and_comm (p q : Prop) : Proof (Implies (And p q) (And q p))

variable (p q : Prop)
#check and_comm p q     -- Proof (Implies (And p q) (And q p))

然而,除了公理之外,我们还需要从旧证明中建立新证明的规则。例如,在许多命题逻辑的证明系统中,我们有肯定前件式(modus ponens)推理规则:

如果能证明Implies p qp,则能证明q


axiom modus_ponens : (p q : Prop) → Proof (Implies p q) → Proof p → Proof q


当假设p成立时,如果我们能证明q. 则我们能证明Implies p q.


axiom implies_intro : (p q : Prop) → (Proof p → Proof q) → Proof (Implies p q)

这个功能让我们可以合理地搭建断言和证明。确定表达式tp的证明,只需检查t具有类型Proof p

可以做一些简化。首先,我们可以通过将Proof pp本身合并来避免重复地写Proof这个词。换句话说,只要我们有p : Prop,我们就可以把p解释为一种类型,也就是它的证明类型。然后我们可以把t : p读作tp的证明。

此外,我们可以在Implies p qp → q之间来回切换。换句话说,命题pq之间的含义对应于一个函数,它将p的任何元素接受为q的一个元素。因此,引入连接词Implies是完全多余的:我们可以使用依值类型论中常见的函数空间构造子p → q作为我们的蕴含概念。

这是在构造演算(Calculus of Constructions)中遵循的方法,因此在Lean中也是如此。自然演绎证明系统中的蕴含规则与控制函数抽象(abstraction)和应用(application)的规则完全一致,这是Curry-Howard同构的一个实例,有时也被称为命题即类型。事实上,类型Prop是上一章描述的类型层次结构的最底部Sort 0的语法糖。此外,Type u也只是Sort (u+1)的语法糖。Prop有一些特殊的特性,但像其他类型宇宙一样,它在箭头构造子下是封闭的:如果我们有p q : Prop,那么p → q : Prop

至少有两种将命题作为类型来思考的方法。对于那些对逻辑和数学中的构造主义者来说,这是对命题含义的忠实诠释:命题p代表了一种数据类型,即构成证明的数据类型的说明。p的证明就是正确类型的对象t : p

非构造主义者可以把它看作是一种简单的编码技巧。对于每个命题p,我们关联一个类型,如果p为假,则该类型为空,如果p为真,则有且只有一个元素,比如*。在后一种情况中,让我们说(与之相关的类型)p占据(inhabited)。恰好,函数应用和抽象的规则可以方便地帮助我们跟踪Prop的哪些元素是被占据的。所以构造一个元素t : p告诉我们p确实是正确的。你可以把p的占据者想象成“p为真”的事实。对p → q的证明使用“p是真的”这个事实来得到“q是真的”这个事实。

事实上,如果p : Prop是任何命题,那么Lean的内核将任意两个元素t1 t2 : p看作定义相等,就像它把(fun x => t) st[s/x]看作定义等价。这就是所谓的“证明无关性”(proof irrelevance)。这意味着,即使我们可以把证明t : p当作依值类型论语言中的普通对象,它们除了p是真的这一事实之外,没有其他信息。



为了用依值类型论的语言正式表达一个数学断言,我们需要展示一个项p : Prop。为了证明该断言,我们需要展示一个项t : p。Lean的任务,作为一个证明助手,是帮助我们构造这样一个项t,并验证它的格式是否良好,类型是否正确。



variable {p : Prop}
variable {q : Prop}

theorem t1 : p → q → p := fun hp : p => fun hq : q => hp

这与上一章中常量函数的定义完全相同,唯一的区别是参数是Prop的元素,而不是Type的元素。直观地说,我们对p → q → p的证明假设pq为真,并使用第一个假设(平凡地)建立结论p为真。

请注意,theorem命令实际上是def命令的一个翻版:在命题和类型对应下,证明定理p → q → p实际上与定义关联类型的元素是一样的。对于内核类型检查器,这两者之间没有区别。



theorem t1 : p → q → p := fun hp : p => fun hq : q => hp

#print t1

注意,lambda抽象hp : phq : q可以被视为t1的证明中的临时假设。Lean还允许我们通过show语句明确指定最后一个项hp的类型。

theorem t1 : p → q → p :=
  fun hp : p =>
  fun hq : q =>
  show p from hp --试试改成 show q from hp 会怎样?



theorem t1 (hp : p) (hq : q) : p := hp

#print t1    -- p → q → p


theorem t1 (hp : p) (hq : q) : p := hp

axiom hp : p

theorem t2 : q → p := t1 hp


axiom unsound : False
-- false可导出一切
theorem ex : 1 = 0 :=
False.elim unsound

声明“公理”hp : p等同于声明p为真,正如hp所证明的那样。应用定理t1 : p → q → p到事实hp : p(也就是p为真)得到定理t1 hp : q → p


theorem t1 {p q : Prop} (hp : p) (hq : q) : p := hp

#print t1

t1的类型现在是∀ {p q : Prop}, p → q → p。我们可以把它理解为“对于每一对命题p q,我们都有p → q → p”。例如,我们可以将所有参数移到冒号的右边:

theorem t1 : ∀ {p q : Prop}, p → q → p :=
  fun {p q : Prop} (hp : p) (hq : q) => hp


variable {p q : Prop}

theorem t1 : p → q → p := fun (hp : p) (hq : q) => hp


variable {p q : Prop}
variable (hp : p)

theorem t1 : q → p := fun (hq : q) => hp

Lean检测到证明使用hp,并自动添加hp : p作为前提。在所有情况下,命令#print t1仍然会产生∀ p q : Prop, p → q → p。这个类型也可以写成∀ (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq :q), p,因为箭头仅仅表示一个箭头类型,其中目标不依赖于约束变量。


theorem t1 (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p := hp

variable (p q r s : Prop)

#check t1 p q                -- p → q → p
#check t1 r s                -- r → s → r
#check t1 (r → s) (s → r)    -- (r → s) → (s → r) → r → s

variable (h : r → s)
#check t1 (r → s) (s → r) h  -- (s → r) → r → s

同样,使用命题即类型对应,类型为r → s的变量h可以看作是r → s存在的假设或前提。


variable (p q r s : Prop)

theorem t2 (h₁ : q → r) (h₂ : p → q) : p → r :=
fun h₃ : p =>
show r from h₁ (h₂ h₃)





Not¬\not, \negNot
->\to, \r, \imp
<->\iff, \lrIff


variable (p q : Prop)

#check p → q → p ∧ q
#check ¬p → p ↔ False
#check p ∨ q → q ∨ p

操作符的优先级如下:¬ > ∧ > ∨ > → > ↔。举例:a ∧ b → c ∨ d ∧ e意为(a ∧ b) → (c ∨ (d ∧ e))等二元关系是右结合的。所以如果我们有p q r : Prop,表达式p → q → r读作“如果p,那么如果q,那么r”。这是p ∧ q → r的柯里化形式。



表达式And.intro h1 h2p ∧ q的证明,它使用了h1 : ph2 : q的证明。通常把And.intro称为合取引入规则。下面的例子我们使用And.intro来创建p → q → p ∧ q的证明。

variable (p q : Prop)

example (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ q := And.intro hp hq

#check fun (hp : p) (hq : q) => And.intro hp hq


表达式And.left hh : p ∧ q建立了一个p的证明。类似地,And.right hq的证明。它们常被称为左或右合取消去规则。

variable (p q : Prop)

example (h : p ∧ q) : p := And.left h
example (h : p ∧ q) : q := And.right h

我们现在可以证明p ∧ q → q ∧ p

variable (p q : Prop)

example (h : p ∧ q) : q ∧ p :=
And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h)

请注意,引入和消去与笛卡尔积的配对和投影操作类似。区别在于,给定hp : phq : qAnd.intro hp hq具有类型p ∧ q : Prop,而Prod hp hq具有类型p × q : Type×之间的相似性是Curry-Howard同构的另一个例子,但与蕴涵和函数空间构造子不同,在Lean中×是分开处理的。然而,通过类比,我们刚刚构造的证明类似于交换一对中的元素的函数。

我们将在结构体和记录一章中看到Lean中的某些类型是Structures,也就是说,该类型是用单个规范的构造子定义的,该构造子从一系列合适的参数构建该类型的一个元素。对于每一组p q : Propp ∧ q就是一个例子:构造一个元素的规范方法是将And.intro应用于合适的参数hp : phq : q。Lean允许我们使用匿名构造子表示法⟨arg1, arg2, ...⟩在此类情况下,当相关类型是归纳类型并可以从上下文推断时。特别地,我们经常可以写入⟨hp, hq⟩,而不是And.intro hp hq:

variable (p q : Prop)
variable (hp : p) (hq : q)

#check (⟨hp, hq⟩ : p ∧ q)


Lean提供了另一个有用的语法小工具。给定一个归纳类型Foo的表达式e(可能应用于一些参数),符号e.barFoo.bar e的缩写。这为访问函数提供了一种方便的方式,而无需打开名称空间。例如,下面两个表达的意思是相同的:

variable (xs : List Nat)

#check List.length xs
#check xs.length

给定h : p ∧ q,我们可以写h.left来表示And.left h以及h.right来表示And.right h。因此我们可以简写上面的证明如下:

variable (p q : Prop)
example (h : p ∧ q) : q ∧ p :=
  ⟨h.right, h.left⟩



variable (p q : Prop)

example (h : p ∧ q) : q ∧ p ∧ q:=
  ⟨h.right, ⟨h.left, h.right⟩⟩

example (h : p ∧ q) : q ∧ p ∧ q:=
  ⟨h.right, h.left, h.right⟩



表达式Or.intro_left q hp从证明hp : p建立了p ∨ q的证明。类似地,Or.intro_right p hq从证明hq : q建立了p ∨ q的证明。这是左右析取引入规则。

variable (p q : Prop)
example (hp : p) : p ∨ q := Or.intro_left q hp
example (hq : q) : p ∨ q := Or.intro_right p hq

析取消去规则稍微复杂一点。这个想法是,我们可以从p ∨ q证明r,通过从p证明r,且从q证明r。换句话说,它是一种逐情况证明。在表达式Or.elim hpq hpr hqr中,Or.elim接受三个论证,hpq : p ∨ qhpr : p → rhqr : q → r,生成r的证明。在下面的例子中,我们使用Or.elim证明p ∨ q → q ∨ p

variable (p q r : Prop)

example (h : p ∨ q) : q ∨ p :=
  Or.elim h
    (fun hp : p =>
      show q ∨ p from Or.intro_right q hp)
    (fun hq : q =>
     show q ∨ p from Or.intro_left p hq)

在大多数情况下,Or.intro_rightOr.intro_left的第一个参数可以由Lean自动推断出来。因此,Lean提供了Or.inrOr.inl作为Or.intro_right _Or.intro_left _的缩写。因此,上面的证明项可以写得更简洁:

variable (p q r : Prop)

example (h : p ∨ q) : q ∨ p :=
  Or.elim h (fun hp => Or.inr hp) (fun hq => Or.inl hq)


因为Or有两个构造子,所以不能使用匿名构造子表示法。但我们仍然可以写h.elim而不是Or.elim h,不过你需要注意这些缩写是增强还是降低了可读性:

variable (p q r : Prop)

example (h : p ∨ q) : q ∨ p :=
  h.elim (fun hp => Or.inr hp) (fun hq => Or.inl hq)


否定¬p真正的定义是p → False,所以我们通过从p导出一个矛盾来获得¬p。类似地,表达式hnp hphp : phnp : ¬p产生一个False的证明。下一个例子用所有这些规则来证明(p → q) → ¬q → ¬p。(¬符号可以由\not或者\neg来写出。)

variable (p q : Prop)

example (hpq : p → q) (hnq : ¬q) : ¬p :=
  fun hp : p =>
  show False from hnq (hpq hp)

连接词False只有一个消去规则False.elim,它表达了一个事实,即矛盾能导出一切。这个规则有时被称为ex falsoex falso sequitur quodlibet(无稽之谈)的缩写】,或爆炸原理

variable (tp q : Prop)

example (hp : p) (hnp : ¬p) : q := False.elim (hnp hp)


variable (p q : Prop)

example (hp : p) (hnp : ¬p) : q := absurd hp hnp

证明¬p → q → (q → p) → r

variable (p q r : Prop)

example (hnp : ¬p) (hq : q) (hqp : q → p) : r :=
  absurd (hqp hq) hnp

顺便说一句,就像False只有一个消去规则,True只有一个引入规则True.intro : true。换句话说,True就是真,并且有一个标准证明True.intro


表达式Iff.intro h1 h2h1 : p → qh2 : q → p生成了p ↔ q的证明。表达式Iff.mp hh : p ↔ q生成了p → q的证明。表达式Iff.mpr hh : p ↔ q生成了q → p的证明。下面是p ∧ q ↔ q ∧ p的证明:

variable (p q : Prop)

theorem and_swap : p ∧ q ↔ q ∧ p :=
    (fun h : p ∧ q =>
     show q ∧ p from And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h))
    (fun h : q ∧ p =>
     show p ∧ q from And.intro (And.right h) (And.left h))

#check and_swap p q    -- p ∧ q ↔ q ∧ p

variable (h : p ∧ q)
example : q ∧ p := Iff.mp (and_swap p q) h

我们可以用匿名构造子表示法来,从正反两个方向的证明,来构建p ↔ q的证明。我们也可以使用.符号连接mpmpr。因此,前面的例子可以简写如下:

variable (p q : Prop)

theorem and_swap : p ∧ q ↔ q ∧ p :=
  ⟨ fun h => ⟨h.right, h.left⟩, fun h => ⟨h.right, h.left⟩ ⟩

example (h : p ∧ q) : q ∧ p := (and_swap p q).mp h



variable (p q : Prop)

example (h : p ∧ q) : q ∧ p :=
  have hp : p := h.left
  have hq : q := h.right
  show q ∧ p from And.intro hq hp

在内部,表达式have h : p := s; t产生项(fun (h : p) => t) s。换句话说,sp的证明,t是假设h : p的期望结论的证明,并且这两个是由lambda抽象和应用组合在一起的。这个简单的方法在构建长证明时非常有用,因为我们可以使用中间的have作为通向最终目标的垫脚石。

Lean还支持从目标向后推理的结构化方法,它模仿了普通数学文献中“足以说明某某”(suffices to show)的构造。下一个例子简单地排列了前面证明中的最后两行。

variable (p q : Prop)

example (h : p ∧ q) : q ∧ p :=
  have hp : p := h.left
  suffices hq : q from And.intro hq hp
  show q from And.right h

suffices hq : q给出了两条目标。第一,我们需要证明,通过利用附加假设hq : q证明原目标q ∧ p,这样足以证明q,第二,我们需要证明q


到目前为止,我们看到的引入和消去规则都是构造主义的,也就是说,它们反映了基于命题即类型对应的逻辑连接词的计算理解。普通经典逻辑在此基础上加上了排中律p ∨ ¬p(excluded middle, em)。要使用这个原则,你必须打开经典逻辑命名空间。

open Classical

variable (p : Prop)
#check em p

从直觉上看,构造主义的“或”非常强:断言p ∨ q等于知道哪个是真实情况。如果RH代表黎曼猜想,经典数学家愿意断言RH ∨ ¬RH,即使我们还不能断言析取式的任何一端。

排中律的一个结果是双重否定消去规则(double-negation elimination, dne):

open Classical

theorem dne {p : Prop} (h : ¬¬p) : p :=
  Or.elim (em p)
    (fun hp : p => hp)
    (fun hnp : ¬p => absurd hnp h)



open Classical
variable (p : Prop)

example (h : ¬¬p) : p :=
    (fun h1 : p => h1)
    (fun h1 : ¬p => absurd h1 h)


open Classical
variable (p : Prop)

example (h : ¬¬p) : p :=
    (fun h1 : ¬p =>
     show False from h h1)


open Classical
variable (p q : Prop)

example (h : ¬(p ∧ q)) : ¬p ∨ ¬q :=
  Or.elim (em p)
    (fun hp : p =>
        (show ¬q from
          fun hq : q =>
          h ⟨hp, hq⟩))
    (fun hp : ¬p =>
      Or.inl hp)






  1. p ∧ q ↔ q ∧ p
  2. p ∨ q ↔ q ∨ p


  1. (p ∧ q) ∧ r ↔ p ∧ (q ∧ r)
  2. (p ∨ q) ∨ r ↔ p ∨ (q ∨ r)


  1. p ∧ (q ∨ r) ↔ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r)
  2. p ∨ (q ∧ r) ↔ (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r)


  1. (p → (q → r)) ↔ (p ∧ q → r)
  2. ((p ∨ q) → r) ↔ (p → r) ∧ (q → r)
  3. ¬(p ∨ q) ↔ ¬p ∧ ¬q
  4. ¬p ∨ ¬q → ¬(p ∧ q)
  5. ¬(p ∧ ¬p)
  6. p ∧ ¬q → ¬(p → q)
  7. ¬p → (p → q)
  8. (¬p ∨ q) → (p → q)
  9. p ∨ False ↔ p
  10. p ∧ False ↔ False
  11. ¬(p ↔ ¬p)
  12. (p → q) → (¬q → ¬p)


  1. (p → r ∨ s) → ((p → r) ∨ (p → s))
  2. ¬(p ∧ q) → ¬p ∨ ¬q
  3. ¬(p → q) → p ∧ ¬q
  4. (p → q) → (¬p ∨ q)
  5. (¬q → ¬p) → (p → q)
  6. p ∨ ¬p
  7. (((p → q) → p) → p)


有另一个有用的技巧。你可以使用下划线_作为占位符,而不是sorry。回想一下,这告诉Lean该参数是隐式的,应该自动填充。如果Lean尝试这样做并失败了,它将返回一条错误消息“不知道如何合成占位符”(Don't know how to synthesize placeholder),然后是它所期望的项的类型,以及上下文中可用的所有对象和假设。换句话说,对于每个未解决的占位符,Lean报告在那一点上需要填充的子目标。然后,你可以通过递增填充这些占位符来构造一个证明。


open Classical

-- 分配律
example (p q r : Prop) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) ↔ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) :=
    (fun h : p ∧ (q ∨ r) =>
      have hp : p := h.left
      Or.elim (h.right)
        (fun hq : q =>
          show (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) from Or.inl ⟨hp, hq⟩)
        (fun hr : r =>
          show (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) from Or.inr ⟨hp, hr⟩))
    (fun h : (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) =>
      Or.elim h
        (fun hpq : p ∧ q =>
          have hp : p := hpq.left
          have hq : q := hpq.right
          show p ∧ (q ∨ r) from ⟨hp, Or.inl hq⟩)
        (fun hpr : p ∧ r =>
          have hp : p := hpr.left
          have hr : r := hpr.right
          show p ∧ (q ∨ r) from ⟨hp, Or.inr hr⟩))

-- 需要一点经典推理的例子
example (p q : Prop) : ¬(p ∧ ¬q) → (p → q) :=
  fun h : ¬(p ∧ ¬q) =>
  fun hp : p =>
  show q from
    Or.elim (em q)
      (fun hq : q => hq)
      (fun hnq : ¬q => absurd (And.intro hp hnq) h)



variable (p q r : Prop)

--  ∧ 和 ∨ 的交换律
example : p ∧ q ↔ q ∧ p := sorry
example : p ∨ q ↔ q ∨ p := sorry

-- ∧ 和 ∨ 的结合律
example : (p ∧ q) ∧ r ↔ p ∧ (q ∧ r) := sorry
example : (p ∨ q) ∨ r ↔ p ∨ (q ∨ r) := sorry

-- 分配律
example : p ∧ (q ∨ r) ↔ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) := sorry
example : p ∨ (q ∧ r) ↔ (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r) := sorry

-- 其他性质
example : (p → (q → r)) ↔ (p ∧ q → r) := sorry
example : ((p ∨ q) → r) ↔ (p → r) ∧ (q → r) := sorry
example : ¬(p ∨ q) ↔ ¬p ∧ ¬q := sorry
example : ¬p ∨ ¬q → ¬(p ∧ q) := sorry
example : ¬(p ∧ ¬p) := sorry
example : p ∧ ¬q → ¬(p → q) := sorry
example : ¬p → (p → q) := sorry
example : (¬p ∨ q) → (p → q) := sorry
example : p ∨ False ↔ p := sorry
example : p ∧ False ↔ False := sorry
example : (p → q) → (¬q → ¬p) := sorry


open Classical

variable (p q r s : Prop)

example : (p → r ∨ s) → ((p → r) ∨ (p → s)) := sorry
example : ¬(p ∧ q) → ¬p ∨ ¬q := sorry
example : ¬(p → q) → p ∧ ¬q := sorry
example : (p → q) → (¬p ∨ q) := sorry
example : (¬q → ¬p) → (p → q) := sorry
example : p ∨ ¬p := sorry
example : (((p → q) → p) → p) := sorry

证明¬(p ↔ ¬p)且不使用经典逻辑。




如果α是任何类型,我们可以将α上的一元谓词p作为α → Prop类型的对象。在这种情况下,给定x : αp x表示断言px上成立。类似地,一个对象r : α → α → Prop表示α上的二元关系:给定x y : αr x y表示断言xy相关。

全称量词∀ x : α, p x表示,对于每一个x : αp x成立。与命题连接词一样,在自然演绎系统中,“forall”有引入和消去规则。非正式地,引入规则是:

给定p x的证明,在x : α是任意的情况下,我们得到∀ x : α, p x的证明。


给定∀ x : α, p x的证明和任何项t : α,我们得到p t的证明。


给定类型为β x的项t,在x : α是任意的情况下,我们有(fun x : α => t) : (x : α) → β x


给定项s : (x : α) → β x和任何项t : α,我们有s t : β t

p x具有Prop类型的情况下,如果我们用∀ x : α, p x替换(x : α) → β x,就得到构建涉及全称量词的证明的规则。

因此,构造演算用全称表达式来识别依值箭头类型。如果p是任何表达式,∀ x : α, p不过是(x : α) → p的替代符号,在p是命题的情况下,前者比后者更自然。通常,表达式p取决于x : α。回想一下,在普通函数空间中,我们可以将α → β解释为(x : α) → β的特殊情况,其中β不依赖于x。类似地,我们可以把命题之间的蕴涵p → q看作是∀ x : p, q的特殊情况,其中q不依赖于x


example (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop) : (∀ x : α, p x ∧ q x) → ∀ y : α, p y  :=
  fun h : ∀ x : α, p x ∧ q x =>
  fun y : α =>
  show p y from (h y).left

作为一种符号约定,我们给予全称量词尽可能最宽的优先级范围,因此上面例子中的假设中,需要用括号将x上的量词限制起来。证明∀ y : α, p y的标准方法是取任意的y,然后证明p y。这是引入规则。现在,给定h有类型∀ x : α, p x ∧ q x,表达式h y有类型p y ∧ q y。这是消去规则。取合取的左侧得到想要的结论p y


example (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop) : (∀ x : α, p x ∧ q x) → ∀ x : α, p x  :=
  fun h : ∀ x : α, p x ∧ q x =>
  fun z : α =>
  show p z from And.left (h z)


variable (α : Type) (r : α → α → Prop)
variable (trans_r : ∀ x y z, r x y → r y z → r x z)

variable (a b c : α)
variable (hab : r a b) (hbc : r b c)

#check trans_r    -- ∀ (x y z : α), r x y → r y z → r x z
#check trans_r a b c
#check trans_r a b c hab
#check trans_r a b c hab hbc

当我们在值a b c上实例化trans_r时,我们最终得到r a b → r b c → r a c的证明。将此应用于“假设”hab : r a b,我们得到了r b c → r a c的一个证明。最后将它应用到假设hbc中,得到结论r a c的证明。

variable (α : Type) (r : α → α → Prop)
variable (trans_r : ∀ {x y z}, r x y → r y z → r x z)

variable (a b c : α)
variable (hab : r a b) (hbc : r b c)

#check trans_r
#check trans_r hab
#check trans_r hab hbc

优点是我们可以简单地写trans_r hab hbc作为r a c的证明。一个缺点是Lean没有足够的信息来推断表达式trans_rtrans_r hab中的参数类型。第一个#check命令的输出是r ?m.1 ?m.2 → r ?m.2 ?m.3 → r ?m.1 ?m.3,表示在本例中隐式参数未指定。


variable (α : Type) (r : α → α → Prop)

variable (refl_r : ∀ x, r x x)
variable (symm_r : ∀ {x y}, r x y → r y x)
variable (trans_r : ∀ {x y z}, r x y → r y z → r x z)

example (a b c d : α) (hab : r a b) (hcb : r c b) (hcd : r c d) : r a d :=
  trans_r (trans_r hab (symm_r hcb)) hcd


依值箭头类型的类型规则,特别是全称量词,体现了Prop命题类型与其他对象的类型的不同。假设我们有α : Sort iβ : Sort j,其中表达式β可能依赖于变量x : α。那么(x : α) → βSort (imax i j)的一个元素,其中imax i jijj不为0时的最大值,否则为0。

其想法如下。如果j不是0,然后(x : α) → βSort (max i j)类型的一个元素。换句话说,从αβ的一类依值函数存在于指数为ij最大值的宇宙中。然而,假设β属于Sort 0,即Prop的一个元素。在这种情况下,(x : α) → β也是Sort 0的一个元素,无论α生活在哪种类型的宇宙中。换句话说,如果β是一个依赖于α的命题,那么∀ x : α, β又是一个命题。这反映出Prop作为一种命题类型而不是数据类型,这也使得Prop具有“非直谓性”(impredicative)。

“直谓性”一词起源于20世纪初的数学基础发展,当时逻辑学家如庞加莱和罗素将集合论的悖论归咎于“恶性循环”:当我们通过量化一个集合来定义一个属性时,这个集合包含了被定义的属性。注意,如果α是任何类型,我们可以在α上形成所有谓词的类型α → Prop(α的“幂”类型)。Prop的非直谓性意味着我们可以通过α → Prop形成量化命题。特别是,我们可以通过量化所有关于α的谓词来定义α上的谓词,这正是曾经被认为有问题的循环类型。




#check Eq.refl    -- ∀ (a : ?m.1), a = a
#check Eq.symm    -- ?m.2 = ?m.3 → ?m.3 = ?m.2
#check Eq.trans   -- ?m.2 = ?m.3 → ?m.3 = ?m.4 → ?m.2 = ?m.4


universe u

#check @Eq.refl.{u}   -- ∀ {α : Sort u} (a : α), a = a
#check @Eq.symm.{u}   -- ∀ {α : Sort u} {a b : α}, a = b → b = a
#check @Eq.trans.{u}  -- ∀ {α : Sort u} {a b c : α}, a = b → b = c → a = c



variable (α : Type) (a b c d : α)
variable (hab : a = b) (hcb : c = b) (hcd : c = d)

example : a = d :=
  Eq.trans (Eq.trans hab (Eq.symm hcb)) hcd


example : a = d := (hab.trans hcb.symm).trans hcd


variable (α β : Type)

example (f : α → β) (a : α) : (fun x => f x) a = f a := Eq.refl _
example (a : α) (b : α) : (a, b).1 = a := Eq.refl _
example : 2 + 3 = 5 := Eq.refl _

框架的这个特性非常重要,以至于库中为Eq.refl _专门定义了一个符号rfl

variable (α β : Type)
example (f : α → β) (a : α) : (fun x => f x) a = f a := rfl
example (a : α) (b : α) : (a, b).1 = a := rfl
example : 2 + 3 = 5 := rfl

然而,等价不仅仅是一种关系。它有一个重要的性质,即每个断言都遵从等价性,即我们可以在不改变真值的情况下对表达式做等价代换。也就是说,给定h1 : a = bh2 : p a,我们可以构造一个证明p b,只需要使用代换Eq.subst h1 h2

example (α : Type) (a b : α) (p : α → Prop)
        (h1 : a = b) (h2 : p a) : p b :=
  Eq.subst h1 h2

example (α : Type) (a b : α) (p : α → Prop)
    (h1 : a = b) (h2 : p a) : p b :=
  h1 ▸ h2


规则Eq.subst定义了一些辅助规则,用来执行更显式的替换。它们是为处理应用型项,即形式为s t的项而设计的。这些辅助规则是,使用congrArg来替换参数,使用congrFun来替换正在应用的项,并且可以同时使用congr来替换两者。

variable (α : Type)
variable (a b : α)
variable (f g : α → Nat)
variable (h₁ : a = b)
variable (h₂ : f = g)

example : f a = f b := congrArg f h₁
example : f a = g a := congrFun h₂ a
example : f a = g b := congr h₂ h₁


variable (a b c d : Nat)

example : a + 0 = a := Nat.add_zero a
example : 0 + a = a := Nat.zero_add a
example : a * 1 = a := Nat.mul_one a
example : 1 * a = a := Nat.one_mul a
example : a + b = b + a := Nat.add_comm a b
example : a + b + c = a + (b + c) := Nat.add_assoc a b c
example : a * b = b * a := Nat.mul_comm a b
example : a * b * c = a * (b * c) := Nat.mul_assoc a b c
example : a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c := Nat.mul_add a b c
example : a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c := Nat.left_distrib a b c
example : (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c := Nat.add_mul a b c
example : (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c := Nat.right_distrib a b c



example (x y z : Nat) : x * (y + z) = x * y + x * z := Nat.mul_add x y z
example (x y z : Nat) : (x + y) * z = x * z + y * z := Nat.add_mul x y z
example (x y z : Nat) : x + y + z = x + (y + z) := Nat.add_assoc x y z

example (x y : Nat) : (x + y) * (x + y) = x * x + y * x + x * y + y * y :=
  have h1 : (x + y) * (x + y) = (x + y) * x + (x + y) * y :=
    Nat.mul_add (x + y) x y
  have h2 : (x + y) * (x + y) = x * x + y * x + (x * y + y * y) :=
    (Nat.add_mul x y x) ▸ (Nat.add_mul x y y) ▸ h1
  h2.trans (Nat.add_assoc (x * x + y * x) (x * y) (y * y)).symm

注意,Eq.subst的第二个隐式参数提供了将要发生代换的表达式上下文,其类型为α → Prop。因此,推断这个谓词需要一个高阶合一(higher-order unification)的实例。一般来说,确定高阶合一器是否存在的问题是无法确定的,而Lean充其量只能提供不完美的和近似的解决方案。因此,Eq.subst并不总是做你想要它做的事。宏h ▸ e使用了更有效的启发式方法来计算这个隐参数,并且在不能应用Eq.subst的情况下通常会成功。




  <expr>_0  'op_1'  <expr>_1  ':='  <proof>_1
    '_'     'op_2'  <expr>_2  ':='  <proof>_2
    '_'     'op_n'  <expr>_n  ':='  <proof>_n

每个<proof>_i<expr>_{i-1} op_i <expr>_i的证明。


variable (a b c d e : Nat)
variable (h1 : a = b)
variable (h2 : b = c + 1)
variable (h3 : c = d)
variable (h4 : e = 1 + d)

theorem T : a = e :=
    a = b      := h1
    _ = c + 1  := h2
    _ = d + 1  := congrArg Nat.succ h3
    _ = 1 + d  := Nat.add_comm d 1
    _ = e      := Eq.symm h4


theorem T : a = e :=
    a = b      := by rw [h1]
    _ = c + 1  := by rw [h2]
    _ = d + 1  := by rw [h3]
    _ = 1 + d  := by rw [Nat.add_comm]
    _ =  e     := by rw [h4]

本质上,rw策略使用一个给定的等式(它可以是一个假设、一个定理名称或一个复杂的项)来“重写”目标。如果这样做将目标简化为一种等式t = t,那么该策略将使用反身性来证明这一点。


theorem T : a = e :=
    a = d + 1  := by rw [h1, h2, h3]
    _ = 1 + d  := by rw [Nat.add_comm]
    _ =  e     := by rw [h4]


theorem T : a = e :=
  by rw [h1, h2, h3, Nat.add_comm, h4]


theorem T : a = e :=
  by simp [h1, h2, h3, Nat.add_comm, h4]



example (a b c d : Nat) (h1 : a = b) (h2 : b ≤ c) (h3 : c + 1 < d) : a < d :=
    a = b     := h1
    _ < b + 1 := Nat.lt_succ_self b
    _ ≤ c + 1 := Nat.succ_le_succ h2
    _ < d     := h3


example (x y : Nat) : (x + y) * (x + y) = x * x + y * x + x * y + y * y :=
    (x + y) * (x + y) = (x + y) * x + (x + y) * y  := by rw [Nat.mul_add]
        _ = x * x + y * x + (x + y) * y            := by rw [Nat.add_mul]
        _ = x * x + y * x + (x * y + y * y)        := by rw [Nat.add_mul]
        _ = x * x + y * x + x * y + y * y          := by rw [←Nat.add_assoc]


example (x y : Nat) : (x + y) * (x + y) = x * x + y * x + x * y + y * y :=
  by rw [Nat.mul_add, Nat.add_mul, Nat.add_mul, ←Nat.add_assoc]

example (x y : Nat) : (x + y) * (x + y) = x * x + y * x + x * y + y * y :=
  by simp [Nat.mul_add, Nat.add_mul, Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_left_comm]


存在量词可以写成exists x : α, p x∃ x : α, p x。这两个写法实际上在Lean的库中的定义为一个更冗长的表达式,Exists (fun x : α => p x)

存在量词也有一个引入规则和一个消去规则。引入规则很简单:要证明∃ x : α, p x,只需提供一个合适的项t和对p t的证明即可。\exists或简写\ex输入,下面是一些例子:

example : ∃ x : Nat, x > 0 :=
  have h : 1 > 0 := Nat.zero_lt_succ 0
  Exists.intro 1 h

example (x : Nat) (h : x > 0) : ∃ y, y < x :=
  Exists.intro 0 h

example (x y z : Nat) (hxy : x < y) (hyz : y < z) : ∃ w, x < w ∧ w < z :=
  Exists.intro y (And.intro hxy hyz)

#check @Exists.intro

当类型可从上下文中推断时,我们可以使用匿名构造子表示法⟨t, h⟩替换Exists.intro t h

example : ∃ x : Nat, x > 0 :=
  have h : 1 > 0 := Nat.zero_lt_succ 0
  ⟨1, h⟩

example (x : Nat) (h : x > 0) : ∃ y, y < x :=
  ⟨0, h⟩

example (x y z : Nat) (hxy : x < y) (hyz : y < z) : ∃ w, x < w ∧ w < z :=
  ⟨y, hxy, hyz⟩

注意Exists.intro有隐参数:Lean必须在结论∃ x, p x中推断谓词p : α → Prop。这不是一件小事。例如,如果我们有hg : g 0 0 = 0Exists.intro 0 hg,有许多可能的值的谓词p,对应定理∃ x, g x x = x∃ x, g x x = 0∃ x, g x 0 = x,等等。Lean使用上下文来推断哪个是合适的。下面的例子说明了这一点,在这个例子中,我们设置了选项pp.explicit为true,要求Lean打印隐参数。

variable (g : Nat → Nat → Nat)
variable (hg : g 0 0 = 0)

theorem gex1 : ∃ x, g x x = x := ⟨0, hg⟩
theorem gex2 : ∃ x, g x 0 = x := ⟨0, hg⟩
theorem gex3 : ∃ x, g 0 0 = x := ⟨0, hg⟩
theorem gex4 : ∃ x, g x x = 0 := ⟨0, hg⟩

set_option pp.explicit true  -- 打印隐参数
#print gex1
#print gex2
#print gex3
#print gex4

我们可以将Exists.intro视为信息隐藏操作,因为它将断言的具体实例隐藏起来变成了存在量词。存在消去规则Exists.elim执行相反的操作。它允许我们从∃ x : α, p x证明一个命题q,通过证明对于任意值wp w都能推出q。粗略地说,既然我们知道有一个x满足p x,我们可以给它起个名字,比如w。如果q没有提到w,那么表明p w能推出q就等同于表明q从任何这样的x的存在而推得。下面是一个例子:

variable (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop)

example (h : ∃ x, p x ∧ q x) : ∃ x, q x ∧ p x :=
  Exists.elim h
    (fun w =>
     fun hw : p w ∧ q w =>
     show ∃ x, q x ∧ p x from ⟨w, hw.right, hw.left⟩)

把存在消去规则和析取消去规则作个比较可能会带来一些启发。命题∃ x : α, p x可以看成一个对所有α中的元素a所组成的命题p a的大型析取。注意到匿名构造子⟨w, hw.right, hw.left⟩是嵌套的构造子⟨w, ⟨hw.right, hw.left⟩⟩的缩写。

存在式命题类型很像依值类型一节所述的sigma类型。给定a : αh : p a时,项Exists.intro a h具有类型(∃ x : α, p x) : Prop,而Sigma.mk a h具有类型(Σ x : α, p x) : TypeΣ之间的相似性是Curry-Howard同构的另一例子。


variable (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop)

example (h : ∃ x, p x ∧ q x) : ∃ x, q x ∧ p x :=
  match h with
  | ⟨w, hw⟩ => ⟨w, hw.right, hw.left⟩


# variable (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop)
example (h : ∃ x, p x ∧ q x) : ∃ x, q x ∧ p x :=
  match h with
  | ⟨(w : α), (hw : p w ∧ q w)⟩ => ⟨w, hw.right, hw.left⟩


# variable (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop)
example (h : ∃ x, p x ∧ q x) : ∃ x, q x ∧ p x :=
  match h with
  | ⟨w, hpw, hqw⟩ => ⟨w, hqw, hpw⟩


# variable (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop)
example (h : ∃ x, p x ∧ q x) : ∃ x, q x ∧ p x :=
  let ⟨w, hpw, hqw⟩ := h
  ⟨w, hqw, hpw⟩


# variable (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop)
example : (∃ x, p x ∧ q x) → ∃ x, q x ∧ p x :=
  fun ⟨w, hpw, hqw⟩ => ⟨w, hqw, hpw⟩


在下面的例子中,我们将even a定义为∃ b, a = 2*b,然后我们证明两个偶数的和是偶数。

def is_even (a : Nat) := ∃ b, a = 2 * b

theorem even_plus_even (h1 : is_even a) (h2 : is_even b) : is_even (a + b) :=
  Exists.elim h1 (fun w1 (hw1 : a = 2 * w1) =>
  Exists.elim h2 (fun w2 (hw2 : b = 2 * w2) =>
    Exists.intro (w1 + w2)
        a + b = 2 * w1 + 2 * w2  := by rw [hw1, hw2]
          _   = 2*(w1 + w2)      := by rw [Nat.mul_add])))


def is_even (a : Nat) := ∃ b, a = 2 * b
theorem even_plus_even (h1 : is_even a) (h2 : is_even b) : is_even (a + b) :=
  match h1, h2 with
  | ⟨w1, hw1⟩, ⟨w2, hw2⟩ => ⟨w1 + w2, by rw [hw1, hw2, Nat.mul_add]⟩

就像构造主义的“或”比古典的“或”强,同样,构造的“存在”也比古典的“存在”强。例如,下面的推论需要经典推理,因为从构造的角度来看,知道并不是每一个x都满足¬ p,并不等于有一个特定的x满足p

open Classical
variable (p : α → Prop)

example (h : ¬ ∀ x, ¬ p x) : ∃ x, p x :=
    (fun h1 : ¬ ∃ x, p x =>
      have h2 : ∀ x, ¬ p x :=
        fun x =>
        fun h3 : p x =>
        have h4 : ∃ x, p x :=  ⟨x, h3⟩
        show False from h1 h4
      show False from h h2)


open Classical

variable (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop)
variable (r : Prop)

example : (∃ x : α, r) → r := sorry
example (a : α) : r → (∃ x : α, r) := sorry
example : (∃ x, p x ∧ r) ↔ (∃ x, p x) ∧ r := sorry
example : (∃ x, p x ∨ q x) ↔ (∃ x, p x) ∨ (∃ x, q x) := sorry

example : (∀ x, p x) ↔ ¬ (∃ x, ¬ p x) := sorry
example : (∃ x, p x) ↔ ¬ (∀ x, ¬ p x) := sorry
example : (¬ ∃ x, p x) ↔ (∀ x, ¬ p x) := sorry
example : (¬ ∀ x, p x) ↔ (∃ x, ¬ p x) := sorry

example : (∀ x, p x → r) ↔ (∃ x, p x) → r := sorry
example (a : α) : (∃ x, p x → r) ↔ (∀ x, p x) → r := sorry
example (a : α) : (∃ x, r → p x) ↔ (r → ∃ x, p x) := sorry



open Classical

variable (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop)
variable (a : α)
variable (r : Prop)

example : (∃ x, p x ∨ q x) ↔ (∃ x, p x) ∨ (∃ x, q x) :=
    (fun ⟨a, (h1 : p a ∨ q a)⟩ =>
      Or.elim h1
        (fun hpa : p a => Or.inl ⟨a, hpa⟩)
        (fun hqa : q a => Or.inr ⟨a, hqa⟩))
    (fun h : (∃ x, p x) ∨ (∃ x, q x) =>
      Or.elim h
        (fun ⟨a, hpa⟩ => ⟨a, (Or.inl hpa)⟩)
        (fun ⟨a, hqa⟩ => ⟨a, (Or.inr hqa)⟩))

example : (∃ x, p x → r) ↔ (∀ x, p x) → r :=
    (fun ⟨b, (hb : p b → r)⟩ =>
     fun h2 : ∀ x, p x =>
     show r from  hb (h2 b))
    (fun h1 : (∀ x, p x) → r =>
     show ∃ x, p x → r from
         (fun hap : ∀ x, p x => ⟨a, λ h' => h1 hap⟩)
         (fun hnap : ¬ ∀ x, p x =>
            (fun hnex : ¬ ∃ x, p x → r =>
              have hap : ∀ x, p x :=
                fun x =>
                  (fun hnp : ¬ p x =>
                    have hex : ∃ x, p x → r := ⟨x, (fun hp => absurd hp hnp)⟩
                    show False from hnex hex)
              show False from hnap hap)))




variable (f : Nat → Nat)
variable (h : ∀ x : Nat, f x ≤ f (x + 1))

example : f 0 ≤ f 3 :=
  have : f 0 ≤ f 1 := h 0
  have : f 0 ≤ f 2 := Nat.le_trans this (h 1)
  show f 0 ≤ f 3 from Nat.le_trans this (h 2)


当目标可以推断出来时,我们也可以让Lean写by assumption来填写证明:

# variable (f : Nat → Nat)
# variable (h : ∀ x : Nat, f x ≤ f (x + 1))
example : f 0 ≤ f 3 :=
  have : f 0 ≤ f 1 := h 0
  have : f 0 ≤ f 2 := Nat.le_trans (by assumption) (h 1)
  show f 0 ≤ f 3 from Nat.le_trans (by assumption) (h 2)



notation "‹" p "›" => show p by assumption

这种方法比使用by assumption更稳健,因为需要推断的假设类型是显式给出的。它还使证明更具可读性。这里有一个更详细的例子:

variable (f : Nat → Nat)
variable (h : ∀ x : Nat, f x ≤ f (x + 1))

example : f 0 ≥ f 1 → f 1 ≥ f 2 → f 0 = f 2 :=
  fun _ : f 0 ≥ f 1 =>
  fun _ : f 1 ≥ f 2 =>
  have : f 0 ≥ f 2 := Nat.le_trans ‹f 1 ≥ f 2› ‹f 0 ≥ f 1›
  have : f 0 ≤ f 2 := Nat.le_trans (h 0) (h 1)
  show f 0 = f 2 from Nat.le_antisymm this ‹f 0 ≥ f 2›


example (n : Nat) : Nat := ‹Nat›



  1. 证明以下等式:
variable (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop)

example : (∀ x, p x ∧ q x) ↔ (∀ x, p x) ∧ (∀ x, q x) := sorry
example : (∀ x, p x → q x) → (∀ x, p x) → (∀ x, q x) := sorry
example : (∀ x, p x) ∨ (∀ x, q x) → ∀ x, p x ∨ q x := sorry


  1. 当一个公式的组成部分不依赖于被全称的变量时,通常可以把它提取出一个全称量词的范围。尝试证明这些(第二个命题中的一个方向需要经典逻辑):
variable (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop)
variable (r : Prop)

example : α → ((∀ x : α, r) ↔ r) := sorry
example : (∀ x, p x ∨ r) ↔ (∀ x, p x) ∨ r := sorry
example : (∀ x, r → p x) ↔ (r → ∀ x, p x) := sorry
  1. 考虑“理发师悖论”:在一个小镇里,这里有一个(男性)理发师给所有不为自己刮胡子的人刮胡子。证明这里存在矛盾:
variable (men : Type) (barber : men)
variable  (shaves : men → men → Prop)

example (h : ∀ x : men, shaves barber x ↔ ¬ shaves x x) : false := sorry
  1. 如果没有任何参数,类型Prop的表达式只是一个断言。填入下面primeFermat_prime的定义,并构造每个给定的断言。例如,通过断言每个自然数n都有一个大于n的质数,你可以说有无限多个质数。哥德巴赫弱猜想指出,每一个大于5的奇数都是三个素数的和。如果有必要,请查阅费马素数的定义或其他任何资料。
def even (n : Nat) : Prop := sorry

def prime (n : Nat) : Prop := sorry

def infinitely_many_primes : Prop := sorry

def Fermat_prime (n : Nat) : Prop := sorry

def infinitely_many_Fermat_primes : Prop := sorry

def goldbach_conjecture : Prop := sorry

def Goldbach's_weak_conjecture : Prop := sorry

def Fermat's_last_theorem : Prop := sorry
  1. 尽可能多地证明存在量词一节列出的等式。


在本章中,我们描述了另一种构建证明的方法,即使用策略(tactics)。 一个证明项代表一个数学证明;策略是描述如何建立这样一个证明的命令或指令。你可以在数学证明开始时非正式地说:“为了证明条件的必要性,展开定义,应用前面的定理,并进行简化。”就像这些指令告诉读者如何构建证明一样,策略告诉Lean如何构建证明。它们自然而然地支持增量式的证明书写,在这种写作方式中,你将分解一个证明,并一步步地实现目标。



从概念上讲,陈述一个定理或引入一个have的声明会产生一个目标,即构造一个具有预期类型的项的目标。例如, 下面创建的目标是构建一个类型为p ∧ q ∧ p的项,条件有常量p q : Prophp : phq : q

theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ q ∧ p :=


    p : Prop, q : Prop, hp : p, hq : q ⊢ p ∧ q ∧ p


通常情况下,你会通过写一个明确的项来满足这样的目标。但在任何需要项的地方,Lean允许我们插入一个by <tactics>块,其中<tactics>是一串命令,用分号或换行符分开。你可以用下面这种方式来证明上面的定理:

theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ q ∧ p :=
  by apply And.intro
     exact hp
     apply And.intro
     exact hq
     exact hp


theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ q ∧ p := by
  apply And.intro
  exact hp
  apply And.intro
  exact hq
  exact hp

apply策略应用于一个表达式,被视为表示一个有零或多个参数的函数。它将结论与当前目标中的表达式统一起来,并为剩余的参数创建新的目标,只要后面的参数不依赖于它们。在上面的例子中,命令apply And.intro产生了两个子目标:

    case left
    p : Prop,
    q : Prop,
    hp : p,
    hq : q
    ⊢ p

    case right
    p : Prop,
    q : Prop,
    hp : p,
    hq : q
    ⊢ q ∧ p

第一个目标是通过exact hp命令来实现的。exact命令只是apply的一个变体,它表示所给的表达式应该准确地填充目标。在策略证明中使用它很有益,因为它如果失败那么表明出了问题。它也比apply更稳健,因为繁饰器在处理被应用的表达式时,会考虑到目标所预期的类型。然而,在这种情况下,apply也可以很好地工作。


# theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ q ∧ p := by
#  apply And.intro
#  exact hp
#  apply And.intro
#  exact hq
#  exact hp
#print test

你可以循序渐进地写一个策略脚本。在VS Code中,你可以通过按Ctrl-Shift-Enter打开一个窗口来显示信息,然后只要光标在策略块中,该窗口就会显示当前的目标。在Emacs中,你可以通过按C-c C-g看到任何一行末尾的目标,或者通过把光标放在最后一个策略的第一个字符之后,看到一个不完整的证明中的剩余目标。如果证明是不完整的,标记by会被装饰成一条红色的斜线,错误信息中包含剩余的目标。


theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ q ∧ p := by
  apply And.intro hp
  exact And.intro hq hp
#print test


theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ q ∧ p := by
  apply And.intro hp; exact And.intro hq hp

可能产生多个子目标的策略通常对子目标进行标记。例如,apply And.intro策略将第一个目标标记为left,将第二个目标标记为right。在apply策略的情况下,标签是从And.intro声明中使用的参数名称推断出来的。你可以使用符号case <tag> => <tactics>来结构化你的策略。下面是本章中第一个策略证明的结构化版本。

theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ q ∧ p := by
  apply And.intro
  case left => exact hp
  case right =>
    apply And.intro
    case left => exact hq
    case right => exact hp


theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ q ∧ p := by
  apply And.intro
  case right =>
    apply And.intro
    case left => exact hq
    case right => exact hp
  case left => exact hp

注意,Lean将其他目标隐藏在case块内。我们说它“专注”于选定的目标。 此外,如果所选目标在case块的末尾没有完全解决,Lean会标记一个错误。

对于简单的子目标,可能不值得使用其标签来选择一个子目标,但你可能仍然想要结构化证明。Lean还提供了“子弹”符号. <tactics>· <tactics>

theorem test (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ q ∧ p := by
  apply And.intro
  . exact hp
  . apply And.intro
    . exact hq
    . exact hp



example (p q r : Prop) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) ↔ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) := by
  apply Iff.intro
  . intro h
    apply Or.elim (And.right h)
    . intro hq
      apply Or.inl
      apply And.intro
      . exact And.left h
      . exact hq
    . intro hr
      apply Or.inr
      apply And.intro
      . exact And.left h
      . exact hr
  . intro h
    apply Or.elim h
    . intro hpq
      apply And.intro
      . exact And.left hpq
      . apply Or.inl
        exact And.right hpq
    . intro hpr
      apply And.intro
      . exact And.left hpr
      . apply Or.inr
        exact And.right hpr


example (α : Type) : α → α := by
  intro a
  exact a

example (α : Type) : ∀ x : α, x = x := by
  intro x
  exact Eq.refl x


example : ∀ a b c : Nat, a = b → a = c → c = b := by
  intro a b c h₁ h₂
  exact Eq.trans (Eq.symm h₂) h₁

由于apply策略是一个用于交互式构造函数应用的命令,intro策略是一个用于交互式构造函数抽象的命令(即fun x => e形式的项)。 与lambda抽象符号一样,intro策略允许我们使用隐式的match

example (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop) : (∃ x, p x ∧ q x) → ∃ x, q x ∧ p x := by
  intro ⟨w, hpw, hqw⟩
  exact ⟨w, hqw, hpw⟩


example (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop) : (∃ x, p x ∨ q x) → ∃ x, q x ∨ p x := by
    | ⟨w, Or.inl h⟩ => exact ⟨w, Or.inr h⟩
    | ⟨w, Or.inr h⟩ => exact ⟨w, Or.inl h⟩



example (x y z w : Nat) (h₁ : x = y) (h₂ : y = z) (h₃ : z = w) : x = w := by
  apply Eq.trans h₁
  apply Eq.trans h₂
  assumption   -- applied h₃


example (x y z w : Nat) (h₁ : x = y) (h₂ : y = z) (h₃ : z = w) : x = w := by
  apply Eq.trans
  assumption      -- solves x = ?b with h₁
  apply Eq.trans
  assumption      -- solves y = ?h₂.b with h₂
  assumption      -- solves z = w with h₃


example : ∀ a b c : Nat, a = b → a = c → c = b := by
  apply Eq.trans
  apply Eq.symm


example : ∀ a b c : Nat, a = b → a = c → c = b := by unhygienic
  apply Eq.trans
  apply Eq.symm
  exact a_2
  exact a_1

你也可以使用rename_i策略来重命名你的上下文中最近的不能访问的名字。在下面的例子中,策略rename_i h1 _ h2在你的上下文中重命名了三个假设中的两个。

example : ∀ a b c d : Nat, a = b → a = d → a = c → c = b := by
  rename_i h1 _ h2
  apply Eq.trans
  apply Eq.symm
  exact h2
  exact h1

rfl策略是exact rfl的语法糖。

example (y : Nat) : (fun x : Nat => 0) y = 0 :=
  by rfl


example : ∀ a b c : Nat, a = b → a = c → c = b := by
  apply Eq.trans
  apply Eq.symm
  repeat assumption


example (x : Nat) : x = x := by
  revert x
  -- goal is ⊢ ∀ (x : Nat), x = x
  intro y
  -- goal is y : Nat ⊢ y = y


example (x y : Nat) (h : x = y) : y = x := by
  revert h
  -- goal is x y : Nat ⊢ x = y → y = x
  intro h₁
  -- goal is x y : ℕ, h₁ : x = y ⊢ y = x
  apply Eq.symm


example (x y : Nat) (h : x = y) : y = x := by
  revert x
  -- goal is y : Nat ⊢ ∀ (x : Nat), x = y → y = x
  apply Eq.symm


example (x y : Nat) (h : x = y) : y = x := by
  revert x y
  -- goal is ⊢ ∀ (x y : Nat), x = y → y = x
  apply Eq.symm


example : 3 = 3 := by
  generalize 3 = x
  -- goal is x : Nat ⊢ x = x,
  revert x
  -- goal is ⊢ ∀ (x : Nat), x = x
  intro y
  -- goal is y : Nat ⊢ y = y


example : 2 + 3 = 5 := by
  generalize  3 = x
  -- goal is x : Nat ⊢ 2 + x = 5


example : 2 + 3 = 5 := by
  generalize h : 3 = x
  -- goal is x : Nat, h : 3 = x ⊢ 2 + x = 5
  rw [← h]



一些额外的策略对于建构和析构命题以及数据很有用。例如,当应用于形式为p ∨ q的目标时,你可以使用apply Or.inlapply Or.inr等策略。 反之,cases策略可以用来分解一个析取。

example (p q : Prop) : p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by
  intro h
  cases h with
  | inl hp => apply Or.inr; exact hp
  | inr hq => apply Or.inl; exact hq


example (p q : Prop) : p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by
  intro h
  cases h with
  | inr hq => apply Or.inl; exact hq
  | inl hp => apply Or.inr; exact hp


example (p q : Prop) : p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by
  intro h
  cases h
  apply Or.inr
  apply Or.inl


example (p : Prop) : p ∨ p → p := by
  intro h
  cases h
  repeat assumption

你也可以使用组合子tac1 <;> tac2,将tac2应用于策略tac1产生的每个子目标。

example (p : Prop) : p ∨ p → p := by
  intro h
  cases h <;> assumption


example (p q : Prop) : p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by
  intro h
  cases h
  . apply Or.inr
  . apply Or.inl

example (p q : Prop) : p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by
  intro h
  cases h
  case inr h =>
    apply Or.inl
  case inl h =>
    apply Or.inr

example (p q : Prop) : p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by
  intro h
  cases h
  case inr h =>
    apply Or.inl
  . apply Or.inr


example (p q : Prop) : p ∧ q → q ∧ p := by
  intro h
  cases h with
  | intro hp hq => constructor; exact hq; exact hp

在这个例子中,应用cases策略后只有一个目标,h : p ∧ q被一对假设取代,hp : phq : qconstructor策略应用了唯一一个合取构造子And.intro。有了这些策略,上一节的一个例子可以改写如下。

example (p q r : Prop) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) ↔ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) := by
  apply Iff.intro
  . intro h
    cases h with
    | intro hp hqr =>
      cases hqr
      . apply Or.inl; constructor <;> assumption
      . apply Or.inr; constructor <;> assumption
  . intro h
    cases h with
    | inl hpq =>
      cases hpq with
      | intro hp hq => constructor; exact hp; apply Or.inl; exact hq
    | inr hpr =>
      cases hpr with
      | intro hp hr => constructor; exact hp; apply Or.inr; exact hr


example (p q : Nat → Prop) : (∃ x, p x) → ∃ x, p x ∨ q x := by
  intro h
  cases h with
  | intro x px => constructor; apply Or.inl; exact px

在这里,constructor策略将存在性断言的第一个组成部分,即x的值,保留为隐式的。它是由一个元变量表示的,这个元变量以后应该被实例化。在前面的例子中,元变量的正确值是由策略exact px决定的,因为px的类型是p x。如果你想明确指定存在量词的存在者,你可以使用exists策略来代替。

example (p q : Nat → Prop) : (∃ x, p x) → ∃ x, p x ∨ q x := by
  intro h
  cases h with
  | intro x px => exists x; apply Or.inl; exact px


example (p q : Nat → Prop) : (∃ x, p x ∧ q x) → ∃ x, q x ∧ p x := by
  intro h
  cases h with
  | intro x hpq =>
    cases hpq with
    | intro hp hq =>
      exists x
      constructor <;> assumption


def swap_pair : α × β → β × α := by
  intro p
  cases p
  constructor <;> assumption
def swap_sum : Sum α β → Sum β α := by
  intro p
  cases p
  . apply Sum.inr; assumption
  . apply Sum.inl; assumption



open Nat
example (P : Nat → Prop) (h₀ : P 0) (h₁ : ∀ n, P (succ n)) (m : Nat) : P m := by
 cases m with
 | zero    => exact h₀
 | succ m' => exact h₁ m'



example (p q : Prop) : p ∧ ¬ p → q := by
  intro h
  cases h


example (p q r : Prop) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) ↔ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) := by
  apply Iff.intro
  . intro h
    match h with
    | ⟨_, Or.inl _⟩ => apply Or.inl; constructor <;> assumption
    | ⟨_, Or.inr _⟩ => apply Or.inr; constructor <;> assumption
  . intro h
    match h with
    | Or.inl ⟨hp, hq⟩ => constructor; exact hp; apply Or.inl; exact hq
    | Or.inr ⟨hp, hr⟩ => constructor; exact hp; apply Or.inr; exact hr

你可以将intro hmatch h ...结合起来,然后上例就可以如下地写出:

example (p q r : Prop) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) ↔ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) := by
  apply Iff.intro
  . intro
     | ⟨hp, Or.inl hq⟩ => apply Or.inl; constructor <;> assumption
     | ⟨hp, Or.inr hr⟩ => apply Or.inr; constructor <;> assumption
  . intro
     | Or.inl ⟨hp, hq⟩ => constructor; assumption; apply Or.inl; assumption
     | Or.inr ⟨hp, hr⟩ => constructor; assumption; apply Or.inr; assumption




example (p q r : Prop) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) → (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) := by
  intro h
    have hp : p := h.left
    have hqr : q ∨ r := h.right
    show (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) by
      cases hqr with
      | inl hq => exact Or.inl ⟨hp, hq⟩
      | inr hr => exact Or.inr ⟨hp, hr⟩


example (p q r : Prop) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) ↔ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) := by
  apply Iff.intro
  . intro h
    cases h.right with
    | inl hq => exact Or.inl ⟨h.left, hq⟩
    | inr hr => exact Or.inr ⟨h.left, hr⟩
  . intro h
    cases h with
    | inl hpq => exact ⟨hpq.left, Or.inl hpq.right⟩
    | inr hpr => exact ⟨hpr.left, Or.inr hpr.right⟩


example (p q r : Prop) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) ↔ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) := by
  apply Iff.intro
  . intro h
    cases h.right with
    | inl hq =>
      show (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r)
      exact Or.inl ⟨h.left, hq⟩
    | inr hr =>
      show (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r)
      exact Or.inr ⟨h.left, hr⟩
  . intro h
    cases h with
    | inl hpq =>
      show p ∧ (q ∨ r)
      exact ⟨hpq.left, Or.inl hpq.right⟩
    | inr hpr =>
      show p ∧ (q ∨ r)
      exact ⟨hpr.left, Or.inr hpr.right⟩


example (n : Nat) : n + 1 = Nat.succ n := by
  show Nat.succ n = Nat.succ n


example (p q r : Prop) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) → (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) := by
  intro ⟨hp, hqr⟩
  show (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r)
  cases hqr with
  | inl hq =>
    have hpq : p ∧ q := And.intro hp hq
    apply Or.inl
    exact hpq
  | inr hr =>
    have hpr : p ∧ r := And.intro hp hr
    apply Or.inr
    exact hpr


example (p q r : Prop) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) → (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) := by
  intro ⟨hp, hqr⟩
  show (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r)
  cases hqr with
  | inl hq =>
    have : p ∧ q := And.intro hp hq
    apply Or.inl
    exact this
  | inr hr =>
    have : p ∧ r := And.intro hp hr
    apply Or.inr
    exact this

have策略中的类型可以省略,所以你可以写have hp := h.lefthave hqr := h.right。 事实上,使用这种符号,你甚至可以省略类型和标签,在这种情况下,新的事实是用标签this引入的。

example (p q r : Prop) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) → (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) := by
  intro ⟨hp, hqr⟩
  cases hqr with
  | inl hq =>
    have := And.intro hp hq
    apply Or.inl; exact this
  | inr hr =>
    have := And.intro hp hr
    apply Or.inr; exact this


example : ∃ x, x + 2 = 8 := by
  let a : Nat := 3 * 2
  exists a

have一样,你可以通过写let a := 3 * 2来保留类型为隐式。lethave的区别在于,let在上下文中引入了一个局部定义,因此局部声明的定义可以在证明中展开。

我们使用了.来创建嵌套的策略块。 在一个嵌套块中,Lean专注于第一个目标,如果在该块结束时还没有完全解决,就会产生一个错误。这对于表明一个策略所引入的多个子目标的单独证明是有帮助的。符号.是对空格敏感的,并且依靠缩进来检测策略块是否结束。另外,你也可以用大括号和分号来定义策略块。

example (p q r : Prop) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) ↔ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r) := by
  apply Iff.intro
  { intro h;
    cases h.right;
    { show (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r);
      exact Or.inl ⟨h.left, ‹q›⟩ }
    { show (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r);
      exact Or.inr ⟨h.left, ‹r›⟩ } }
  { intro h;
    cases h;
    { show p ∧ (q ∨ r);
      rename_i hpq;
      exact ⟨hpq.left, Or.inl hpq.right⟩ }
    { show p ∧ (q ∨ r);
      rename_i hpr;
      exact ⟨hpr.left, Or.inr hpr.right⟩ } }


  apply foo
  . <proof of first goal>
  . <proof of second goal>
  . <proof of third goal>
  . <proof of final goal>

  apply foo
  case <tag of first goal>  => <proof of first goal>
  case <tag of second goal> => <proof of second goal>
  case <tag of third goal>  => <proof of third goal>
  case <tag of final goal>  => <proof of final goal>

  apply foo
  { <proof of first goal>  }
  { <proof of second goal> }
  { <proof of third goal>  }
  { <proof of final goal>  }



example (p q : Prop) (hp : p) : p ∨ q :=
  by apply Or.inl; assumption

这里,apply Or.inl; assumption在功能上等同于一个单独的策略,它首先应用apply Or.inl,然后应用assumption

t₁ <;> t₂中,<;>操作符提供了一个并行的序列操作。t₁被应用于当前目标,然后t₂被应用于所有产生的子目标:

example (p q : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ q :=
  by constructor <;> assumption


first | t₁ | t₂ | ... | tₙ应用每个tᵢ,直到其中一个成功,否则就失败:

example (p q : Prop) (hp : p) : p ∨ q := by
  first | apply Or.inl; assumption | apply Or.inr; assumption

example (p q : Prop) (hq : q) : p ∨ q := by --(hq : q)条件变化了。
  first | apply Or.inl; assumption | apply Or.inr; assumption


example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) : p ∨ q ∨ r :=
  by repeat (first | apply Or.inl; assumption | apply Or.inr | assumption)

example (p q r : Prop) (hq : q) : p ∨ q ∨ r :=
  by repeat (first | apply Or.inl; assumption | apply Or.inr | assumption)

example (p q r : Prop) (hr : r) : p ∨ q ∨ r :=
  by repeat (first | apply Or.inl; assumption | apply Or.inr | assumption)


毫无疑问,策略可能会失败。事实上,正是这种“失败”状态导致第一组合子回溯并尝试下一个策略。try组合子建立了一个总是成功的策略,尽管可能是以一种平凡的方式:try t执行t并报告成功,即使t失败。它等同于first | t | skip,其中skip是一个什么都不做的策略(并且成功地做到了)。在下一个例子中,第二个constructor在右边的合取项q ∧ r上成功了(注意,合取和析取是右结合的),但在第一个合取项上失败。try策略保证了序列组合的成功。

example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) (hr : r) : p ∧ q ∧ r := by
  constructor <;> (try constructor) <;> assumption

小心:repeat (try t)将永远循环,因为内部策略永远不会失败。

在一个证明中,往往有多个目标未完成。并行序列是一种布置方式,以便将一个策略应用于多个目标,但也有其他的方式可以做到这一点。例如,all_goals tt应用于所有未完成的目标:

example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) (hr : r) : p ∧ q ∧ r := by
  all_goals (try constructor)
  all_goals assumption


example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) (hr : r) : p ∧ q ∧ r := by
  any_goals constructor
  any_goals assumption


example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) (hr : r) :
      p ∧ ((p ∧ q) ∧ r) ∧ (q ∧ r ∧ p) := by
  repeat (any_goals constructor)
  all_goals assumption


example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) (hr : r) :
      p ∧ ((p ∧ q) ∧ r) ∧ (q ∧ r ∧ p) := by
  repeat (any_goals (first | constructor | assumption))

组合子focus t确保t只影响当前的目标,暂时将其他目标从作用范围中隐藏。因此,如果t通常只影响当前目标,focus (all_goals t)t具有相同的效果。


计算式证明一节中简要介绍了rewrite策略(简称rw)和 simp策略。在本节和下一节中,我们将更详细地讨论它们。

rewrite策略提供了一种基本的机制,可以将替换应用于目标和假设,在处理等式时非常方便。该策略的最基本形式是rewrite [t],其中t是一个类型断定为等式的项。例如,t可以是上下文中的一个假设h : x = y;可以是一个一般的法则,如add_comm : ∀ x y, x + y = y + x,在这个法则中,重写策略试图找到xy的合适实例;或者可以是任何断言具体或一般等式的复合项。在下面的例子中,我们使用这种基本形式,用一个假设重写目标。

example (f : Nat → Nat) (k : Nat) (h₁ : f 0 = 0) (h₂ : k = 0) : f k = 0 := by
  rw [h₂] -- replace k with 0
  rw [h₁] -- replace f 0 with 0

在上面的例子中,第一次使用rw将目标f k = 0中的k替换成0。然后,第二次用0替换f 0。该策略自动关闭任何形式的目标t = t。下面是一个使用复合表达式进行重写的例子。

example (x y : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop) (q : Prop) (h : q → x = y)
        (h' : p y) (hq : q) : p x := by
  rw [h hq]; assumption

这里,h hq建立了等式x = yh hq周围的括号是不必要的,但为了清楚起见,还是加上了括号。

多个重写可以使用符号rw [t_1, ..., t_n]来组合,这只是rw t_1; ...; rw t_n的缩写。前面的例子可以写成如下:

example (f : Nat → Nat) (k : Nat) (h₁ : f 0 = 0) (h₂ : k = 0) : f k = 0 := by
  rw [h₂, h₁]


example (f : Nat → Nat) (a b : Nat) (h₁ : a = b) (h₂ : f a = 0) : f b = 0 := by
  rw [←h₁, h₂]



example (a b c : Nat) : a + b + c = a + c + b := by
  rw [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm b, ← Nat.add_assoc]

example (a b c : Nat) : a + b + c = a + c + b := by
  rw [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm b]

example (a b c : Nat) : a + b + c = a + c + b := by
  rw [Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm _ b]

在上面的第一个例子中,第一步将a + b + c重写为a + (b + c)。然后,接下来对项b + c使用交换律;如果不指定参数,该策略将把a + (b + c)重写为(b + c) + a。最后一步以相反的方向应用结合律,将a + (c + b)改写为a + c + b。接下来的两个例子则是应用结合律将两边的小括号移到右边,然后将bc调换。注意最后一个例子通过指定Nat.add_comm的第二个参数来指定重写应该在右侧进行。

默认情况下,rewrite策略只影响目标。符号rw [t] at h在假设h处应用重写t

example (f : Nat → Nat) (a : Nat) (h : a + 0 = 0) : f a = f 0 := by
  rw [Nat.add_zero] at h
  rw [h]

第一步,rw [Nat.add_zero] at h将假设a + 0 = 0改写为a = 0。然后,新的假设a = 0被用来把目标重写为f 0 = f 0

rewrite策略不限于命题。在下面的例子中,我们用rw [h] at t来重写假设t : Tuple α nt : Tuple α 0

def Tuple (α : Type) (n : Nat) :=
  { as : List α // as.length = n }

example (n : Nat) (h : n = 0) (t : Tuple α n) : Tuple α 0 := by
  rw [h] at t
  exact t



example (x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop) (h : p (x * y))
        : (x + 0) * (0 + y * 1 + z * 0) = x * y := by

example (x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop) (h : p (x * y))
        : p ((x + 0) * (0 + y * 1 + z * 0)) := by
  simp; assumption

在第一个例子中,目标中等式的左侧被简化,使用涉及0和1的通常的同义词,将目标简化为x * y = x * y'。此时simp'应用反身性(rfl)来完成它。在第二个例子中,simp将目标化简为p (x * y),这时假设h完成了它。下面是一些关于列表的例子。

open List

example (xs : List Nat)
        : reverse (xs ++ [1, 2, 3]) = [3, 2, 1] ++ reverse xs := by

example (xs ys : List α)
        : length (reverse (xs ++ ys)) = length xs + length ys := by
 simp [Nat.add_comm]


example (x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop)
        (h : p ((x + 0) * (0 + y * 1 + z * 0))) : p (x * y) := by
  simp at h; assumption


attribute [local simp] Nat.mul_comm Nat.mul_assoc Nat.mul_left_comm
attribute [local simp] Nat.add_assoc Nat.add_comm Nat.add_left_comm

example (w x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop)
        (h : p (x * y + z * w  * x)) : p (x * w * z + y * x) := by
  simp at *; assumption

example (x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop)
        (h₁ : p (1 * x + y)) (h₂ : p  (x * z * 1))
        : p (y + 0 + x) ∧ p (z * x) := by
  simp at * <;> constructor <;> assumption

上例中前两行的意思是,对于具有交换律和结合律的运算(如自然数的加法和乘法),简化器使用这两个定律来重写表达式,同时还使用左交换律。在乘法的情况下,左交换律表达如下:x * (y * z) = y * (x * z)local修饰符告诉简化器在当前文件(或小节或命名空间,视情况而定)中使用这些规则。交换律和左交换律是有一个问题是,重复应用其中一个会导致循环。但是简化器检测到了对其参数进行置换的特性,并使用了一种被称为有序重写的技术。这意味着系统保持着项的内部次序,只有在这样做会降低次序的情况下才会应用等式。对于上面提到的三个等式,其效果是表达式中的所有小括号都被结合到右边,并且表达式以一种规范的(尽管有些随意)方式排序。两个在交换律和结合律上等价的表达式然后被改写成相同的规范形式。

# attribute [local simp] Nat.mul_comm Nat.mul_assoc Nat.mul_left_comm
# attribute [local simp] Nat.add_assoc Nat.add_comm Nat.add_left_comm
example (w x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop)
        : x * y + z * w  * x = x * w * z + y * x := by

example (w x y z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop)
        (h : p (x * y + z * w  * x)) : p (x * w * z + y * x) := by
  simp; simp at h; assumption


def f (m n : Nat) : Nat :=
  m + n + m

example {m n : Nat} (h : n = 1) (h' : 0 = m) : (f m n) = n := by
  simp [h, ←h', f]


example (f : Nat → Nat) (k : Nat) (h₁ : f 0 = 0) (h₂ : k = 0) : f k = 0 := by
  simp [h₁, h₂]


example (f : Nat → Nat) (k : Nat) (h₁ : f 0 = 0) (h₂ : k = 0) : f k = 0 := by
  simp [*]


example (u w x y z : Nat) (h₁ : x = y + z) (h₂ : w = u + x)
        : w = z + y + u := by
  simp [*, Nat.add_assoc, Nat.add_comm, Nat.add_left_comm]

简化器也会进行命题重写。例如,使用假设p,它把p ∧ q改写为q,把p ∨ q改写为true,然后以普通方式证明。迭代这样的重写,会生成非平凡的命题推理。

example (p q : Prop) (hp : p) : p ∧ q ↔ q := by
  simp [*]

example (p q : Prop) (hp : p) : p ∨ q := by
  simp [*]

example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p) (hq : q) : p ∧ (q ∨ r) := by
  simp [*]


example (u w x x' y y' z : Nat) (p : Nat → Prop)
        (h₁ : x + 0 = x') (h₂ : y + 0 = y')
        : x + y + 0 = x' + y' := by
  simp at *
  simp [*]


def mk_symm (xs : List α) :=
  xs ++ xs.reverse

那么对于任何列表xsreverse (mk_symm xs)等于mk_symm xs,这可以通过展开定义轻松证明:

def mk_symm (xs : List α) :=
  xs ++ xs.reverse
theorem reverse_mk_symm (xs : List α)
        : (mk_symm xs).reverse = mk_symm xs := by
  simp [mk_symm]


example (xs ys : List Nat)
        : (xs ++ mk_symm ys).reverse = mk_symm ys ++ xs.reverse := by
  simp [reverse_mk_symm]

example (xs ys : List Nat) (p : List Nat → Prop)
        (h : p (xs ++ mk_symm ys).reverse)
        : p (mk_symm ys ++ xs.reverse) := by
  simp [reverse_mk_symm] at h; assumption


# def mk_symm (xs : List α) :=
#  xs ++ xs.reverse
@[simp] theorem reverse_mk_symm (xs : List α)
        : (mk_symm xs).reverse = mk_symm xs := by
  simp [mk_symm]

example (xs ys : List Nat)
        : (xs ++ mk_symm ys).reverse = mk_symm ys ++ xs.reverse := by

example (xs ys : List Nat) (p : List Nat → Prop)
        (h : p (xs ++ mk_symm ys).reverse)
        : p (mk_symm ys ++ xs.reverse) := by
  simp at h; assumption


# def mk_symm (xs : List α) :=
#  xs ++ xs.reverse
theorem reverse_mk_symm (xs : List α)
        : (mk_symm xs).reverse = mk_symm xs := by
  simp [mk_symm]

attribute [simp] reverse_mk_symm

example (xs ys : List Nat)
        : (xs ++ mk_symm ys).reverse = mk_symm ys ++ xs.reverse := by

example (xs ys : List Nat) (p : List Nat → Prop)
        (h : p (xs ++ mk_symm ys).reverse)
        : p (mk_symm ys ++ xs.reverse) := by
  simp at h; assumption


# def mk_symm (xs : List α) :=
#  xs ++ xs.reverse
theorem reverse_mk_symm (xs : List α)
        : (mk_symm xs).reverse = mk_symm xs := by
  simp [mk_symm]

example (xs ys : List Nat)
        : (xs ++ mk_symm ys).reverse = mk_symm ys ++ xs.reverse := by

attribute [simp] reverse_mk_symm

example (xs ys : List Nat) (p : List Nat → Prop)
        (h : p (xs ++ mk_symm ys).reverse)
        : p (mk_symm ys ++ xs.reverse) := by
  simp at h; assumption


# def mk_symm (xs : List α) :=
#  xs ++ xs.reverse
theorem reverse_mk_symm (xs : List α)
        : (mk_symm xs).reverse = mk_symm xs := by
  simp [mk_symm]

attribute [local simp] reverse_mk_symm

example (xs ys : List Nat)
        : (xs ++ mk_symm ys).reverse = mk_symm ys ++ xs.reverse := by

example (xs ys : List Nat) (p : List Nat → Prop)
        (h : p (xs ++ mk_symm ys).reverse)
        : p (mk_symm ys ++ xs.reverse) := by
  simp at h; assumption



有两个额外的修饰符是有用的。默认情况下,simp包括所有被标记为[simp]属性的定理。写simp only排除了这些默认值,允许你使用一个更明确的规则列表。在下面的例子中,减号和only被用来阻止reverse_mk_symm的应用:

def mk_symm (xs : List α) :=
  xs ++ xs.reverse
@[simp] theorem reverse_mk_symm (xs : List α)
        : (mk_symm xs).reverse = mk_symm xs := by
  simp [mk_symm]

example (xs ys : List Nat) (p : List Nat → Prop)
        (h : p (xs ++ mk_symm ys).reverse)
        : p (mk_symm ys ++ xs.reverse) := by
  simp at h; assumption

example (xs ys : List Nat) (p : List Nat → Prop)
        (h : p (xs ++ mk_symm ys).reverse)
        : p ((mk_symm ys).reverse ++ xs.reverse) := by
  simp [-reverse_mk_symm] at h; assumption

example (xs ys : List Nat) (p : List Nat → Prop)
        (h : p (xs ++ mk_symm ys).reverse)
        : p ((mk_symm ys).reverse ++ xs.reverse) := by
  simp only [List.reverse_append] at h; assumption



-- 定义一个新策略符号
syntax "triv" : tactic

  | `(tactic| triv) => `(tactic| assumption)

example (h : p) : p := by

-- 你不能用`triv`解决下面的定理:
-- example (x : α) : x = x := by
--  triv

-- 扩展`triv`。策略解释器会尝试所有可能的扩展宏,直到有一个成功。
  | `(tactic| triv) => `(tactic| rfl)

example (x : α) : x = x := by

example (x : α) (h : p) : x = x ∧ p := by
  apply And.intro <;> triv

-- 加一个递归扩展
macro_rules | `(tactic| triv) => `(tactic| apply And.intro <;> triv)

example (x : α) (h : p) : x = x ∧ p := by


  1. 用策略式证明重做命题与证明量词与等价两章的练习。适当使用rwsimp

  2. 用策略组合子给下面的例子用一行写一个证明:

 example (p q r : Prop) (hp : p)
         : (p ∨ q ∨ r) ∧ (q ∨ p ∨ r) ∧ (q ∨ r ∨ p) := by








import Bar.Baz.Blah

导入文件Bar/Baz/Blah.olean,其中的描述是相对于Lean搜索路径解释的。关于如何确定搜索路径的信息可以在文档中找到。默认情况下,它包括标准库目录,以及(在某些情况下)用户的本地项目的根目录。你也可以指定相对于当前目录的导入;例如,导入是传递性的。换句话说,如果你导入了 Foo,并且Foo导入了Bar,那么你也可以访问Bar的内容,而不需要明确导入它。



variable (x y : Nat)

def double := x + x

#check double y
#check double (2 * x)

attribute [local simp] Nat.add_assoc Nat.add_comm Nat.add_left_comm

theorem t1 : double (x + y) = double x + double y := by
  simp [double]

#check t1 y
#check t1 (2 * x)

theorem t2 : double (x * y) = double x * y := by
  simp [double, Nat.add_mul]




在Lean中,标识符是由层次化的名称给出的,如Foo.Bar.baz。我们在命名空间一节中看到,Lean提供了处理分层名称的机制。命令namespace foo导致foo被添加到每个定义和定理的名称中,直到遇到end foo。命令open foo然后为以foo开头的定义和定理创建临时的别名

namespace Foo
def bar : Nat := 1
end Foo

open Foo

#check bar
#check Foo.bar


def Foo.bar : Nat := 1


namespace Foo
def bar : Nat := 1
end Foo


def String.add (a b : String) : String :=
  a ++ b

def Bool.add (a b : Bool) : Bool :=
  a != b

def add (α β : Type) : Type := Sum α β

open Bool
open String
-- #check add -- ambiguous
#check String.add           -- String → String → String
#check Bool.add             -- Bool → Bool → Bool
#check _root_.add           -- Type → Type → Type

#check add "hello" "world"  -- String
#check add true false       -- Bool
#check add Nat Nat          -- Type


protected def Foo.bar : Nat := 1

open Foo

-- #check bar -- error
#check Foo.bar



open Nat (succ zero gcd)
#check zero     -- Nat
#eval gcd 15 6  -- 3


open Nat hiding succ gcd
#check zero     -- Nat
-- #eval gcd 15 6  -- error
#eval Nat.gcd 15 6  -- 3


open Nat renaming mul → times, add → plus
#eval plus (times 2 2) 3  -- 7



export Nat (succ add sub)





def isPrefix (l₁ : List α) (l₂ : List α) : Prop :=
  ∃ t, l₁ ++ t = l₂

@[simp] theorem List.isPrefix_self (as : List α) : isPrefix as as :=
  ⟨[], by simp⟩

example : isPrefix [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 3] := by

然后简化器通过将其改写为True来证明isPrefix [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 3]


# def isPrefix (l₁ : List α) (l₂ : List α) : Prop :=
#  ∃ t, l₁ ++ t = l₂
theorem List.isPrefix_self (as : List α) : isPrefix as as :=
  ⟨[], by simp⟩

attribute [simp] List.isPrefix_self


# def isPrefix (l₁ : List α) (l₂ : List α) : Prop :=
#  ∃ t, l₁ ++ t = l₂

theorem List.isPrefix_self (as : List α) : isPrefix as as :=
  ⟨[], by simp⟩

attribute [local simp] List.isPrefix_self

example : isPrefix [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 3] := by


-- Error:
-- example : isPrefix [1, 2, 3] [1, 2, 3] := by
--  simp


def isPrefix (l₁ : List α) (l₂ : List α) : Prop :=
  ∃ t, l₁ ++ t = l₂

instance : LE (List α) where
  le := isPrefix

theorem List.isPrefix_self (as : List α) : as ≤ as :=
  ⟨[], by simp⟩


# def isPrefix (l₁ : List α) (l₂ : List α) : Prop :=
#   ∃ t, l₁ ++ t = l₂
def instLe : LE (List α) :=
  { le := isPrefix }

attribute [local instance] instLe

example (as : List α) : as ≤ as :=
  ⟨[], by simp⟩


-- Error:
-- example (as : List α) : as ≤ as :=
--  ⟨[], by simp⟩



隐参数一节中,我们看到,如果Lean将术语t的类型显示为{x : α} → β x,那么大括号表示x被标记为t隐参数。这意味着每当你写t时,就会插入一个占位符,或者说“洞”,这样t就会被@t _取代。如果你不希望这种情况发生,你必须写@t来代替。

请注意,隐参数是急于插入的。假设我们定义一个函数f (x : Nat) {y : Nat} (z : Nat)。那么,当我们写表达式f 7时,没有进一步的参数,它会被解析为f 7 _。Lean提供了一个较弱的注释,{{y : ℕ}},它指定了一个占位符只应在后一个显式参数之前添加。这个注释也可以写成⦃y : Nat⦄,其中的unicode括号输入方式为\{{\}}。有了这个注释,表达式f 7将被解析为原样,而f 7 3将被解析为f 7 _ 3,就像使用强注释一样。


def reflexive {α : Type u} (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop :=
  ∀ (a : α), r a a

def symmetric {α : Type u} (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop :=
  ∀ {a b : α}, r a b → r b a

def transitive {α : Type u} (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop :=
  ∀ {a b c : α}, r a b → r b c → r a c

def euclidean {α : Type u} (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop :=
  ∀ {a b c : α}, r a b → r a c → r b c

theorem th1 {α : Type u} {r : α → α → Prop}
            (reflr : reflexive r) (euclr : euclidean r)
            : symmetric r :=
  fun {a b : α} =>
  fun (h : r a b) =>
  show r b a from euclr h (reflr _)

theorem th2 {α : Type u} {r : α → α → Prop}
            (symmr : symmetric r) (euclr : euclidean r)
            : transitive r :=
  fun {a b c : α} =>
  fun (rab : r a b) (rbc : r b c) =>
  euclr (symmr rab) rbc

theorem th3 {α : Type u} {r : α → α → Prop}
            (reflr : reflexive r) (euclr : euclidean r)
            : transitive r :=
 @th2 _ _ (@th1 _ _ reflr @euclr) @euclr

variable (r : α → α → Prop)
variable (euclr : euclidean r)

#check euclr  -- r ?m1 ?m2 → r ?m1 ?m3 → r ?m2 ?m3


def reflexive {α : Type u} (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop :=
  ∀ (a : α), r a a

def symmetric {α : Type u} (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop :=
  ∀ {{a b : α}}, r a b → r b a

def transitive {α : Type u} (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop :=
  ∀ {{a b c : α}}, r a b → r b c → r a c

def euclidean {α : Type u} (r : α → α → Prop) : Prop :=
  ∀ {{a b c : α}}, r a b → r a c → r b c

theorem th1 {α : Type u} {r : α → α → Prop}
            (reflr : reflexive r) (euclr : euclidean r)
            : symmetric r :=
  fun {a b : α} =>
  fun (h : r a b) =>
  show r b a from euclr h (reflr _)

theorem th2 {α : Type u} {r : α → α → Prop}
            (symmr : symmetric r) (euclr : euclidean r)
            : transitive r :=
  fun {a b c : α} =>
  fun (rab : r a b) (rbc : r b c) =>
  euclr (symmr rab) rbc

theorem th3 {α : Type u} {r : α → α → Prop}
            (reflr : reflexive r) (euclr : euclidean r)
            : transitive r :=
  th2 (th1 reflr euclr) euclr

variable (r : α → α → Prop)
variable (euclr : euclidean r)

#check euclr  -- euclidean r





Lean的语法可以由用户在各个层面进行扩展和定制,从基本的“mixfix”符号到自定义的繁饰器。事实上,所有内置的语法都是使用对用户开放的相同机制和API进行解析和处理的。 在本节中,我们将描述和解释各种扩展点。

虽然在编程语言中引入新的符号是一个相对罕见的功能,有时甚至因为它有可能使代码变得模糊不清而被人诟病,但它是形式化的一个宝贵工具,可以在代码中简洁地表达各自领域的既定惯例和符号。 除了基本的符号之外,Lean的能力是将普通的样板代码分解成(良好的)宏,并嵌入整个定制的特定领域语言(DSL,domain specific language),对子问题进行高效和可读的文本编码,这对程序员和证明工程师都有很大的好处。



infixl:65   " + " => HAdd.hAdd  -- 左结合
infix:50    " = " => Eq         -- 非结合
infixr:80   " ^ " => HPow.hPow  -- 右结合
prefix:100  "-"   => Neg.neg
set_option quotPrecheck false
postfix:max "⁻¹"  => Inv.inv


运算符种类(其“结合方式”) : 解析优先级 "新的或现有的符号" => 这个符号应该翻译成的函数


notation:65 lhs:65 " + " rhs:66 => HAdd.hAdd lhs rhs
notation:50 lhs:51 " = " rhs:51 => Eq lhs rhs
notation:80 lhs:81 " ^ " rhs:80 => HPow.hPow lhs rhs
notation:100 "-" arg:100 => Neg.neg arg
# set_option quotPrecheck false
notation:1024 arg:1024 "⁻¹" => Inv.inv arg  -- `max` is a shorthand for precedence 1024

事实证明,第一个代码块中的所有命令实际上都是命令,翻译成更通用的notation命令。我们将在下面学习如何编写这种宏。 notation命令不接受单一的记号,而是接受一个混合的记号序列和有优先级的命名项占位符,这些占位符可以在=>的右侧被引用,并将被在该位置解析的相应项所取代。 优先级为p的占位符在该处只接受优先级至少为p的记号。因此,字符串a + b + c不能被解析为等同于a + (b + c),因为infixl符号的右侧操作数的优先级比该符号本身大。 相反,infixr重用了符号右侧操作数的优先级,所以a ^ b ^ c 可以被解析为a ^ (b ^ c)。 注意,如果我们直接使用notation来引入一个infix符号,如

# set_option quotPrecheck false
notation:65 lhs:65 " ~ " rhs:65 => wobble lhs rhs

在上文没有充分确定结合规则的情况下,Lean的解析器将默认为右结合。 更确切地说,Lean的解析器在存在模糊语法的情况下遵循一个局部的最长解析规则:当解析a ~a ~ b ~ c的右侧时,它将继续尽可能长的解析(在当前的上下文允许的情况下),不在b之后停止,而是同时解析~ c。因此该术语等同于a ~ (b ~ c)


# set_option quotPrecheck false
notation:max "(" e ")" => e
notation:10 Γ " ⊢ " e " : " τ => Typing Γ e τ


notation:65 a " + " b:66 " + " c:66 => a + b - c
#eval 1 + 2 + 3  -- 0

新的符号比二进制符号要好,因为后者在连锁之前,会在1 + 2之后停止解析。 如果有多个符号接受同一个最长的解析,选择将被推迟到阐述,这将失败,除非正好有一个重载是类型正确的。



variable (m n : Nat)
variable (i j : Int)

#check i + m      -- i + Int.ofNat m : Int
#check i + m + j  -- i + Int.ofNat m + j : Int
#check i + m + n  -- i + Int.ofNat m + Int.ofNat n : Int



-- examples with equality
#check Eq
#check @Eq
#check Eq.symm
#check @Eq.symm

#print Eq.symm

-- examples with And
#check And
#check And.intro
#check @And.intro

-- a user-defined function
def foo {α : Type u} (x : α) : α := x

#check foo
#check @foo
#print foo



set_option <name> <value>


pp.explicit  : display implicit arguments
pp.universes : display hidden universe parameters
pp.notation  : display output using defined notations

As an example, the following settings yield much longer output:

set_option pp.explicit true
set_option pp.universes true
set_option pp.notation false

#check 2 + 2 = 4
#reduce (fun x => x + 2) = (fun x => x + 3)
#check (fun x => x + 1) 1

命令set_option pp.all true一次性执行这些设置,而set_option pp.all false则恢复到之前的值。当你调试一个证明,或试图理解一个神秘的错误信息时,漂亮地打印额外的信息往往是非常有用的。不过太多的信息可能会让人不知所措,Lean的默认值一般来说对普通的交互是足够的。

译者注:在Lean3的教程中有一节“Elaboration Hints”,在本教程中被注释掉了。有兴趣的读者可以去查阅。






#check Nat.succ_ne_zero
#check Nat.zero_add
#check Nat.mul_one
#check Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ

Lean中的标识符可以被组织到分层的命名空间中。例如,命名空间Nat中名为le_of_succ_le_succ的定理有全称Nat.le_of_succ_le_succ,但较短的名称可由命令open Nat提供(对于未标记为protected的名称)。我们将在归纳类型结构体和记录中看到,在Lean中定义结构体和归纳数据类型会产生相关操作,这些操作存储在与被定义类型同名的命名空间。例如,乘积类型带有以下操作:

#check @Prod.mk
#check @Prod.fst
#check @Prod.snd
#check @Prod.rec



#check @And.intro
#check @And.casesOn
#check @And.left
#check @And.right
#check @Or.inl
#check @Or.inr
#check @Or.elim
#check @Exists.intro
#check @Exists.elim
#check @Eq.refl
#check @Eq.subst



universe u v w
def compose {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w}
            (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) (x : α) : γ :=
  g (f x)


def compose.{u, v, w}
            {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w}
            (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) (x : α) : γ :=
  g (f x)

Lean 4支持一个名为自动约束隐参数的新特性。它使诸如compose这样的函数在编写时更加方便。当Lean处理一个声明的头时,如果它是一个小写字母或希腊字母,任何未约束的标识符都会被自动添加为隐式参数。有了这个特性,我们可以把compose写成

def compose (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) (x : α) : γ :=
  g (f x)

#check @compose
-- {β : Sort u_1} → {γ : Sort u_2} → {α : Sort u_3} → (β → γ) → (α → β) → α → γ


虽然我们很喜欢这个功能,并且在实现Lean时广泛使用,但我们意识到有些用户可能会对它感到不舒服。因此,你可以使用set_option autoBoundImplicitLocal false命令将其禁用。

set_option autoBoundImplicitLocal false
/- The following definition produces `unknown identifier` errors -/
-- def compose (g : β → γ) (f : α → β) (x : α) : γ :=
--   g (f x)


在Lean 3 stdlib中,我们发现了许多例子包含丑陋的@+_惯用法。当我们的预期类型是一个带有隐参数的函数类型,而我们有一个常量(例子中的reader_t.pure)也需要隐参数时,就会经常使用这个惯用法。在Lean 4中,繁饰器自动引入了lambda来消除隐参数。我们仍在探索这一功能并分析其影响,但到目前为止的结果是非常积极的。下面是上面链接中使用Lean 4隐式lambda的例子。

# variable (ρ : Type) (m : Type → Type) [Monad m]
instance : Monad (ReaderT ρ m) where
  pure := ReaderT.pure
  bind := ReaderT.bind


# namespace ex2
def id1 : {α : Type} → α → α :=
  fun x => x

def listId : List ({α : Type} → α → α) :=
  (fun x => x) :: []

-- In this example, implicit lambda introduction has been disabled because
-- we use `@` before `fun`
def id2 : {α : Type} → α → α :=
  @fun α (x : α) => id1 x

def id3 : {α : Type} → α → α :=
  @fun α x => id1 x

def id4 : {α : Type} → α → α :=
  fun x => id1 x

-- In this example, implicit lambda introduction has been disabled
-- because we used the binder annotation `{...}`
def id5 : {α : Type} → α → α :=
  fun {α} x => id1 x
# end ex2


在Lean 3中,我们可以通过使用小括号从infix运算符中创建简单的函数。例如,(+1)fun x, x + 1的语法糖。在Lean 4中,我们用·作为占位符来扩展这个符号。这里有几个例子:

namespace ex3
#check (· + 1)
-- fun a => a + 1
#check (2 - ·)
-- fun a => 2 - a
#eval [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].foldl (·*·) 1
-- 120

def f (x y z : Nat) :=
  x + y + z

#check (f · 1 ·)
-- fun a b => f a 1 b

#eval [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)].map (·.1)
-- [1, 3, 5]
# end ex3

如同在Lean 3中,符号是用圆括号激活的,lambda抽象是通过收集嵌套的·创建的。这个集合被嵌套的小括号打断。在下面的例子中创建了两个不同的lambda表达式。

#check (Prod.mk · (· + 1))
-- fun a => (a, fun b => b + 1)


命名参数使你可以通过用参数的名称而不是参数列表中的位置来指定参数。 如果你不记得参数的顺序但知道它们的名字,你可以以任何顺序传入参数。当Lean未能推断出一个隐参数时,你也可以提供该参数的值。命名参数还可以通过识别每个参数所代表的内容来提高你的代码的可读性。

def sum (xs : List Nat) :=
  xs.foldl (init := 0) (·+·)

#eval sum [1, 2, 3, 4]
-- 10

example {a b : Nat} {p : Nat → Nat → Nat → Prop} (h₁ : p a b b) (h₂ : b = a)
    : p a a b :=
  Eq.subst (motive := fun x => p a x b) h₂ h₁


def f (x : Nat) (y : Nat := 1) (w : Nat := 2) (z : Nat) :=
  x + y + w - z

example (x z : Nat) : f (z := z) x = x + 1 + 2 - z := rfl

example (x z : Nat) : f x (z := z) = x + 1 + 2 - z := rfl

example (x y : Nat) : f x y = fun z => x + y + 2 - z := rfl

example : f = (fun x z => x + 1 + 2 - z) := rfl

example (x : Nat) : f x = fun z => x + 1 + 2 - z := rfl

example (y : Nat) : f (y := 5) = fun x z => x + 5 + 2 - z := rfl

def g {α} [Add α] (a : α) (b? : Option α := none) (c : α) : α :=
  match b? with
  | none   => a + c
  | some b => a + b + c

variable {α} [Add α]

example : g = fun (a c : α) => a + c := rfl

example (x : α) : g (c := x) = fun (a : α) => a + x := rfl

example (x : α) : g (b? := some x) = fun (a c : α) => a + x + c := rfl

example (x : α) : g x = fun (c : α) => x + c := rfl

example (x y : α) : g x y = fun (c : α) => x + y + c := rfl


inductive Term where
  | var    (name : String)
  | num    (val : Nat)
  | add    (fn : Term) (arg : Term)
  | lambda (name : String) (type : Term) (body : Term)

def getBinderName : Term → Option String
  | Term.lambda (name := n) .. => some n
  | _ => none

def getBinderType : Term → Option Term
  | Term.lambda (type := t) .. => some t
  | _ => none


example (f : Nat → Nat) (a b c : Nat) : f (a + b + c) = f (a + (b + c)) :=
  congrArg f (Nat.add_assoc ..)


我们已经看到Lean的形式基础包括基本类型,Prop, Type 0, Type 1, Type 2, ...,并允许形成依值函数类型,(x : α) → β。在例子中,我们还使用了额外的类型,如BoolNatInt,以及类型构造子,如List和乘积×。事实上,在Lean的库中,除了宇宙之外的每一个具体类型和除了依值箭头之外的每一个类型构造子都是一个被称为归纳类型的类型构造的一般类别的实例。值得注意的是,仅用类型宇宙、依值箭头类型和归纳类型就可以构建一个内涵丰富的数学大厦;其他一切都源于这些。


    inductive Foo where
      | constructor₁ : ... → Foo
      | constructor₂ : ... → Foo
      | constructorₙ : ... → Foo








inductive Weekday where
  | sunday : Weekday
  | monday : Weekday
  | tuesday : Weekday
  | wednesday : Weekday
  | thursday : Weekday
  | friday : Weekday
  | saturday : Weekday


#check Weekday.sunday
#check Weekday.monday

open Weekday

#check sunday
#check monday

在声明Weekday的归纳类型时,可以省略: Weekday

inductive Weekday where
  | sunday
  | monday
  | tuesday
  | wednesday
  | thursday
  | friday
  | saturday

sundaymonday、... 、saturday看作是Weekday的不同元素,没有其他有区别的属性。消去规则Weekday.rec,与Weekday类型及其构造子一起定义。它也被称为递归子,它是使该类型“归纳”的原因:它允许我们通过给每个构造子分配相应的值来定义Weekday的函数。直观的说,归纳类型是由构造子详尽地生成的,除了它们构造的元素外,没有其他元素。


open Weekday

def numberOfDay (d : Weekday) : Nat :=
  match d with
  | sunday    => 1
  | monday    => 2
  | tuesday   => 3
  | wednesday => 4
  | thursday  => 5
  | friday    => 6
  | saturday  => 7

#eval numberOfDay Weekday.sunday  -- 1
#eval numberOfDay Weekday.monday  -- 2
#eval numberOfDay Weekday.tuesday -- 3

注意,match表达式是使用你声明归纳类型时生成的递归子 Weekday.rec来编译的。

open Weekday

def numberOfDay (d : Weekday) : Nat :=
  match d with
  | sunday    => 1
  | monday    => 2
  | tuesday   => 3
  | wednesday => 4
  | thursday  => 5
  | friday    => 6
  | saturday  => 7

set_option pp.all true
#print numberOfDay
-- ... numberOfDay.match_1
#print numberOfDay.match_1
-- ... Weekday.casesOn ...
#print Weekday.casesOn
-- ... Weekday.rec ...
#check @Weekday.rec
 : {motive : Weekday → Sort u} →
    motive Weekday.sunday →
    motive Weekday.monday →
    motive Weekday.tuesday →
    motive Weekday.wednesday →
    motive Weekday.thursday →
    motive Weekday.friday →
    motive Weekday.saturday →
    (t : Weekday) → motive t

译者注:此处详细解释一下递归子rec。递归子作为归纳类型的消去规则,用于构造归纳类型到其他类型的函数。从最朴素的集合论直觉上讲,枚举类型的函数只需要规定每个元素的对应,也就是match的方式,但是要注意,match并不像其他Lean关键字那样是一种简单的语法声明,它实际上是一种功能,而这并不是类型论自带的功能。因此match需要一个类型论实现,也就是递归子。现在我们通过#check @Weekday.rec命令的输出来看递归子是如何工作的。首先回忆@是显式参数的意思。递归子是一个复杂的函数,输入的信息有1)motive:一个“目的”函数,表明想要拿当前类型构造什么类型。这个输出类型足够一般所以在u上;2)motive函数对所有枚举元素的输出值(这里就显得它非常“递归”)。这两点是准备工作,下面是这个函数的实际工作:输入一个具体的属于这个枚举类型的项t,输出结果motive t。下文在非枚举类型中,会直接用到这些递归子,届时可以更清晰地看到它们如何被使用。

当声明一个归纳数据类型时,你可以使用deriving Repr来指示Lean生成一个函数,将Weekday对象转换为文本。这个函数被#eval命令用来显示Weekday对象。

inductive Weekday where
  | sunday
  | monday
  | tuesday
  | wednesday
  | thursday
  | friday
  | saturday
  deriving Repr

open Weekday

#eval tuesday   -- Weekday.tuesday



namespace Weekday
def next (d : Weekday) : Weekday :=
  match d with
  | sunday    => monday
  | monday    => tuesday
  | tuesday   => wednesday
  | wednesday => thursday
  | thursday  => friday
  | friday    => saturday
  | saturday  => sunday

def previous (d : Weekday) : Weekday :=
  match d with
  | sunday    => saturday
  | monday    => sunday
  | tuesday   => monday
  | wednesday => tuesday
  | thursday  => wednesday
  | friday    => thursday
  | saturday  => friday

#eval next (next tuesday)      -- Weekday.thursday
#eval next (previous tuesday)  -- Weekday.tuesday

example : next (previous tuesday) = tuesday :=

end Weekday

我们如何证明next (previous d) = d对于任何Weekdayd的一般定理?你可以使用match来为每个构造子提供一个证明:

def next_previous (d : Weekday) : next (previous d) = d :=
  match d with
  | sunday    => rfl
  | monday    => rfl
  | tuesday   => rfl
  | wednesday => rfl
  | thursday  => rfl
  | friday    => rfl
  | saturday  => rfl

用策略证明更简洁:(复习:组合子tac1 <;> tac2,意为将tac2应用于策略tac1产生的每个子目标。)

def next_previous (d : Weekday) : next (previous d) = d := by
  cases d <;> rfl




namespace Hidden
inductive Bool where
  | false : Bool
  | true  : Bool
end Hidden

(为了运行这个例子,我们把它们放在一个叫做Hidden的命名空间中,这样像Bool这样的名字就不会和标准库中的 Bool冲突。这是必要的,因为这些类型是Lean“启动工作”的一部分,在系统启动时被自动导入)。

作为一个练习,你应该思考这些类型的引入和消去规则的作用。作为进一步的练习,我们建议在Bool类型上定义布尔运算 andornot,并验证其共性。提示,你可以使用match来定义像and这样的二元运算:

namespace Hidden
def and (a b : Bool) : Bool :=
  match a with
  | true  => b
  | false => false
end Hidden




namespace Hidden
inductive Prod (α : Type u) (β : Type v)
  | mk : α → β → Prod α β

inductive Sum (α : Type u) (β : Type v) where
  | inl : α → Sum α β
  | inr : β → Sum α β
end Hidden

请注意,我们在构造子的目标中没有包括类型αβ。思考一下这些例子中发生了什么。乘积类型有一个构造子Prod.mk,它需要两个参数。要在Prod α β上定义一个函数,我们可以假设输入的形式是Prod.mk a b,而我们必须指定输出,用ab来表示。我们可以用它来定义Prod的两个投影。注意,标准库定义的符号α × β表示Prod α β(a, b)表示Prod.mk a b

def fst {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (p : Prod α β) : α :=
  match p with
  | Prod.mk a b => a

def snd {α : Type u} {β : Type v} (p : Prod α β) : β :=
  match p with
  | Prod.mk a b => b

函数fst接收一个对pmatchp解释为一个对Prod.mk a b。还记得在依值类型论中,为了给这些定义以最大的通用性,我们允许类型αβ属于任何宇宙。


def prod_example (p : Bool × Nat) : Nat :=
  Prod.casesOn (motive := fun _ => Nat) p (fun b n => cond b (2 * n) (2 * n + 1))

#eval prod_example (true, 3)
#eval prod_example (false, 3)

参数motive是用来指定你要构造的对象的类型,它是一个依值的函数,_是被自动推断出的类型,此处即Bool × Nat。函数cond是一个布尔条件:cond b t1 t2,如果b为真,返回t1,否则返回t2。函数prod_example接收一个由布尔值b和一个数字n组成的对,并根据b为真或假返回2 * n2 * n + 1

相比之下,求和类型有两个构造子inlinr(表示“从左引入”和“从右引入”),每个都需要一个(显式的)参数。要在Sum α β上定义一个函数,我们必须处理两种情况:要么输入的形式是inl a,由此必须依据a指定一个输出值;要么输入的形式是inr b,由此必须依据b指定一个输出值。

def sum_example (s : Sum Nat Nat) : Nat :=
Sum.casesOn (motive := fun _ => Nat) s
   (fun n => 2 * n)
   (fun n => 2 * n + 1)

#eval sum_example (Sum.inl 3)
#eval sum_example (Sum.inr 3)

这个例子与前面的例子类似,但现在输入到sum_example的内容隐含了inl ninr n的形式。在第一种情况下,函数返回2 * n,第二种情况下,它返回2 * n + 1

注意,乘积类型取决于参数α β : Type,这些参数是构造子和Prod的参数。Lean会检测这些参数何时可以从构造子的参数或返回类型中推断出来,并在这种情况下使其隐式。


一个有多个构造子的类型是析取的:Sum α β的一个元素要么是inl a的形式,要么是inl b的形式。一个有多个参数的构造子引入了合取信息:从Prod.mk a b的元素Prod α β中我们可以提取ab。一个任意的归纳类型可以包括这两个特征:拥有任意数量的构造子,每个构造子都需要任意数量的参数。


namespace Hidden
inductive Prod (α : Type u) (β : Type v)
  | mk : α → β → Prod α β
inductive Sum (α : Type u) (β : Type v) where
  | inl : α → Sum α β
  | inr : β → Sum α β
inductive Prod (α : Type u) (β : Type v) where
  | mk (fst : α) (snd : β) : Prod α β

inductive Sum (α : Type u) (β : Type v) where
  | inl (a : α) : Sum α β
  | inr (b : β) : Sum α β
end Hidden



namespace Hidden
structure Prod (α : Type u) (β : Type v) where
  mk :: (fst : α) (snd : β)
end Hidden



structure Color where
  (red : Nat) (green : Nat) (blue : Nat)
  deriving Repr

def yellow := Color.mk 255 255 0

#eval Color.red yellow



structure Color where
  red : Nat
  green : Nat
  blue : Nat
  deriving Repr


structure Semigroup where
  carrier : Type u
  mul : carrier → carrier → carrier
  mul_assoc : ∀ a b c, mul (mul a b) c = mul a (mul b c)



namespace Hidden
inductive Sigma {α : Type u} (β : α → Type v) where
  | mk : (a : α) → β a → Sigma β
end Hidden


namespace Hidden
inductive Option (α : Type u) where
  | none : Option α
  | some : α → Option α

inductive Inhabited (α : Type u) where
  | mk : α → Inhabited α
end Hidden

在依值类型论的语义中,没有内置的部分函数的概念。一个函数类型α → β或一个依值函数类型(a : α) → β的每个元素都被假定为在每个输入端有一个值。Option类型提供了一种表示部分函数的方法。Option β的一个元素要么是none,要么是some b的形式,用于某个值b : β。因此我们可以认为α → Option β类型的元素f是一个从αβ的部分函数:对于每一个a : αf a要么返回none,表示f a是“未定义”,要么返回some b

Inhabited α的一个元素只是证明了α有一个元素的事实。稍后,我们将看到Inhabited是Lean中类型族的一个例子:Lean可以被告知合适的基础类型是含有元素的,并且可以在此基础上自动推断出其他构造类型是含有元素的。




namespace Hidden
inductive False : Prop

inductive True : Prop where
  | intro : True

inductive And (a b : Prop) : Prop where
  | intro : a → b → And a b

inductive Or (a b : Prop) : Prop where
  | inl : a → Or a b
  | inr : b → Or a b
end Hidden

你应该想一想这些是如何产生你已经看到的引入和消去规则的。有一些规则规定了归纳类型的消去子可以去消去什么,或者说,哪些类型可以成为递归子的目标。粗略地说,Prop中的归纳类型的特点是,只能消去成Prop中的其他类型。这与以下理解是一致的:如果p : Prop,一个元素hp : p不携带任何数据。然而,这个规则有一个小的例外,我们将在归纳族一节中讨论。


namespace Hidden
inductive Exists {α : Type u} (q : α → Prop) : Prop where
  | intro : ∀ (a : α), q a → Exists q
end Hidden

请记住,符号∃ x : α, pExists (fun x : α => p)的语法糖。

False, True, AndOr的定义与Empty, Unit, ProdSum的定义完全类似。不同的是,第一组产生的是Prop的元素,第二组产生的是Type u的元素,适用于某些u。类似地,∃ x : α, pΣ x : α, pProp值的变体。

这里可以提到另一个归纳类型,表示为{x : α // p},它有点像∃ x : α, PΣ x : α, P之间的混合。

namespace Hidden
inductive Subtype {α : Type u} (p : α → Prop) where
  | mk : (x : α) → p x → Subtype p
end Hidden


符号{x : α // p x}Subtype (fun x : α => p x)的语法糖。它仿照集合理论中的子集表示法:{x : α // p x}表示具有属性pα元素的集合。



namespace Hidden
inductive Nat where
  | zero : Nat
  | succ : Nat → Nat
end Hidden

有两个构造子,我们从zero : Nat开始;它不需要参数,所以我们一开始就有了它。相反,构造子succ只能应用于先前构造的Nat。将其应用于zero,得到succ zero : Nat。再次应用它可以得到succ (succ zero) : Nat,依此类推。直观地说,Nat是具有这些构造子的“最小”类型,这意味着它是通过从zero开始并重复应用succ这样无穷无尽地(并且自由地)生成的。

和以前一样,Nat的递归子被设计用来定义一个从Nat到任何域的依值函数f,也就是一个(n : nat) → motive n的元素f,其中motive : Nat → Sort u。它必须处理两种情况:一种是输入为zero的情况,另一种是输入为 succ n的情况,其中n : Nat。在第一种情况下,我们只需指定一个适当类型的目标值,就像以前一样。但是在第二种情况下,递归子可以假设在n处的f的值已经被计算过了。因此,递归子的下一个参数是以nf n来指定f (succ n)的值。


#check @Nat.rec
  {motive : Nat → Sort u}
  → motive Nat.zero
  → ((n : Nat) → motive n → motive (Nat.succ n))
  → (t : Nat) → motive t

隐参数motive,是被定义的函数的陪域。在类型论中,通常说motive是消去/递归的目的,因为它描述了我们希望构建的对象类型。接下来的两个参数指定了如何计算零和后继的情况,如上所述。它们也被称为小前提minor premises。最后,t : Nat,是函数的输入。它也被称为大前提major premise


@Nat.recOn :
  {motive : Nat → Sort u}
  → (t : Nat)
  → motive Nat.zero
  → ((n : Nat) → motive n → motive (Nat.succ n))
  → motive t

例如,考虑自然数上的加法函数add m n。固定m,我们可以通过递归来定义n的加法。在基本情况下,我们将add m zero设为m。在后续步骤中,假设add m n的值已经确定,我们将add m (succ n)定义为succ (add m n)

namespace Hidden
inductive Nat where
  | zero : Nat
  | succ : Nat → Nat
  deriving Repr

def add (m n : Nat) : Nat :=
  match n with
  | Nat.zero   => m
  | Nat.succ n => Nat.succ (add m n)

open Nat

#eval add (succ (succ zero)) (succ zero)
end Hidden


namespace Nat

def add (m n : Nat) : Nat :=
  match n with
  | Nat.zero   => m
  | Nat.succ n => Nat.succ (add m n)

instance : Add Nat where
  add := add

theorem add_zero (m : Nat) : m + zero = m := rfl
theorem add_succ (m n : Nat) : m + succ n = succ (m + n) := rfl

end Nat
# end Hidden


然而,证明像zero + m = m这样的事实,需要用归纳法证明。如上所述,归纳原则只是递归原则的一个特例,其中陪域motive nProp的一个元素。它代表了熟悉的归纳证明模式:要证明∀ n, motive n,首先要证明motive 0,然后对于任意的n,假设ih : motive n并证明motive (succ n)

open Nat

theorem zero_add (n : Nat) : 0 + n = n :=
  Nat.recOn (motive := fun x => 0 + x = x)
   (show 0 + 0 = 0 from rfl)
   (fun (n : Nat) (ih : 0 + n = n) =>
    show 0 + succ n = succ n from
       0 + succ n = succ (0 + n) := rfl
                _ = succ n       := by rw [ih])


open Nat

theorem zero_add (n : Nat) : 0 + n = n :=
  Nat.recOn (motive := fun x => 0 + x = x) n
    (fun n ih => by simp [add_succ, ih])

另一个例子,让我们证明加法结合律,∀ m n k, m + n + k = m + (n + k)。(我们定义的符号+是向左结合的,所以m + n + k实际上是(m + n) + k。) 最难的部分是确定在哪个变量上做归纳。由于加法是由第二个参数的递归定义的,k是一个很好的猜测,一旦我们做出这个选择,证明几乎是顺理成章的:

open Nat
theorem add_assoc (m n k : Nat) : m + n + k = m + (n + k) :=
  Nat.recOn (motive := fun k => m + n + k = m + (n + k)) k
    (show m + n + 0 = m + (n + 0) from rfl)
    (fun k (ih : m + n + k = m + (n + k)) =>
      show m + n + succ k = m + (n + succ k) from
          m + n + succ k = succ (m + n + k) := rfl
            _ = succ (m + (n + k)) := by rw [ih]
            _ = m + succ (n + k) := rfl
            _ = m + (n + succ k) := rfl)


open Nat
theorem add_assoc (m n k : Nat) : m + n + k = m + (n + k) :=
  Nat.recOn (motive := fun k => m + n + k = m + (n + k)) k
    (fun k ih => by simp [Nat.add_succ, ih]; done)


open Nat
theorem add_comm (m n : Nat) : m + n = n + m :=
  Nat.recOn (motive := fun x => m + x = x + m) n
   (show m + 0 = 0 + m by rw [Nat.zero_add, Nat.add_zero])
   (fun (n : Nat) (ih : m + n = n + m) =>
    show m + succ n = succ n + m from
    calc m + succ n = succ (m + n) := rfl
                  _ = succ (n + m) := by rw [ih]
                  _ = succ n +  m  := sorry)

在这一点上,我们看到我们需要另一个事实,即succ (n + m) = succ n + m。你可以通过对m的归纳来证明这一点:

open Nat

theorem succ_add (n m : Nat) : succ n + m = succ (n + m) :=
  Nat.recOn (motive := fun x => succ n + x = succ (n + x)) m
    (show succ n + 0 = succ (n + 0) from rfl)
    (fun (m : Nat) (ih : succ n + m = succ (n + m)) =>
     show succ n + succ m = succ (n + succ m) from
     calc succ n + succ m = succ (succ n + m) := rfl
           _  = succ (succ (n + m))           := by rw [ih]
           _  = succ (n + succ m)             := rfl)


namespace Hidden
open Nat
theorem succ_add (n m : Nat) : succ n + m = succ (n + m) :=
  Nat.recOn (motive := fun x => succ n + x = succ (n + x)) m
    (fun m ih => by simp only [add_succ, ih])

theorem add_comm (m n : Nat) : m + n = n + m :=
  Nat.recOn (motive := fun x => m + x = x + m) n
    (by simp)
    (fun m ih => by simp only [add_succ, succ_add, ih])
end Hidden


让我们再考虑一些归纳定义类型的例子。对于任何类型α,在库中定义了α的元素列表List α类型。

namespace Hidden
inductive List (α : Type u) where
| nil  : List α
| cons : α → List α → List α

namespace List

def append (as bs : List α) : List α :=
  match as with
  | nil       => bs
  | cons a as => cons a (append as bs)

theorem nil_append (as : List α) : append nil as = as :=

theorem cons_append (a : α) (as bs : List α)
                    : append (cons a as) bs = cons a (append as bs) :=

end List
end Hidden

一个α类型的元素列表,要么是空列表nil,要么是一个元素h : α,后面是一个列表t : List α。第一个元素h,通常被称为列表的“头”,最后一个t,被称为“尾”。


theorem append_nil (as : List α) : append as nil = as :=

theorem append_assoc (as bs cs : List α)
        : append (append as bs) cs = append as (append bs cs) :=

还可以尝试定义函数length : {α : Type u} → List α → Nat,返回一个列表的长度,并证明它的行为符合我们的期望(例如,length (append as bs) = length as + length bs)。


inductive BinaryTree where
  | leaf : BinaryTree
  | node : BinaryTree → BinaryTree → BinaryTree


inductive CBTree where
  | leaf : CBTree
  | sup : (Nat → CBTree) → CBTree

namespace CBTree

def succ (t : CBTree) : CBTree :=
  sup (fun _ => t)

def toCBTree : Nat → CBTree
  | 0 => leaf
  | n+1 => succ (toCBTree n)

def omega : CBTree :=
  sup toCBTree

end CBTree




example (p : Nat → Prop) (hz : p 0) (hs : ∀ n, p (Nat.succ n)) : ∀ n, p n := by
  intro n
  cases n
  . exact hz  -- goal is p 0
  . apply hs  -- goal is a : ℕ ⊢ p (succ a)

还有一些额外的修饰功能。首先,cases允许你使用with子句来选择每个选项的名称。例如在下一个例子中,我们为succ的参数选择m这个名字,这样第二个情况就指的是succ m。更重要的是,cases策略将检测局部环境中任何依赖于目标变量的项目。它将这些元素还原,进行拆分,并重新引入它们。在下面的例子中,注意假设h : n ≠ 0在第一个分支中变成h : 0 ≠ 0,在第二个分支中变成h : succ m ≠ 0

open Nat

example (n : Nat) (h : n ≠ 0) : succ (pred n) = n := by
  cases n with
  | zero =>
    -- goal: h : 0 ≠ 0 ⊢ succ (pred 0) = 0
    apply absurd rfl h
  | succ m =>
    -- second goal: h : succ m ≠ 0 ⊢ succ (pred (succ m)) = succ m


def f (n : Nat) : Nat := by
  cases n; exact 3; exact 7

example : f 0 = 3 := rfl
example : f 5 = 7 := rfl


def Tuple (α : Type) (n : Nat) :=
  { as : List α // as.length = n }

def f {n : Nat} (t : Tuple α n) : Nat := by
  cases n; exact 3; exact 7

def myTuple : Tuple Nat 3 :=
  ⟨[0, 1, 2], rfl⟩

example : f myTuple = 7 :=


inductive Foo where
  | bar1 : Nat → Nat → Foo
  | bar2 : Nat → Nat → Nat → Foo

def silly (x : Foo) : Nat := by
  cases x with
  | bar1 a b => exact b
  | bar2 c d e => exact e


inductive Foo where
  | bar1 : Nat → Nat → Foo
  | bar2 : Nat → Nat → Nat → Foo

def silly (x : Foo) : Nat := by
  cases x with
  | bar2 c d e => exact e
  | bar1 a b => exact b


inductive Foo where
  | bar1 : Nat → Nat → Foo
  | bar2 : Nat → Nat → Nat → Foo

def silly (x : Foo) : Nat := by
  cases x
  case bar2 c d e => exact e
  case bar1 a b => exact b


inductive Foo where
  | bar1 : Nat → Nat → Foo
  | bar2 : Nat → Nat → Nat → Foo

def silly (x : Foo) : Nat := by
  cases x
  case bar1 a b => exact b
  case bar2 c d e => exact e


open Nat

example (p : Nat → Prop) (hz : p 0) (hs : ∀ n, p (succ n)) (m k : Nat)
        : p (m + 3 * k) := by
  cases m + 3 * k
  exact hz   -- goal is p 0
  apply hs   -- goal is a : ℕ ⊢ p (succ a)

可以认为这是在说“把m + 3 * k是零或者某个数字的后继的情况拆开”。其结果在功能上等同于以下:

open Nat

example (p : Nat → Prop) (hz : p 0) (hs : ∀ n, p (succ n)) (m k : Nat)
        : p (m + 3 * k) := by
  generalize m + 3 * k = n
  cases n
  exact hz   -- goal is p 0
  apply hs   -- goal is a : ℕ ⊢ p (succ a)

注意,表达式m + 3 * kgeneralize删除了;重要的只是它的形式是0还是succ a。这种形式的cases不会恢复任何同时提到方程中的表达式的假设(在本例中是m + 3 * k)。如果这样的术语出现在一个假设中,而你也想对其进行概括,你需要明确地恢复revert它。


example (p : Prop) (m n : Nat)
        (h₁ : m < n → p) (h₂ : m ≥ n → p) : p := by
  cases Nat.lt_or_ge m n
  case inl hlt => exact h₁ hlt
  case inr hge => exact h₂ hge

定理Nat.lt_or_ge m nm < n ∨ m ≥ n,很自然地认为上面的证明是在这两种情况下的分割。在第一个分支中,我们有假设h₁ : m < n,在第二个分支中,我们有假设h₂ : m ≥ n。上面的证明在功能上等同于以下:

example (p : Prop) (m n : Nat)
        (h₁ : m < n → p) (h₂ : m ≥ n → p) : p := by
  have h : m < n ∨ m ≥ n := Nat.lt_or_ge m n
  cases h
  case inl hlt => exact h₁ hlt
  case inr hge => exact h₂ hge

在前两行之后,我们有h : m < n ∨ m ≥ n作为假设,我们只需在此基础上做cases。

下面是另一个例子,我们利用自然数相等的可判定性,对m = nm ≠ n的情况进行拆分。

#check Nat.sub_self

example (m n : Nat) : m - n = 0 ∨ m ≠ n := by
  cases Decidable.em (m = n) with
  | inl heq => rw [heq]; apply Or.inl; exact Nat.sub_self n
  | inr hne => apply Or.inr; exact hne

如果你open Classical,你可以对任何命题使用排中律。但是使用类型族推理,Lean实际上可以找到相关的决策程序,这意味着你可以在可计算函数中使用情况拆分。


namespace Hidden
theorem zero_add (n : Nat) : 0 + n = n := by
  induction n with
  | zero => rfl
  | succ n ih => rw [Nat.add_succ, ih]
end Hidden


namespace Hidden
theorem zero_add (n : Nat) : 0 + n = n := by
  induction n
  case zero => rfl
  case succ n ih => rw [Nat.add_succ, ih]
end Hidden


namespace Hidden
open Nat

theorem zero_add (n : Nat) : 0 + n = n := by
  induction n <;> simp [*, add_zero, add_succ]

theorem succ_add (m n : Nat) : succ m + n = succ (m + n) := by
  induction n <;> simp [*, add_zero, add_succ]

theorem add_comm (m n : Nat) : m + n = n + m := by
  induction n <;> simp [*, add_zero, add_succ, succ_add, zero_add]

theorem add_assoc (m n k : Nat) : m + n + k = m + (n + k) := by
  induction k <;> simp [*, add_zero, add_succ]
end Hidden


theorem Nat.mod.inductionOn
      {motive : Nat → Nat → Sort u}
      (x y  : Nat)
      (ind  : ∀ x y, 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x → motive (x - y) y → motive x y)
      (base : ∀ x y, ¬(0 < y ∧ y ≤ x) → motive x y)
      : motive x y :=

example (x : Nat) {y : Nat} (h : y > 0) : x % y < y := by
  induction x, y using Nat.mod.inductionOn with
  | ind x y h₁ ih =>
    rw [Nat.mod_eq_sub_mod h₁.2]
    exact ih h
  | base x y h₁ =>
     have : ¬ 0 < y ∨ ¬ y ≤ x := Iff.mp (Decidable.not_and_iff_or_not ..) h₁
     match this with
     | Or.inl h₁ => exact absurd h h₁
     | Or.inr h₁ =>
       have hgt : y > x := Nat.gt_of_not_le h₁
       rw [← Nat.mod_eq_of_lt hgt] at hgt


example : p ∨ q → q ∨ p := by
  intro h
  match h with
  | Or.inl _  => apply Or.inr; assumption
  | Or.inr h2 => apply Or.inl; exact h2


example : s ∧ q ∧ r → p ∧ r → q ∧ p := by
  intro ⟨_, ⟨hq, _⟩⟩ ⟨hp, _⟩
  exact ⟨hq, hp⟩

example :
    (fun (x : Nat × Nat) (y : Nat × Nat) => x.1 + y.2)
    (fun (x : Nat × Nat) (z : Nat × Nat) => z.2 + x.1) := by
  funext (a, b) (c, d)
  show a + d = d + a
  rw [Nat.add_comm]


open Nat

example (m n k : Nat) (h : succ (succ m) = succ (succ n))
        : n + k = m + k := by
  injection h with h'
  injection h' with h''
  rw [h'']

该策略的第一个实例在上下文中加入了h' : succ m = succ n,第二个实例加入了h'' : m = n


open Nat

example (m n : Nat) (h : succ m = 0) : n = n + 7 := by
  injection h

example (m n : Nat) (h : succ m = 0) : n = n + 7 := by

example (h : 7 = 4) : False := by





inductive foo : ... → Sort u where
  | constructor₁ : ... → foo ...
  | constructor₂ : ... → foo ...
  | constructorₙ : ... → foo ...

与普通的归纳定义不同,它构造了某个Sort u的元素,更一般的版本构造了一个函数... → Sort u,其中...表示一串参数类型,也称为索引。然后,每个构造子都会构造一个家族中某个成员的元素。一个例子是Vector α n的定义,它是长度为nα元素的向量的类型:

namespace Hidden
inductive Vector (α : Type u) : Nat → Type u where
  | nil  : Vector α 0
  | cons : α → {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1)
end Hidden

注意,cons构造子接收Vector α n的一个元素,并返回Vector α (n+1)的一个元素,从而使用家族中的一个成员的元素来构建另一个成员的元素。


# namespace Hidden
inductive Eq {α : Sort u} (a : α) : α → Prop where
  | refl {} : Eq a a
# end Hidden

对于每个固定的α : Sort ua : α,这个定义构造了一个Eq a x的类型族,由x : α索引。然而,只有一个构造子refl,它是Eq a a的一个元素,构造子后面的大括号告诉Lean要把refl的参数明确化。直观地说,在xa的情况下,构建Eq a x证明的唯一方法是使用自反性。请注意,Eq a aEq a x这个类型家族中唯一的类型。由Lean产生的消去规则如下:

universe u v

#check (@Eq.rec : {α : Sort u} → {a : α} → {motive : (x : α) → a = x → Sort v}
                  → motive a rfl → {b : α} → (h : a = b) → motive b h)



# namespace Hidden
theorem subst {α : Type u} {a b : α} {p : α → Prop} (h₁ : Eq a b) (h₂ : p a) : p b :=
  Eq.rec (motive := fun x _ => p x) h₂ h₁
# end Hidden


# namespace Hidden
theorem subst {α : Type u} {a b : α} {p : α → Prop} (h₁ : Eq a b) (h₂ : p a) : p b :=
  match h₁ with
  | rfl => h₂
# end Hidden


# namespace Hidden
theorem subst {α : Type u} {a b : α} {p : α → Prop} (h₁ : Eq a b) (h₂ : p a) : p b :=
  match h₁ with
  | rfl => h₂

set_option pp.all true
#print subst
  -- ... subst.match_1 ...
#print subst.match_1
  -- ... Eq.casesOn ...
#print Eq.casesOn
  -- ... Eq.rec ...
# end Hidden

使用递归子或matchh₁ : a = b,我们可以假设ab相同,在这种情况下,p bp a相同。


# namespace Hidden
theorem symm {α : Type u} {a b : α} (h : Eq a b) : Eq b a :=
  match h with
  | rfl => rfl

theorem trans {α : Type u} {a b c : α} (h₁ : Eq a b) (h₂ : Eq b c) : Eq a c :=

theorem congr {α β : Type u} {a b : α} (f : α → β) (h : Eq a b) : Eq (f a) (f b) :=
# end Hidden





既然一个归纳类型对于某些u来说存在于在Sort u中,那么我们有理由问哪些宇宙层次的u可以被实例化。归纳类型族 C的定义中的每个构造子c的形式为

  c : (a : α) → (b : β[a]) → C a p[a,b]

其中a是一列数据类型的参量,b是一列构造子的参数,p[a, b]是索引,用于确定构造所处的归纳族的元素。(请注意,这种描述有些误导,因为构造子的参数可以以任何顺序出现,只要依赖关系是合理的)。对C的宇宙层级的约束分为两种情况,取决于归纳类型是否被指定落在Prop(即Sort 0)。


对于上面的每个构造子c,以及序列β[a]中的每个βk[a],如果βk[a] : Sort v,我们有uv



这最后一条规则有一个例外:当只有一个构造子,并且每个构造子参数都在Prop中或者是一个索引时,我们可以从一个归纳定义的Prop中消除到一个任意的Sort。直观的说,在这种情况下,消除并不利用任何信息,而这些信息并不是由参数类型被栖息这一简单的事实所提供的。这种特殊情况被称为单子消除(singleton elimination)。

我们已经在Eq.rec的应用中看到了单子消除的作用,这是归纳定义的相等类型的消去子。我们可以使用一个元素h : Eq a b来将一个元素t' : p a转换为p b,即使p ap b是任意类型,因为转换并不产生新的数据;它只是重新解释了我们已经有的数据。单子消除法也用于异质等价和良基的递归,这将在归纳和递归一章中讨论。




  inductive Even : Nat → Prop where
    | even_zero : Even 0
    | even_succ : (n : Nat) → Odd n → Even (n + 1)

  inductive Odd : Nat → Prop where
    | odd_succ : (n : Nat) → Even n → Odd (n + 1)



    inductive Tree (α : Type u) where
      | node : α → TreeList α → Tree α

    inductive TreeList (α : Type u) where
      | nil  : TreeList α
      | cons : Tree α → TreeList α → TreeList α

有了这个定义,我们可以通过给出一个α的元素和一个子树列表(可能是空的)来构造Tree α的元素。子树列表由TreeList α类型表示,它被定义为空列表nil,或者是一棵树的consTreeList α的一个元素。

然而,这个定义在工作中是不方便的。如果子树的列表是由List (Tree α)类型给出的,那就更好了,尤其是Lean的库中包含了一些处理列表的函数和定理。我们可以证明TreeList α类型与List (Tree α)同构的,但是沿着这个同构关系来回翻译结果是很乏味的。


inductive Tree (α : Type u) where
  | mk : α → List (Tree α) → Tree α

这就是所谓的嵌套归纳类型。它不属于上一节给出的归纳类型的严格规范,因为Tree不是严格意义上出现在mk的参数中,而是嵌套在List类型构造子中。然后Lean在其内核中自动建立了TreeList αList (Tree α)之间的同构关系,并根据同构关系定义了Tree的构造子。


  1. 尝试定义自然数的其他运算,如乘法、前继函数(定义pred 0 = 0)、截断减法(当m大于或等于n时,n - m = 0)和乘方。然后在我们已经证明的定理的基础上,尝试证明它们的一些基本属性。


  1. 定义一些对列表的操作,如length函数或reverse函数。证明一些属性,比如下面这些。

a. length (s ++ t) = length s + length t

b. length (reverse t) = length t

c. reverse (reverse t) = t

  1. 定义一个归纳数据类型,由以下构造子建立的项组成。
  • const n,一个表示自然数n的常数
  • var n,一个变量,编号为n
  • plus s t,表示st的总和
  • times s t,表示st的乘积


  1. 同样,定义命题公式的类型,以及关于这类公式类型的函数:求值函数、衡量公式复杂性的函数,以及用另一个公式替代给定变量的函数。






考虑一下自然数的归纳定义类型。每个自然数要么是zero,要么是succ x,因此你可以通过在每个情况下指定一个值来定义一个从自然数到任意类型的函数:

open Nat

def sub1 : Nat → Nat
  | zero   => zero
  | succ x => x

def isZero : Nat → Bool
  | zero   => true
  | succ x => false


example : sub1 0 = 0 := rfl
example (x : Nat) : sub1 (succ x) = x := rfl

example : isZero 0 = true := rfl
example (x : Nat) : isZero (succ x) = false := rfl

example : sub1 7 = 6 := rfl
example (x : Nat) : isZero (x + 3) = false := rfl


def sub1 : Nat → Nat
  | 0   => 0
  | x+1 => x

def isZero : Nat → Bool
  | 0   => true
  | x+1 => false



def swap : α × β → β × α
  | (a, b) => (b, a)

def foo : Nat × Nat → Nat
  | (m, n) => m + n

def bar : Option Nat → Nat
  | some n => n + 1
  | none   => 0


# namespace Hidden
def not : Bool → Bool
  | true  => false
  | false => true

theorem not_not : ∀ (b : Bool), not (not b) = b
  | true  => rfl  -- proof that not (not true) = true
  | false => rfl  -- proof that not (not false) = false
# end Hidden


example (p q : Prop) : p ∧ q → q ∧ p
  | And.intro h₁ h₂ => And.intro h₂ h₁

example (p q : Prop) : p ∨ q → q ∨ p
  | Or.inl hp => Or.inr hp
  | Or.inr hq => Or.inl hq



def sub2 : Nat → Nat
  | 0   => 0
  | 1   => 0
  | x+2 => x

方程编译器首先对输入是zero还是succ x的形式进行分类讨论,然后对xzero还是succ x的形式进行分类讨论。它从提交给它的模式中确定必要的情况拆分,如果模式不能穷尽情况,则会引发错误。同时,我们可以使用算术符号,如下面的版本。在任何一种情况下,定义方程都是成立的。

# def sub2 : Nat → Nat
#   | 0   => 0
#   | 1   => 0
#   | x+2 => x
example : sub2 0 = 0 := rfl
example : sub2 1 = 0 := rfl
example : sub2 (x+2) = x := rfl

example : sub2 5 = 3 := rfl

你可以写#print sub2来看看这个函数是如何被编译成递归子的。(Lean会告诉你sub2已经被定义为内部辅助函数sub2.match_1,但你也可以把它打印出来)。Lean使用这些辅助函数来编译match表达式。实际上,上面的定义被扩展为

def sub2 : Nat → Nat :=
  fun x =>
    match x with
    | 0   => 0
    | 1   => 0
    | x+2 => x


example (p q : α → Prop)
        : (∃ x, p x ∨ q x) → (∃ x, p x) ∨ (∃ x, q x)
  | Exists.intro x (Or.inl px) => Or.inl (Exists.intro x px)
  | Exists.intro x (Or.inr qx) => Or.inr (Exists.intro x qx)

def foo : Nat × Nat → Nat
  | (0, n)     => 0
  | (m+1, 0)   => 1
  | (m+1, n+1) => 2


def foo : Nat → Nat → Nat
  | 0,   n   => 0
  | m+1, 0   => 1
  | m+1, n+1 => 2


def bar : List Nat → List Nat → Nat
  | [],      []      => 0
  | a :: as, []      => a
  | [],      b :: bs => b
  | a :: as, b :: bs => a + b



# namespace Hidden
def and : Bool → Bool → Bool
  | true,  a => a
  | false, _ => false

def or : Bool → Bool → Bool
  | true,  _ => true
  | false, a => a

def cond : Bool → α → α → α
  | true,  x, y => x
  | false, x, y => y
# end Hidden


正如归纳类型一章中所描述的,归纳数据类型可以依赖于参数。下面的例子使用模式匹配定义了tail函数。参数α : Type是一个参数,出现在冒号之前,表示它不参与模式匹配。Lean也允许参数出现在:之后,但它不能对其进行模式匹配。

def tail1 {α : Type u} : List α → List α
  | []      => []
  | a :: as => as

def tail2 : {α : Type u} → List α → List α
  | α, []      => []
  | α, a :: as => as





def foo : Nat → Nat → Nat
  | 0,   n   => 0
  | m+1, 0   => 1
  | m+1, n+1 => 2
def foo : Nat → Nat → Nat
  | 0, n => 0
  | m, 0 => 1
  | m, n => 2

在第二种表述中,模式是重叠的;例如,一对参数0 0符合所有三种情况。但是Lean通过使用第一个适用的方程来处理这种模糊性,所以在这个例子中,最终结果是一样的。特别是,以下方程在定义上是成立的:

# def foo : Nat → Nat → Nat
#   | 0, n => 0
#   | m, 0 => 1
#   | m, n => 2
example : foo 0     0     = 0 := rfl
example : foo 0     (n+1) = 0 := rfl
example : foo (m+1) 0     = 1 := rfl
example : foo (m+1) (n+1) = 2 := rfl


def foo : Nat → Nat → Nat
  | 0, _ => 0
  | _, 0 => 1
  | _, _ => 2


一些函数式编程语言支持不完整的模式。在这些语言中,解释器对不完整的情况产生一个异常或返回一个任意的值。我们可以使用Inhabited(含元素的)类型族来模拟任意值的方法。粗略的说,Inhabited α的一个元素是对α拥有一个元素的见证;在类型族中,我们将看到Lean可以被告知合适的基础类型是含元素的,并且可以自动推断出其他构造类型是含元素的。在此基础上,标准库提供了一个任意元素arbitrary,任何含元素的类型。

我们还可以使用类型Option α来模拟不完整的模式。我们的想法是对所提供的模式返回some a,而对不完整的情况使用none。下面的例子演示了这两种方法。

def f1 : Nat → Nat → Nat
  | 0, _  => 1
  | _, 0  => 2
  | _, _  => arbitrary  -- 不完整的模式

example : f1 0     0     = 1 := rfl
example : f1 0     (a+1) = 1 := rfl
example : f1 (a+1) 0     = 2 := rfl
example : f1 (a+1) (b+1) = arbitrary := rfl

def f2 : Nat → Nat → Option Nat
  | 0, _  => some 1
  | _, 0  => some 2
  | _, _  => none     -- 不完整的模式

example : f2 0     0     = some 1 := rfl
example : f2 0     (a+1) = some 1 := rfl
example : f2 (a+1) 0     = some 2 := rfl
example : f2 (a+1) (b+1) = none   := rfl


def bar : Nat → List Nat → Bool → Nat
  | 0,   _,      false => 0
  | 0,   b :: _, _     => b
  | 0,   [],     true  => 7
  | a+1, [],     false => a
  | a+1, [],     true  => a + 1
  | a+1, b :: _, _     => a + b

某些情况也可以用“if ... then ... else”代替casesOn

def foo : Char → Nat
  | 'A' => 1
  | 'B' => 2
  | _   => 3

#print foo.match_1



  • 结构性递归定义
  • 良基的递归定义
  • 相互递归的定义


def foo (a : α) : (b : β) → γ
  | [patterns₁] => t₁
  | [patternsₙ] => tₙ

这里(a : α)是一个参数序列,(b : β)是进行模式匹配的参数序列,γ是任何类型,它可以取决于ab。每一行应该包含相同数量的模式,β的每个元素都有一个。正如我们所看到的,模式要么是一个变量,要么是应用于其他模式的构造子,要么是一个正规化为该形式的表达式(其中非构造子用[matchPattern]属性标记)。构造子的出现会提示情况拆分,构造子的参数由给定的变量表示。在依值模式匹配一节中,我们将看到有时有必要在模式中包含明确的项,这些项需要进行表达式类型检查,尽管它们在模式匹配中没有起到作用。由于这个原因,这些被称为 "不可访问的模式"。但是在依值模式匹配一节之前,我们将不需要使用这种不可访问的模式。


open Nat
def add : Nat → Nat → Nat
  | m, zero   => m
  | m, succ n => succ (add m n)

theorem add_zero (m : Nat)   : add m zero = m := rfl
theorem add_succ (m n : Nat) : add m (succ n) = succ (add m n) := rfl

theorem zero_add : ∀ n, add zero n = n
  | zero   => rfl
  | succ n => congrArg succ (zero_add n)

def mul : Nat → Nat → Nat
  | n, zero   => zero
  | n, succ m => add (mul n m) n


上面的例子表明,add的定义方程具有定义意义, mul也是如此。方程编译器试图确保在任何可能的情况下都是这样,就像直接的结构归纳法一样。然而,在其他情况下,约简只在命题上成立,也就是说,它们是必须明确应用的方程定理。方程编译器在内部生成这样的定理。用户不能直接使用它们;相反,simp策略被配置为在必要时使用它们。因此,对zero_add的以下两种证明都成立:

open Nat
# def add : Nat → Nat → Nat
#   | m, zero   => m
#   | m, succ n => succ (add m n)
theorem zero_add : ∀ n, add zero n = n
  | zero   => by simp [add]
  | succ n => by simp [add, zero_add]


open Nat
def add (m : Nat) : Nat → Nat
  | zero   => m
  | succ n => succ (add m n)


open Nat
def add (m n : Nat) : Nat :=
  match n with
  | zero   => m
  | succ n => succ (add m n)


def fib : Nat → Nat
  | 0   => 1
  | 1   => 1
  | n+2 => fib (n+1) + fib n

example : fib 0 = 1 := rfl
example : fib 1 = 1 := rfl
example : fib (n + 2) = fib (n + 1) + fib n := rfl

example : fib 7 = 21 := rfl

这里,fib函数在n + 2(定义上等于succ (succ n))处的值是根据n + 1(定义上等价于succ n)和n处的值定义的。然而,这是一种众所周知的计算斐波那契函数的低效方法,其执行时间是n的指数级。这里有一个更好的方法:

def fibFast (n : Nat) : Nat :=
  (loop n).1
  loop : Nat → Nat × Nat
    | 0   => (0, 1)
    | n+1 => let p := loop n; (p.2, p.1 + p.2)

#eval fibFast 100

下面是相同的定义,使用let rec代替where

def fibFast (n : Nat) : Nat :=
  let rec loop : Nat → Nat × Nat
    | 0   => (0, 1)
    | n+1 => let p := loop n; (p.2, p.1 + p.2)
  (loop n).1



variable (C : Nat → Type u)

#check (@Nat.below C : Nat → Type u)

#reduce @Nat.below C (3 : Nat)

#check (@Nat.brecOn C : (n : Nat) → ((n : Nat) → @Nat.below C n → C n) → C n)

类型@Nat.below C (3 : nat)是一个存储着C 0C 1,和C 2中元素的数据结构。值过程递归由Nat.brecOn实现。它根据该函数之前的所有值,定义类型为(n : Nat) → C n的依值函数在特定输入n时的值,表示为@Nat.below C n的一个元素。

值过程递归是方程编译器用来向Lean内核证明函数终止的技术之一。它不会像其他函数式编程语言编译器一样影响编译递归函数的代码生成器。回想一下,#eval fib <n><n>的指数。另一方面,#reduce fib <n>是有效的,因为它使用了发送到内核的基于brecOn结构的定义。

def fib : Nat → Nat
  | 0   => 1
  | 1   => 1
  | n+2 => fib (n+1) + fib n

-- #eval fib 50 -- slow
#reduce fib 50  -- fast

#print fib


def append : List α → List α → List α
  | [],    bs => bs
  | a::as, bs => a :: append as bs

example : append [1, 2, 3] [4, 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] := rfl


def listAdd [Add α] : List α → List α → List α
  | [],      _       => []
  | _,       []      => []
  | a :: as, b :: bs => (a + b) :: listAdd as bs

#eval listAdd [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6, 6, 9, 10]
-- [5, 7, 9]



可以使用let rec关键字定义局域递归声明。

def replicate (n : Nat) (a : α) : List α :=
  let rec loop : Nat → List α → List α
    | 0,   as => as
    | n+1, as => loop n (a::as)
  loop n []

#check @replicate.loop
-- {α : Type} → α → Nat → List α → List α

Lean为每个let rec创建一个辅助声明。在上面的例子中,它对于出现在replicatelet rec loop创建了声明replication.loop。请注意,Lean通过添加let rec声明中出现的任何局部变量作为附加参数来“关闭”声明。例如,局部变量a出现在let rec循环中。

你也可以在策略证明模式中使用let rec,并通过归纳来创建证明。

theorem length_replicate (n : Nat) (a : α) : (replicate n a).length = n := by
  let rec aux (n : Nat) (as : List α)
              : (replicate.loop a n as).length = n + as.length := by
    match n with
    | 0   => simp [replicate.loop]
    | n+1 => simp [replicate.loop, aux n, Nat.add_succ, Nat.succ_add]
  exact aux n []

还可以在定义后使用where子句引入辅助递归声明。Lean将它们转换为let rec

def replicate (n : Nat) (a : α) : List α :=
  loop n []
  loop : Nat → List α → List α
    | 0,   as => as
    | n+1, as => loop n (a::as)

theorem length_replicate (n : Nat) (a : α) : (replicate n a).length = n := by
  exact aux n []
  aux (n : Nat) (as : List α)
      : (replicate.loop a n as).length = n + as.length := by
    match n with
    | 0   => simp [replicate.loop]
    | n+1 => simp [replicate.loop, aux n, Nat.add_succ, Nat.succ_add]

Well-Founded Recursion and Induction


Lean的标准库定义了两个谓词,Acc r aWellFounded r,其中r是一个类型α上的二元关系,a是一个类型α的元素。

Dependent type theory is powerful enough to encode and justify well-founded recursion. Let us start with the logical background that is needed to understand how it works.

Lean's standard library defines two predicates, Acc r a and WellFounded r, where r is a binary relation on a type α, and a is an element of type α.

variable (α : Sort u)
variable (r : α → α → Prop)

#check (Acc r : α → Prop)
#check (WellFounded r : Prop)

The first, Acc, is an inductively defined predicate. According to its definition, Acc r x is equivalent to ∀ y, r y x → Acc r y. If you think of r y x as denoting a kind of order relation y ≺ x, then Acc r x says that x is accessible from below, in the sense that all its predecessors are accessible. In particular, if x has no predecessors, it is accessible. Given any type α, we should be able to assign a value to each accessible element of α, recursively, by assigning values to all its predecessors first.

The statement that r is well founded, denoted WellFounded r, is exactly the statement that every element of the type is accessible. By the above considerations, if r is a well-founded relation on a type α, we should have a principle of well-founded recursion on α, with respect to the relation r. And, indeed, we do: the standard library defines WellFounded.fix, which serves exactly that purpose.

set_option codegen false
def f {α : Sort u}
      (r : α → α → Prop)
      (h : WellFounded r)
      (C : α → Sort v)
      (F : (x : α) → ((y : α) → r y x → C y) → C x)
      : (x : α) → C x := WellFounded.fix h F

There is a long cast of characters here, but the first block we have already seen: the type, α, the relation, r, and the assumption, h, that r is well founded. The variable C represents the motive of the recursive definition: for each element x : α, we would like to construct an element of C x. The function F provides the inductive recipe for doing that: it tells us how to construct an element C x, given elements of C y for each predecessor y of x.

Note that WellFounded.fix works equally well as an induction principle. It says that if is well founded and you want to prove ∀ x, C x, it suffices to show that for an arbitrary x, if we have ∀ y ≺ x, C y, then we have C x.

In the example above we set the option codegen to false because the code generator currently does not support WellFounded.fix. The function WellFounded.fix is another tool Lean uses to justify that a function terminates.

Lean knows that the usual order < on the natural numbers is well founded. It also knows a number of ways of constructing new well founded orders from others, for example, using lexicographic order.

Here is essentially the definition of division on the natural numbers that is found in the standard library.

open Nat

theorem div_rec_lemma {x y : Nat} : 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x → x - y < x :=
  fun h => sub_lt (Nat.lt_of_lt_of_le h.left h.right) h.left

def div.F (x : Nat) (f : (x₁ : Nat) → x₁ < x → Nat → Nat) (y : Nat) : Nat :=
  if h : 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x then
    f (x - y) (div_rec_lemma h) y + 1

set_option codegen false
def div := WellFounded.fix (measure id).wf div.F

#reduce div 8 2 -- 4

The definition is somewhat inscrutable. Here the recursion is on x, and div.F x f : Nat → Nat returns the "divide by y" function for that fixed x. You have to remember that the second argument to div.F, the recipe for the recursion, is a function that is supposed to return the divide by y function for all values x₁ smaller than x.

The equation compiler is designed to make definitions like this more convenient. It accepts the following:

TODO: waiting for well-founded support in Lean 4

.. code-block:: lean

namespace hidden
open nat

def div : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
| x y :=
  if h : 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x then
    have x - y < x,
      from sub_lt (lt_of_lt_of_le h.left h.right) h.left,
    div (x - y) y + 1
-- END

end hidden

When the equation compiler encounters a recursive definition, it first tries structural recursion, and only when that fails, does it fall back on well-founded recursion. In this case, detecting the possibility of well-founded recursion on the natural numbers, it uses the usual lexicographic ordering on the pair (x, y). The equation compiler in and of itself is not clever enough to derive that x - y is less than x under the given hypotheses, but we can help it out by putting this fact in the local context. The equation compiler looks in the local context for such information, and, when it finds it, puts it to good use.

The defining equation for div does not hold definitionally, but the equation is available to rewrite and simp. The simplifier will loop if you apply it blindly, but rewrite will do the trick.

.. code-block:: lean

namespace hidden
open nat

def div : ℕ → ℕ → ℕ
| x y :=
  if h : 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x then
    have x - y < x,
      from sub_lt (lt_of_lt_of_le h.left h.right) h.left,
    div (x - y) y + 1

example (x y : ℕ) :
  div x y = if 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x then div (x - y) y + 1 else 0 :=
by rw [div]

example (x y : ℕ) (h : 0 < y ∧ y ≤ x) :
  div x y = div (x - y) y + 1 :=
by rw [div, if_pos h]
-- END

end hidden

The following example is similar: it converts any natural number to a binary expression, represented as a list of 0's and 1's. We have to provide the equation compiler with evidence that the recursive call is decreasing, which we do here with a sorry. The sorry does not prevent the bytecode evaluator from evaluating the function successfully.

.. code-block:: lean

def nat_to_bin : ℕ → list ℕ
| 0       := [0]
| 1       := [1]
| (n + 2) :=
  have (n + 2) / 2 < n + 2, from sorry,
  nat_to_bin ((n + 2) / 2) ++ [n % 2]

#eval nat_to_bin 1234567

As a final example, we observe that Ackermann's function can be defined directly, because it is justified by the well foundedness of the lexicographic order on the natural numbers.

.. code-block:: lean

def ack : nat → nat → nat
| 0     y     := y+1
| (x+1) 0     := ack x 1
| (x+1) (y+1) := ack x (ack (x+1) y)

#eval ack 3 5

Lean's mechanisms for guessing a well-founded relation and then proving that recursive calls decrease are still in a rudimentary state. They will be improved over time. When they work, they provide a much more convenient way of defining functions than using WellFounded.fix manually. When they don't, the latter is always available as a backup.

.. TO DO: eventually, describe using_well_founded.

.. _nested_and_mutual_recursion:

Mutual Recursion

TODO: waiting for well-founded support in Lean 4

Lean also supports mutual recursive definitions. The syntax is similar to that for mutual inductive types, as described in :numref:mutual_and_nested_inductive_types. Here is an example:

.. code-block:: lean

mutual def even, odd
with even : nat → bool
| 0     := tt
| (a+1) := odd a
with odd : nat → bool
| 0     := ff
| (a+1) := even a

example (a : nat) : even (a + 1) = odd a :=
by simp [even]

example (a : nat) : odd (a + 1) = even a :=
by simp [odd]

lemma even_eq_not_odd : ∀ a, even a = bnot (odd a) :=
  intro a, induction a,
  simp [even, odd],
  simp [*, even, odd]

What makes this a mutual definition is that even is defined recursively in terms of odd, while odd is defined recursively in terms of even. Under the hood, this is compiled as a single recursive definition. The internally defined function takes, as argument, an element of a sum type, either an input to even, or an input to odd. It then returns an output appropriate to the input. To define that function, Lean uses a suitable well-founded measure. The internals are meant to be hidden from users; the canonical way to make use of such definitions is to use rewrite or simp, as we did above.

Mutual recursive definitions also provide natural ways of working with mutual and nested inductive types, as described in :numref:mutual_and_nested_inductive_types. Recall the definition of even and odd as mutual inductive predicates, as presented as an example there:

.. code-block:: lean

mutual inductive even, odd
with even : ℕ → Prop
| even_zero : even 0
| even_succ : ∀ n, odd n → even (n + 1)
with odd : ℕ → Prop
| odd_succ : ∀ n, even n → odd (n + 1)

The constructors, even_zero, even_succ, and odd_succ provide positive means for showing that a number is even or odd. We need to use the fact that the inductive type is generated by these constructors to know that the zero is not odd, and that the latter two implications reverse. As usual, the constructors are kept in a namespace that is named after the type being defined, and the command open even odd allows us to access them move conveniently.

.. code-block:: lean

mutual inductive even, odd
with even : ℕ → Prop
| even_zero : even 0
| even_succ : ∀ n, odd n → even (n + 1)
with odd : ℕ → Prop
| odd_succ : ∀ n, even n → odd (n + 1)

open even odd

theorem not_odd_zero : ¬ odd 0.

mutual theorem even_of_odd_succ, odd_of_even_succ
with even_of_odd_succ : ∀ n, odd (n + 1) → even n
| _ (odd_succ n h) := h
with odd_of_even_succ : ∀ n, even (n + 1) → odd n
| _ (even_succ n h) := h
-- END

For another example, suppose we use a nested inductive type to define a set of terms inductively, so that a term is either a constant (with a name given by a string), or the result of applying a constant to a list of constants.

.. code-block:: lean

inductive term
| const : string → term
| app   : string → list term → term

We can then use a mutual recursive definition to count the number of constants occurring in a term, as well as the number occurring in a list of terms.

.. code-block:: lean

inductive term
| const : string → term
| app   : string → list term → term

open term

mutual def num_consts, num_consts_lst
with num_consts : term → nat
| (term.const n)  := 1
| (term.app n ts) := num_consts_lst ts
with num_consts_lst : list term → nat
| []      := 0
| (t::ts) := num_consts t + num_consts_lst ts

def sample_term := app "f" [app "g" [const "x"], const "y"]

#eval num_consts sample_term
-- END


All the examples of pattern matching we considered in :numref:pattern_matching can easily be written using cases_on and rec_on. However, this is often not the case with indexed inductive families such as vector α n, since case splits impose constraints on the values of the indices. Without the equation compiler, we would need a lot of boilerplate code to define very simple functions such as map, zip, and unzip using recursors. To understand the difficulty, consider what it would take to define a function tail which takes a vector v : vector α (succ n) and deletes the first element. A first thought might be to use the casesOn function:

inductive Vector (α : Type u) : Nat → Type u
  | nil  : Vector α 0
  | cons : α → {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1)

namespace Vector

#check @Vector.casesOn
  {α : Type u}
  → {motive : (a : Nat) → Vector α a → Sort v} →
  → {a : Nat} → (t : Vector α a)
  → motive 0 nil
  → ((a : α) → {n : Nat} → (a_1 : Vector α n) → motive (n + 1) (cons a a_1))
  → motive a t

end Vector

But what value should we return in the nil case? Something funny is going on: if v has type Vector α (succ n), it can't be nil, but it is not clear how to tell that to casesOn.

One solution is to define an auxiliary function:

# inductive Vector (α : Type u) : Nat → Type u
#   | nil  : Vector α 0
#   | cons : α → {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1)
# namespace Vector
def tailAux (v : Vector α m) : m = n + 1 → Vector α n :=
  Vector.casesOn (motive := fun x _ => x = n + 1 → Vector α n) v
    (fun h : 0 = n + 1 => Nat.noConfusion h)
    (fun (a : α) (m : Nat) (as : Vector α m) =>
     fun (h : m + 1 = n + 1) =>
       Nat.noConfusion h (fun h1 : m = n => h1 ▸ as))

def tail (v : Vector α (n+1)) : Vector α n :=
  tailAux v rfl
# end Vector

In the nil case, m is instantiated to 0, and noConfusion makes use of the fact that 0 = succ n cannot occur. Otherwise, v is of the form a :: w, and we can simply return w, after casting it from a vector of length m to a vector of length n.

The difficulty in defining tail is to maintain the relationships between the indices. The hypothesis e : m = n + 1 in tailAux is used to communicate the relationship between n and the index associated with the minor premise. Moreover, the zero = n + 1 case is unreachable, and the canonical way to discard such a case is to use noConfusion.

The tail function is, however, easy to define using recursive equations, and the equation compiler generates all the boilerplate code automatically for us. Here are a number of similar examples:

# inductive Vector (α : Type u) : Nat → Type u
#   | nil  : Vector α 0
#   | cons : α → {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1)
# namespace Vector
def head : {n : Nat} → Vector α (n+1) → α
  | n, cons a as => a

def tail : {n : Nat} → Vector α (n+1) → Vector α n
  | n, cons a as => as

theorem eta : ∀ {n : Nat} (v : Vector α (n+1)), cons (head v) (tail v) = v
  | n, cons a as => rfl

def map (f : α → β → γ) : {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector β n → Vector γ n
  | 0,   nil,       nil       => nil
  | n+1, cons a as, cons b bs => cons (f a b) (map f as bs)

def zip : {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector β n → Vector (α × β) n
  | 0,   nil,       nil       => nil
  | n+1, cons a as, cons b bs => cons (a, b) (zip as bs)
# end Vector

Note that we can omit recursive equations for "unreachable" cases such as head nil. The automatically generated definitions for indexed families are far from straightforward. For example:

# inductive Vector (α : Type u) : Nat → Type u
#   | nil  : Vector α 0
#   | cons : α → {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1)
# namespace Vector
def map (f : α → β → γ) : {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector β n → Vector γ n
  | 0,   nil,       nil       => nil
  | n+1, cons a as, cons b bs => cons (f a b) (map f as bs)

#print map
#print map.match_1
# end Vector

The map function is even more tedious to define by hand than the tail function. We encourage you to try it, using recOn, casesOn and noConfusion.

Inaccessible Patterns

Sometimes an argument in a dependent matching pattern is not essential to the definition, but nonetheless has to be included to specialize the type of the expression appropriately. Lean allows users to mark such subterms as inaccessible for pattern matching. These annotations are essential, for example, when a term occurring in the left-hand side is neither a variable nor a constructor application, because these are not suitable targets for pattern matching. We can view such inaccessible patterns as "don't care" components of the patterns. You can declare a subterm inaccessible by writing .(t). If the inaccessible pattern can be inferred, you can also write _.

The following example, we declare an inductive type that defines the property of "being in the image of f". You can view an element of the type ImageOf f b as evidence that b is in the image of f, whereby the constructor imf is used to build such evidence. We can then define any function f with an "inverse" which takes anything in the image of f to an element that is mapped to it. The typing rules forces us to write f a for the first argument, but this term is neither a variable nor a constructor application, and plays no role in the pattern-matching definition. To define the function inverse below, we have to mark f a inaccessible.

inductive ImageOf {α β : Type u} (f : α → β) : β → Type u where
  | imf : (a : α) → ImageOf f (f a)

open ImageOf

def inverse {f : α → β} : (b : β) → ImageOf f b → α
  | .(f a), imf a => a

def inverse' {f : α → β} : (b : β) → ImageOf f b → α
  | _, imf a => a

In the example above, the inaccessible annotation makes it clear that f is not a pattern matching variable.

Inaccessible patterns can be used to clarify and control definitions that make use of dependent pattern matching. Consider the following definition of the function Vector.add, which adds two vectors of elements of a type, assuming that type has an associated addition function:

inductive Vector (α : Type u) : Nat → Type u
  | nil  : Vector α 0
  | cons : α → {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1)

namespace Vector

def add [Add α] : {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α n → Vector α n
  | 0,   nil,       nil       => nil
  | n+1, cons a as, cons b bs => cons (a + b) (add as bs)

end Vector

The argument {n : Nat} appear after the colon, because it cannot be held fixed throughout the definition. When implementing this definition, the equation compiler starts with a case distinction as to whether the first argument is 0 or of the form n+1. This is followed by nested case splits on the next two arguments, and in each case the equation compiler rules out the cases are not compatible with the first pattern.

But, in fact, a case split is not required on the first argument; the casesOn eliminator for Vector automatically abstracts this argument and replaces it by 0 and n + 1 when we do a case split on the second argument. Using inaccessible patterns, we can prompt the equation compiler to avoid the case split on n

# inductive Vector (α : Type u) : Nat → Type u
#   | nil  : Vector α 0
#   | cons : α → {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1)
# namespace Vector

def add [Add α] : {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α n → Vector α n
  | .(_),   nil,       nil       => nil
  | .(_), cons a as, cons b bs => cons (a + b) (add as bs)

# end Vector

Marking the position as an inaccessible pattern tells the equation compiler first, that the form of the argument should be inferred from the constraints posed by the other arguments, and, second, that the first argument should not participate in pattern matching.

The inaccessible pattern .(_) can be written as _ for convenience.

# inductive Vector (α : Type u) : Nat → Type u
#   | nil  : Vector α 0
#   | cons : α → {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1)
# namespace Vector

def add [Add α] : {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α n → Vector α n
  | _,   nil,       nil       => nil
  | _, cons a as, cons b bs => cons (a + b) (add as bs)

# end Vector

As we mentioned above, the argument {n : Nat} is part of the pattern matching, because it cannot be held fixed throughout the definition. In previous Lean versions, users often found it cumbersome to have to include these extra discriminants. Thus, Lean 4 implements a new feature, discriminant refinement, which includes these extra discriminants automatically for us.

# inductive Vector (α : Type u) : Nat → Type u
#   | nil  : Vector α 0
#   | cons : α → {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1)
# namespace Vector

def add [Add α] {n : Nat} : Vector α n → Vector α n → Vector α n
  | nil,       nil       => nil
  | cons a as, cons b bs => cons (a + b) (add as bs)

# end Vector

When combined with the auto bound implicits feature, you can simplify the declare further and write:

# inductive Vector (α : Type u) : Nat → Type u
#   | nil  : Vector α 0
#   | cons : α → {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1)
# namespace Vector

def add [Add α] : Vector α n → Vector α n → Vector α n
  | nil,       nil       => nil
  | cons a as, cons b bs => cons (a + b) (add as bs)

# end Vector

Using these new features, you can write the other vector functions defined in the previous sections more compactly as follows:

# inductive Vector (α : Type u) : Nat → Type u
#   | nil  : Vector α 0
#   | cons : α → {n : Nat} → Vector α n → Vector α (n+1)
# namespace Vector
def head : Vector α (n+1) → α
  | cons a as => a

def tail : Vector α (n+1) → Vector α n
  | cons a as => as

theorem eta : (v : Vector α (n+1)) → cons (head v) (tail v) = v
  | cons a as => rfl

def map (f : α → β → γ) : Vector α n → Vector β n → Vector γ n
  | nil,       nil       => nil
  | cons a as, cons b bs => cons (f a b) (map f as bs)

def zip : Vector α n → Vector β n → Vector (α × β) n
  | nil,       nil       => nil
  | cons a as, cons b bs => cons (a, b) (zip as bs)
# end Vector

Match Expressions

Lean also provides a compiler for match-with expressions found in many functional languages.

def isNotZero (m : Nat) : Bool :=
  match m with
  | 0   => false
  | n+1 => true

This does not look very different from an ordinary pattern matching definition, but the point is that a match can be used anywhere in an expression, and with arbitrary arguments.

def isNotZero (m : Nat) : Bool :=
  match m with
  | 0   => false
  | n+1 => true

def filter (p : α → Bool) : List α → List α
  | []      => []
  | a :: as =>
    match p a with
    | true => a :: filter p as
    | false => filter p as

example : filter isNotZero [1, 0, 0, 3, 0] = [1, 3] := rfl

Here is another example:

def foo (n : Nat) (b c : Bool) :=
  5 + match n - 5, b && c with
      | 0,   true  => 0
      | m+1, true  => m + 7
      | 0,   false => 5
      | m+1, false => m + 3

#eval foo 7 true false

example : foo 7 true false = 9 := rfl

Lean uses the match construct internally to implement pattern-matching in all parts of the system. Thus, all four of these definitions have the same net effect.

def bar₁ : Nat × Nat → Nat
  | (m, n) => m + n

def bar₂ (p : Nat × Nat) : Nat :=
  match p with
  | (m, n) => m + n

def bar₃ : Nat × Nat → Nat :=
  fun (m, n) => m + n

def bar₄ (p : Nat × Nat) : Nat :=
  let (m, n) := p; m + n

These variations are equally useful for destructing propositions:

variable (p q : Nat → Prop)

example : (∃ x, p x) → (∃ y, q y) → ∃ x y, p x ∧ q y
 | ⟨x, px⟩, ⟨y, qy⟩ => ⟨x, y, px, qy⟩

example (h₀ : ∃ x, p x) (h₁ : ∃ y, q y)
        : ∃ x y, p x ∧ q y :=
  match h₀, h₁ with
  | ⟨x, px⟩, ⟨y, qy⟩ => ⟨x, y, px, qy⟩

example : (∃ x, p x) → (∃ y, q y) → ∃ x y, p x ∧ q y :=
  fun ⟨x, px⟩ ⟨y, qy⟩ => ⟨x, y, px, qy⟩

example (h₀ : ∃ x, p x) (h₁ : ∃ y, q y)
        : ∃ x y, p x ∧ q y :=
  let ⟨x, px⟩ := h₀
  let ⟨y, qy⟩ := h₁
  ⟨x, y, px, qy⟩

Local recursive declarations

You can define local recursive declarations using the let rec keyword.

def replicate (n : Nat) (a : α) : List α :=
  let rec loop : Nat → List α → List α
    | 0,   as => as
    | n+1, as => loop n (a::as)
  loop n []

#check @replicate.loop
-- {α : Type} → α → Nat → List α → List α

Lean creates an auxiliary declaration for each let rec. In the example above, it created the declaration replicate.loop for the let rec loop occurring at replicate. Note that, Lean "closes" the declaration by adding any local variable occurring in the let rec declaration as additional parameters. For example, the local variable a occurs at let rec loop.

You can also use let rec in tactic mode and for creating proofs by induction.

# def replicate (n : Nat) (a : α) : List α :=
#  let rec loop : Nat → List α → List α
#    | 0,   as => as
#    | n+1, as => loop n (a::as)
#  loop n []
theorem length_replicate (n : Nat) (a : α) : (replicate n a).length = n := by
  let rec aux (n : Nat) (as : List α)
              : (replicate.loop a n as).length = n + as.length := by
    match n with
    | 0   => simp [replicate.loop]
    | n+1 => simp [replicate.loop, aux n, Nat.add_succ, Nat.succ_add]
  exact aux n []

You can also introduce auxiliary recursive declarations using where clause after your definition. Lean converts them into a let rec.

def replicate (n : Nat) (a : α) : List α :=
  loop n []
  loop : Nat → List α → List α
    | 0,   as => as
    | n+1, as => loop n (a::as)

theorem length_replicate (n : Nat) (a : α) : (replicate n a).length = n := by
  exact aux n []
  aux (n : Nat) (as : List α)
      : (replicate.loop a n as).length = n + as.length := by
    match n with
    | 0   => simp [replicate.loop]
    | n+1 => simp [replicate.loop, aux n, Nat.add_succ, Nat.succ_add]


  1. Open a namespace Hidden to avoid naming conflicts, and use the equation compiler to define addition, multiplication, and exponentiation on the natural numbers. Then use the equation compiler to derive some of their basic properties.

  2. Similarly, use the equation compiler to define some basic operations on lists (like the reverse function) and prove theorems about lists by induction (such as the fact that reverse (reverse xs) = xs for any list xs).

  3. Define your own function to carry out course-of-value recursion on the natural numbers. Similarly, see if you can figure out how to define WellFounded.fix on your own.

  4. Following the examples in Section Dependent Pattern Matching, define a function that will append two vectors. This is tricky; you will have to define an auxiliary function.

  5. Consider the following type of arithmetic expressions. The idea is that var n is a variable, vₙ, and const n is the constant whose value is n.

inductive Expr where
  | const : Nat → Expr
  | var : Nat → Expr
  | plus : Expr → Expr → Expr
  | times : Expr → Expr → Expr
  deriving Repr

open Expr

def sampleExpr : Expr :=
  plus (times (var 0) (const 7)) (times (const 2) (var 1))

Here sampleExpr represents (v₀ * 7) + (2 * v₁).

Write a function that evaluates such an expression, evaluating each var n to v n.

# inductive Expr where
#   | const : Nat → Expr
#   | var : Nat → Expr
#   | plus : Expr → Expr → Expr
#   | times : Expr → Expr → Expr
#   deriving Repr
# open Expr
# def sampleExpr : Expr :=
#   plus (times (var 0) (const 7)) (times (const 2) (var 1))
def eval (v : Nat → Nat) : Expr → Nat
  | const n     => sorry
  | var n       => v n
  | plus e₁ e₂  => sorry
  | times e₁ e₂ => sorry

def sampleVal : Nat → Nat
  | 0 => 5
  | 1 => 6
  | _ => 0

-- Try it out. You should get 47 here.
-- #eval eval sampleVal sampleExpr

Implement "constant fusion," a procedure that simplifies subterms like 5 + 7 to 12. Using the auxiliary function simpConst, define a function "fuse": to simplify a plus or a times, first simplify the arguments recursively, and then apply simpConst to try to simplify the result.

# inductive Expr where
#   | const : Nat → Expr
#   | var : Nat → Expr
#   | plus : Expr → Expr → Expr
#   | times : Expr → Expr → Expr
#   deriving Repr
# open Expr
# def eval (v : Nat → Nat) : Expr → Nat
#   | const n     => sorry
#   | var n       => v n
#   | plus e₁ e₂  => sorry
#   | times e₁ e₂ => sorry
def simpConst : Expr → Expr
  | plus (const n₁) (const n₂)  => const (n₁ + n₂)
  | times (const n₁) (const n₂) => const (n₁ * n₂)
  | e                           => e

def fuse : Expr → Expr := sorry

theorem simpConst_eq (v : Nat → Nat)
        : ∀ e : Expr, eval v (simpConst e) = eval v e :=

theorem fuse_eq (v : Nat → Nat)
        : ∀ e : Expr, eval v (fuse e) = eval v e :=

The last two theorems show that the definitions preserve the value.







    structure <name> <parameters> <parent-structures> where
      <constructor> :: <fields>


structure Point (α : Type u) where
  mk :: (x : α) (y : α)

类型Point的值是使用Point.mk a b创建的,并且点p的字段可以使用Point.x pPoint.y p。结构体命令还生成有用的递归子和定理。下面是为上述声明生成的一些结构体方法。

# structure Point (α : Type u) where
#  mk :: (x : α) (y : α)
#check Point       -- a Type
#check @Point.rec  -- the eliminator
#check @Point.mk   -- the constructor
#check @Point.x    -- a projection
#check @Point.y    -- a projection

如果没有提供构造子名称,则默认的构造函数名为' ' mk ' '。如果在每个字段之间添加换行符,也可以避免字段名周围的括号。

structure Point (α : Type u) where
  x : α
  y : α

下面是一些使用生成的结构的简单定理和表达式。像往常一样,您可以通过使用命令open Point来避免前缀Point

#eval Point.x (Point.mk 10 20)
#eval Point.y (Point.mk 10 20)

open Point

example (a b : α) : x (mk a b) = a :=

example (a b : α) : y (mk a b) = b :=

给定p : Point Nat,符号p.xPoint.x p的缩写。这提供了一种方便的方式来访问结构体的字段。

def p := Point.mk 10 20

#check p.x  -- Nat
#eval p.x   -- 10
#eval p.y   -- 20

点表示法不仅方便于访问记录的投影,而且也方便于应用同名命名空间中定义的函数。回想一下合取一节,如果p具有Point类型,那么表达式p.foo被解释为Point.foo p,假设foo的第一个非隐式参数具有类型Point,表达式p.add q因此是Point.add p q的缩写。可见下面的例子。

structure Point (α : Type u) where
  x : α
  y : α
  deriving Repr

def Point.add (p q : Point Nat) :=
  mk (p.x + q.x) (p.y + q.y)

def p : Point Nat := Point.mk 1 2
def q : Point Nat := Point.mk 3 4

#eval p.add q  -- {x := 4, y := 6}

在下一章中,您将学习如何定义一个像add这样的函数,这样它就可以通用地为Point α的元素工作,而不仅仅是Point Nat,只要假设α有一个关联的加法操作。

更一般地,给定一个表达式p.foo x y z其中p : Point,Lean会把pPoint为类型插入到Point.foo的第一个参数。例如,下面是标量乘法的定义,p.smul 3被解释为Point.smul 3 p

def Point.smul (n : Nat) (p : Point Nat) :=
  Point.mk (n * p.x) (n * p.y)

def p : Point Nat := Point.mk 1 2

#eval p.smul 3  -- {x := 3, y := 6}


#check @List.map

def xs : List Nat := [1, 2, 3]
def f : Nat → Nat := fun x => x * x

#eval xs.map f  -- [1, 4, 9]

此处xs.map f被解释为List.map f xs

Here xs.map f is interpreted as List.map f xs.



    { (<field-name> := <expr>)* : structure-type }
    { (<field-name> := <expr>)* }

只要可以从期望的类型推断出结构体的名称,后缀: structure-type就可以省略。例如,我们使用这种表示法来定义“点”。字段的指定顺序无关紧要,因此下面的所有表达式定义相同的点。

structure Point (α : Type u) where
  x : α
  y : α

#check { x := 10, y := 20 : Point Nat }  -- Point ℕ
#check { y := 20, x := 10 : Point _ }
#check ({ x := 10, y := 20 } : Point Nat)

example : Point Nat :=
  { y := 20, x := 10 }


structure MyStruct where
    {α : Type u}
    {β : Type v}
    a : α
    b : β

#check { a := 10, b := true : MyStruct }

记录更新是另一个常见的操作,相当于通过修改旧记录中的一个或多个字段的值来创建一个新的记录对象。通过在字段赋值之前添加注释s with,Lean允许您指定记录规范中未赋值的字段,该字段应从之前定义的结构对象s中获取。如果提供了多个记录对象,那么将按顺序访问它们,直到Lean找到一个包含未指定字段的记录对象。如果在访问了所有对象之后仍未指定任何字段名,Lean将引发错误。

structure Point (α : Type u) where
  x : α
  y : α
  deriving Repr

def p : Point Nat :=
  { x := 1, y := 2 }

#eval { p with y := 3 }  -- { x := 1, y := 3 }
#eval { p with x := 4 }  -- { x := 4, y := 2 }

structure Point3 (α : Type u) where
  x : α
  y : α
  z : α

def q : Point3 Nat :=
  { x := 5, y := 5, z := 5 }

def r : Point3 Nat :=
  { p, q with x := 6 }

example : r.x = 6 := rfl
example : r.y = 2 := rfl
example : r.z = 5 := rfl



structure Point (α : Type u) where
  x : α
  y : α

inductive Color where
  | red | green | blue

structure ColorPoint (α : Type u) extends Point α where
  c : Color


structure Point (α : Type u) where
  x : α
  y : α
  z : α

structure RGBValue where
  red : Nat
  green : Nat
  blue : Nat

structure RedGreenPoint (α : Type u) extends Point α, RGBValue where
  no_blue : blue = 0

def p : Point Nat :=
  { x := 10, y := 10, z := 20 }

def rgp : RedGreenPoint Nat :=
  { p with red := 200, green := 40, blue := 0, no_blue := rfl }

example : rgp.x   = 10 := rfl
example : rgp.red = 200 := rfl

Type classes


Type classes were introduced as a principled way of enabling ad-hoc polymorphism in functional programming languages. We first observe that it would be easy to implement an ad-hoc polymorphic function (such as addition) if the function simply took the type-specific implementation of addition as an argument and then called that implementation on the remaining arguments. For example, suppose we declare a structure in Lean to hold implementations of addition

# namespace Ex
structure Add (a : Type) where
  add : a -> a -> a

#check @Add.add
-- Add.add : {a : Type} → Add a → a → a → a
# end Ex

In the above Lean code, the field add has type Add.add : {α : Type} → Add α → α → α → α where the curly braces around the type a mean that it is an implicit argument. We could implement double by

# namespace Ex
# structure Add (a : Type) where
#  add : a -> a -> a
def double (s : Add a) (x : a) : a :=
  s.add x x

#eval double { add := Nat.add } 10
-- 20

#eval double { add := Nat.mul } 10
-- 100

#eval double { add := Int.add } 10
-- 20

# end Ex

Note that you can double a natural number n by double { add := Nat.add } n. Of course, it would be highly cumbersome for users to manually pass the implementations around in this way. Indeed, it would defeat most of the potential benefits of ad-hoc polymorphism.

The main idea behind type classes is to make arguments such as Add a implicit, and to use a database of user-defined instances to synthesize the desired instances automatically through a process known as typeclass resolution. In Lean, by changing structure to class in the example above, the type of Add.add becomes

# namespace Ex
class Add (a : Type) where
  add : a -> a -> a

#check @Add.add
-- Add.add : {a : Type} → [self : Add a] → a → a → a
# end Ex

where the square brackets indicate that the argument of type Add a is instance implicit, i.e. that it should be synthesized using typeclass resolution. This version of add is the Lean analogue of the Haskell term add :: Add a => a -> a -> a. Similarly, we can register an instance by

# namespace Ex
# class Add (a : Type) where
#  add : a -> a -> a
instance : Add Nat where
  add := Nat.add

# end Ex

Then for n : Nat and m : Nat, the term Add.add n m triggers typeclass resolution with the goal of Add Nat, and typeclass resolution will synthesize the instance above. In general, instances may depend on other instances in complicated ways. For example, you can declare an (anonymous) instance stating that if a has addition, then Array a has addition:

instance [Add a] : Add (Array a) where
  add x y := Array.zipWith x y (. + .)

#eval Add.add #[1, 2] #[3, 4]
-- #[4, 6]

#eval #[1, 2] + #[3, 4]
-- #[4, 6]

Note that x + y is notation for Add.add x y in Lean.

The example above demonstrates how type classes are used to overload notation. Now, we explore another application. We often need an arbitrary element of a given type. Recall that types may not have any elements in Lean. It often happens that we would like a definition to return an arbitrary element in a "corner case." For example, we may like the expression head xs to be of type a when xs is of type List a. Similarly, many theorems hold under the additional assumption that a type is not empty. For example, if a is a type, exists x : a, x = x is true only if a is not empty. The standard library defines a type class Inhabited to enable type class inference to infer a "default" or "arbitrary" element of an inhabited type. Let us start with the first step of the program above, declaring an appropriate class:

# namespace Ex
class Inhabited (a : Type u) where
  default : a

#check @Inhabited.default
-- Inhabited.default : {a : Type u} → [self : Inhabited a] → a
# end Ex

Note Inhabited.default doesn't have any explicit argument.

An element of the class Inhabited a is simply an expression of the form Inhabited.mk x, for some element x : a. The projection Inhabited.default will allow us to "extract" such an element of a from an element of Inhabited a. Now we populate the class with some instances:

# namespace Ex
# class Inhabited (a : Type _) where
#  default : a
instance : Inhabited Bool where
  default := true

instance : Inhabited Nat where
  default := 0

instance : Inhabited Unit where
  default := ()

instance : Inhabited Prop where
  default := True

#eval (Inhabited.default : Nat)
-- 0

#eval (Inhabited.default : Bool)
-- true
# end Ex

You can use the command export to create the alias default for Inhabited.default

# namespace Ex
# class Inhabited (a : Type _) where
#  default : a
# instance : Inhabited Bool where
#  default := true
# instance : Inhabited Nat where
#  default := 0
# instance : Inhabited Unit where
#  default := ()
# instance : Inhabited Prop where
#  default := True
export Inhabited (default)

#eval (default : Nat)
-- 0

#eval (default : Bool)
-- true
# end Ex

Sometimes we want to think of the default element of a type as being an arbitrary element, whose specific value should not play a role in our proofs. For that purpose, we can write arbitrary instead of default. We define arbitrary as an opaque constant. Opaque constants are never unfolded by the type checker.

# namespace Ex
# export Inhabited (default)
theorem defNatEq0 : (default : Nat) = 0 :=

constant arbitrary [Inhabited a] : a :=

-- theorem arbitraryNatEq0 : (arbitrary : Nat) = 0 :=
--   rfl
error: type mismatch
has type
  arbitrary = arbitrary
but is expected to have type
  arbitrary = 0
# end Ex

The theorem defNatEq0 type checks because the type checker can unfold (default : Nat) and reduce it to 0. This is not the case in the theorem arbitraryNatEq0 because arbitrary is an opaque constant.

Chaining Instances

If that were the extent of type class inference, it would not be all that impressive; it would be simply a mechanism of storing a list of instances for the elaborator to find in a lookup table. What makes type class inference powerful is that one can chain instances. That is, an instance declaration can in turn depend on an implicit instance of a type class. This causes class inference to chain through instances recursively, backtracking when necessary, in a Prolog-like search.

For example, the following definition shows that if two types a and b are inhabited, then so is their product:

instance [Inhabited a] [Inhabited b] : Inhabited (a × b) where
  default := (arbitrary, arbitrary)

With this added to the earlier instance declarations, type class instance can infer, for example, a default element of Nat × Bool:

# namespace Ex
# class Inhabited (a : Type u) where
#  default : a
# instance : Inhabited Bool where
#  default := true
# instance : Inhabited Nat where
#  default := 0
# constant arbitrary [Inhabited a] : a :=
#  Inhabited.default
instance [Inhabited a] [Inhabited b] : Inhabited (a × b) where
  default := (arbitrary, arbitrary)

#eval (arbitrary : Nat × Bool)
-- (0, true)
# end Ex

Similarly, we can inhabit type function with suitable constant functions:

instance [Inhabited b] : Inhabited (a -> b) where
  default := fun _ => arbitrary

As an exercise, try defining default instances for other types, such as List and Sum types.

The Lean standard library contains the definition inferInstance. It has type {α : Sort u} → [i : α] → α, and is useful for triggering the type class resolution procedure when the expected type is an instance.

#check (inferInstance : Inhabited Nat) -- Inhabited Nat

def foo : Inhabited (Nat × Nat) :=

theorem ex : foo.default = (arbitrary, arbitrary) :=

You can use the command #print to inspect how simple inferInstance is.

#print inferInstance


The polymorphic method toString has type {α : Type u} → [ToString α] → α → String. You implement the instance for your own types and use chaining to convert complex values into strings. Lean comes with ToString instances for most builtin types.

structure Person where
  name : String
  age  : Nat

instance : ToString Person where
  toString p := p.name ++ "@" ++ toString p.age

#eval toString { name := "Leo", age := 542 : Person }
#eval toString ({ name := "Daniel", age := 18 : Person }, "hello")


Numerals are polymorphic in Lean. You can use a numeral (e.g., 2) to denote an element of any type that implements the type class OfNat.

structure Rational where
  num : Int
  den : Nat
  inv : den ≠ 0

instance : OfNat Rational n where
  ofNat := { num := n, den := 1, inv := by decide }

instance : ToString Rational where
  toString r := s!"{r.num}/{r.den}"

#eval (2 : Rational) -- 2/1

#check (2 : Rational) -- Rational
#check (2 : Nat)      -- Nat

Lean elaborates the terms (2 : Nat) and (2 : Rational) as OfNat.ofNat Nat 2 (instOfNatNat 2) and OfNat.ofNat Rational 2 (instOfNatRational 2) respectively. We say the numerals 2 occurring in the elaborated terms are raw natural numbers. You can input the raw natural number 2 using the macro nat_lit 2.

#check nat_lit 2  -- Nat

Raw natural numbers are not polymorphic.

The OfNat instance is parametric on the numeral. So, you can define instances for particular numerals. The second argument is often a variable as in the example above, or a raw natural number.

class Monoid (α : Type u) where
  unit : α
  op   : α → α → α

instance [s : Monoid α] : OfNat α (nat_lit 1) where
  ofNat := s.unit

def getUnit [Monoid α] : α :=

Output parameters

By default, Lean only tries to synthesize an instance Inhabited T when the term T is known and does not contain missing parts. The following command produces the error "failed to create type class instance for Inhabited (Nat × ?m.1499)" because the type has a missing part (i.e., the _).

#check_failure (inferInstance : Inhabited (Nat × _))

You can view the parameter of the type class Inhabited as an input value for the type class synthesizer. When a type class has multiple parameters, you can mark some of them as output parameters. Lean will start type class synthesizer even when these parameters have missing parts. In the following example, we use output parameters to define a heterogeneous polymorphic multiplication.

# namespace Ex
class HMul (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (γ : outParam (Type w)) where
  hMul : α → β → γ

export HMul (hMul)

instance : HMul Nat Nat Nat where
  hMul := Nat.mul

instance : HMul Nat (Array Nat) (Array Nat) where
  hMul a bs := bs.map (fun b => hMul a b)

#eval hMul 4 3           -- 12
#eval hMul 4 #[2, 3, 4]  -- #[8, 12, 16]
# end Ex

The parameters α and β are considered input parameters and γ an output one. Given an application hMul a b, after types of a and b are known, the type class synthesizer is invoked, and the resulting type is obtained from the output parameter γ. In the example above, we defined two instances. The first one is the homogeneous multiplication for natural numbers. The second is the scalar multiplication for arrays. Note that you chain instances and generalize the second instance.

# namespace Ex
class HMul (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (γ : outParam (Type w)) where
  hMul : α → β → γ

export HMul (hMul)

instance : HMul Nat Nat Nat where
  hMul := Nat.mul

instance : HMul Int Int Int where
  hMul := Int.mul

instance [HMul α β γ] : HMul α (Array β) (Array γ) where
  hMul a bs := bs.map (fun b => hMul a b)

#eval hMul 4 3                    -- 12
#eval hMul 4 #[2, 3, 4]           -- #[8, 12, 16]
#eval hMul (-2) #[3, -1, 4]       -- #[-6, 2, -8]
#eval hMul 2 #[#[2, 3], #[0, 4]]  -- #[#[4, 6], #[0, 8]]
# end Ex

You can use our new scalar array multiplication instance on arrays of type Array β with a scalar of type α whenever you have an instance HMul α β γ. In the last #eval, note that the instance was used twice on an array of arrays.

Default instances

In the class HMul, the parameters α and β are treated as input values. Thus, type class synthesis only starts after these two types are known. This may often be too restrictive.

# namespace Ex
class HMul (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (γ : outParam (Type w)) where
  hMul : α → β → γ

export HMul (hMul)

instance : HMul Int Int Int where
  hMul := Int.mul

def xs : List Int := [1, 2, 3]

-- Error "failed to create type class instance for HMul Int ?m.1767 (?m.1797 x)"
#check_failure fun y => xs.map (fun x => hMul x y)
# end Ex

The instance HMul is not synthesized by Lean because the type of y has not been provided. However, it is natural to assume that the type of y and x should be the same in this kind of situation. We can achieve exactly that using default instances.

# namespace Ex
class HMul (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (γ : outParam (Type w)) where
  hMul : α → β → γ

export HMul (hMul)

instance : HMul Int Int Int where
  hMul := Int.mul

def xs : List Int := [1, 2, 3]

#check fun y => xs.map (fun x => hMul x y)  -- Int -> List Int
# end Ex

By tagging the instance above with the attribute defaultInstance, we are instructing Lean to use this instance on pending type class synthesis problems. The actual Lean implementation defines homogeneous and heterogeneous classes for arithmetical operators. Moreover, a+b, a*b, a-b, a/b, and a%b are notations for the heterogeneous versions. The instance OfNat Nat n is the default instance for the OfNat class. This is why the numeral 2 has type Nat when the expected type is not known. You can define default instances with higher priority to override the builtin ones.

structure Rational where
  num : Int
  den : Nat
  inv : den ≠ 0

@[defaultInstance 1]
instance : OfNat Rational n where
  ofNat := { num := n, den := 1, inv := by decide }

instance : ToString Rational where
  toString r := s!"{r.num}/{r.den}"

#check 2 -- Rational

Priorities are also useful to control the interaction between different default instances. For example, suppose xs has type α, when elaboration xs.map (fun x => 2 * x), we want the homogeneous instance for multiplication to have higher priority than the default instance for OfNat. This is particularly important when we have implemented only the instance HMul α α α, and did not implement HMul Nat α α. Now, we reveal how the notation a*b is defined in Lean.

# namespace Ex
class OfNat (α : Type u) (n : Nat) where
  ofNat : α

instance (n : Nat) : OfNat Nat n where
  ofNat := n

class HMul (α : Type u) (β : Type v) (γ : outParam (Type w)) where
  hMul : α → β → γ

class Mul (α : Type u) where
  mul : α → α → α

@[defaultInstance 10]
instance [Mul α] : HMul α α α where
  hMul a b := Mul.mul a b

infixl:70 " * "  => HMul.hMul
# end Ex

The Mul class is convenient for types that only implement the homogeneous multiplication.

Local Instances

Type classes are implemented using attributes in Lean. Thus, you can use the local modifier to indicate that they only have effect until the current section or namespace is closed, or until the end of the current file.

structure Point where
  x : Nat
  y : Nat


local instance : Add Point where
  add a b := { x := a.x + b.x, y := a.y + b.y }

def double (p : Point) :=
  p + p

end -- instance `Add Point` is not active anymore

-- def triple (p : Point) :=
--  p + p + p  -- Error: failed to sythesize instance

You can also temporarily disable an instance using the attribute command until the current section or namespace is closed, or until the end of the current file.

structure Point where
  x : Nat
  y : Nat

instance addPoint : Add Point where
  add a b := { x := a.x + b.x, y := a.y + b.y }

def double (p : Point) :=
  p + p

attribute [-instance] addPoint

-- def triple (p : Point) :=
--  p + p + p  -- Error: failed to sythesize instance

We recommend you only use this command to diagnose problems.

Scoped Instances

You can also declare scoped instances in namespaces. This kind of instance is only active when you are inside of the namespace or open the namespace.

structure Point where
  x : Nat
  y : Nat

namespace Point

scoped instance : Add Point where
  add a b := { x := a.x + b.x, y := a.y + b.y }

def double (p : Point) :=
  p + p

end Point
-- instance `Add Point` is not active anymore

-- #check fun (p : Point) => p + p + p  -- Error

namespace Point
-- instance `Add Point` is active again
#check fun (p : Point) => p + p + p

end Point

open Point -- activates instance `Add Point`
#check fun (p : Point) => p + p + p

You can use the command open scoped <namespace> to activate scoped attributes but will not "open" the names from the namespace.

structure Point where
  x : Nat
  y : Nat

namespace Point

scoped instance : Add Point where
  add a b := { x := a.x + b.x, y := a.y + b.y }

def double (p : Point) :=
  p + p

end Point

open scoped Point -- activates instance `Add Point`
#check fun (p : Point) => p + p + p

-- #check fun (p : Point) => double p -- Error: unknown identifier 'double'

Decidable Propositions

Let us consider another example of a type class defined in the standard library, namely the type class of Decidable propositions. Roughly speaking, an element of Prop is said to be decidable if we can decide whether it is true or false. The distinction is only useful in constructive mathematics; classically, every proposition is decidable. But if we use the classical principle, say, to define a function by cases, that function will not be computable. Algorithmically speaking, the Decidable type class can be used to infer a procedure that effectively determines whether or not the proposition is true. As a result, the type class supports such computational definitions when they are possible while at the same time allowing a smooth transition to the use of classical definitions and classical reasoning.

In the standard library, Decidable is defined formally as follows:

# namespace Hidden
class inductive Decidable (p : Prop) where
  | isFalse (h : ¬p) : Decidable p
  | isTrue  (h : p)  : Decidable p
# end Hidden

Logically speaking, having an element t : Decidable p is stronger than having an element t : p ∨ ¬p; it enables us to define values of an arbitrary type depending on the truth value of p. For example, for the expression if p then a else b to make sense, we need to know that p is decidable. That expression is syntactic sugar for ite p a b, where ite is defined as follows:

# namespace Hidden
def ite {α : Sort u} (c : Prop) [h : Decidable c] (t e : α) : α :=
  Decidable.casesOn (motive := fun _ => α) h (fun _ => e) (fun _ => t)
# end Hidden

The standard library also contains a variant of ite called dite, the dependent if-then-else expression. It is defined as follows:

# namespace Hidden
def dite {α : Sort u} (c : Prop) [h : Decidable c] (t : c → α) (e : Not c → α) : α :=
  Decidable.casesOn (motive := fun _ => α) h e t
# end Hidden

That is, in dite c t e, we can assume hc : c in the "then" branch, and hnc : ¬ c in the "else" branch. To make dite more convenient to use, Lean allows us to write if h : c then t else e instead of dite c (λ h : c, t) (λ h : ¬ c, e).

Without classical logic, we cannot prove that every proposition is decidable. But we can prove that certain propositions are decidable. For example, we can prove the decidability of basic operations like equality and comparisons on the natural numbers and the integers. Moreover, decidability is preserved under propositional connectives:

#check @instDecidableAnd
  -- {p q : Prop} → [Decidable p] → [Decidable q] → Decidable (And p q)

#check @instDecidableOr
#check @instDecidableNot
#check @instDecidableArrow

Thus we can carry out definitions by cases on decidable predicates on the natural numbers:

def step (a b x : Nat) : Nat :=
  if x < a ∨ x > b then 0 else 1

set_option pp.explicit true
#print step

Turning on implicit arguments shows that the elaborator has inferred the decidability of the proposition x < a ∨ x > b, simply by applying appropriate instances.

With the classical axioms, we can prove that every proposition is decidable. You can import the classical axioms and make the generic instance of decidability available by opening the Classical namespace.

open Classical

Thereafter decidable p has an instance for every p. Thus all theorems in the library that rely on decidability assumptions are freely available when you want to reason classically. In Chapter Axioms and Computation, we will see that using the law of the excluded middle to define functions can prevent them from being used computationally. Thus, the standard library assigns a low priority to the propDecidable instance.

# namespace Hidden
open Classical
noncomputable scoped
instance (priority := low) propDecidable (a : Prop) : Decidable a :=
  choice <| match em a with
    | Or.inl h => ⟨isTrue h⟩
    | Or.inr h => ⟨isFalse h⟩
# end Hidden

The guarantees that Lean will favor other instances and fall back on propDecidable only after other attempts to infer decidability have failed.

The Decidable type class also provides a bit of small-scale automation for proving theorems. The standard library introduces the tactic decide that uses the Decidable instance to solve simple goals.

example : 10 < 5 ∨ 1 > 0 := by

example : ¬ (True ∧ False) := by

example : 10 * 20 = 200 := by

theorem ex : True ∧ 2 = 1+1 := by

#print ex
-- theorem ex : True ∧ 2 = 1 + 1 :=
-- of_decide_eq_true (Eq.refl true)

#check @of_decide_eq_true
-- ∀ {p : Prop} [Decidable p], decide p = true → p

#check @decide
-- (p : Prop) → [Decidable p] → Bool

They work as follows. The expression decide p tries to infer a decision procedure for p, and, if it is successful, evaluates to either true or false. In particular, if p is a true closed expression, decide p will reduce definitionally to the Boolean true. On the assumption that decide p = true holds, of_decide_eq_true produces a proof of p. The tactic decide puts it all together: to prove a target p. By the previous observations, decide will succeed any time the inferred decision procedure for c has enough information to evaluate, definitionally, to the isTrue case.

Managing Type Class Inference

If you are ever in a situation where you need to supply an expression that Lean can infer by type class inference, you can ask Lean to carry out the inference using inferInstance:

def foo : Add Nat := inferInstance
def bar : Inhabited (Nat → Nat) := inferInstance

#check @inferInstance
-- {α : Sort u} → [α] → α

In fact, you can use Lean's (t : T) notation to specify the class whose instance you are looking for, in a concise manner:

#check (inferInstance : Add Nat)

You can also use the auxiliary definition inferInstanceAs:

#check inferInstanceAs (Add Nat)

#check @inferInstanceAs
-- (α : Sort u) → [α] → α

Sometimes Lean can't find an instance because the class is buried under a definition. For example, Lean cannot find an instance of Inhabited (Set α). We can declare one explicitly:

def Set (α : Type u) := α → Prop

-- fails
-- example : Inhabited (Set α) :=
--  inferInstance

instance : Inhabited (Set α) :=
  inferInstanceAs (Inhabited (α → Prop))

At times, you may find that the type class inference fails to find an expected instance, or, worse, falls into an infinite loop and times out. To help debug in these situations, Lean enables you to request a trace of the search:

set_option trace.Meta.synthInstance true

If you are using VS Code, you can read the results by hovering over the relevant theorem or definition, or opening the messages window with Ctrl-Shift-Enter. In Emacs, you can use C-c C-x to run an independent Lean process on your file, and the output buffer will show a trace every time the type class resolution procedure is subsequently triggered.

You can also limit the search using the following options:

set_option synthInstance.maxHeartbeats 10000
set_option synthInstance.maxSize 400

Option synthInstance.maxHeartbeats specifies the maximum amount of heartbeats per typeclass resolution problem. A heartbeat is number of (small) memory allocations (in thousands), 0 means there is no limit. Option synthInstance.maxSize is the maximum number of instances used to construct a solution in the type class instance synthesis procedure

Remember also that in both the VS Code and Emacs editor modes, tab completion works in set_option, to help you find suitable options.

As noted above, the type class instances in a given context represent a Prolog-like program, which gives rise to a backtracking search. Both the efficiency of the program and the solutions that are found can depend on the order in which the system tries the instance. Instances which are declared last are tried first. Moreover, if instances are declared in other modules, the order in which they are tried depends on the order in which namespaces are opened. Instances declared in namespaces which are opened later are tried earlier.

You can change the order that type classes instances are tried by assigning them a priority. When an instance is declared, it is assigned a default priority value. You can assign other priorities when defining an instance. The following example illustrates how this is done:

class Foo where
  a : Nat
  b : Nat

instance (priority := default+1) i1 : Foo where
  a := 1
  b := 1

instance i2 : Foo where
  a := 2
  b := 2

example : Foo.a = 1 :=

instance (priority := default+2) i3 : Foo where
  a := 3
  b := 3

example : Foo.a = 3 :=


在策略块中,可以使用关键字conv进入转换模式(conversion mode)。这种模式允许在假设和目标内部,甚至在函数抽象和依赖箭头内部移动,以应用重写或简化步骤。


作为第一个例子,让我们证明(a b c : Nat) : a * (b * c) = a * (c * b)(本段中的例子有些刻意设计,因为其他策略可以立即完成它们)。首次简单的尝试是尝试rw [Nat.mul_comm],但这将目标转化为b * c * a = a * (c * b),因为它作用于项中出现的第一个乘法。有几种方法可以解决这个问题,其中一个方法是

example (a b c : Nat) : a * (b * c) = a * (c * b) := by
    rw [Nat.mul_comm b c]


example (a b c : Nat) : a * (b * c) = a * (c * b) := by
  conv =>
    -- |- a * (b * c) = a * (c * b)
    -- |- a * (b * c)
    -- 2 goals : |- a and |- b * c
    -- |- b * c
    rw [Nat.mul_comm]


  • lhs(left hand side)导航到关系(此处是等式)左边。同理rhs导航到右边。
  • congr创建与当前头函数的(非依赖的和显式的)参数数量一样多的目标(此处的头函数是乘法)。
  • skip走到下一个目标。


使用转换模式的第二个主要原因是在约束器下重写。假设我们想证明(fun x : Nat => 0 + x) = (fun x => x)。首次简单的尝试rw [zero_add]是失败的。报错:

error: tactic 'rewrite' failed, did not find instance of the pattern
       in the target expression
  0 + ?n
⊢ (fun x => 0 + x) = fun x => x

(错误:'rewrite'策略失败了,没有找到目标表达式中的模式0 + ?n)


example : (fun x : Nat => 0 + x) = (fun x => x) := by
  conv =>
    intro x
    rw [Nat.zero_add]

其中intro x是导航命令,它进入了fun约束器。这个例子有点刻意,你也可以这样做:

example : (fun x : Nat => 0 + x) = (fun x => x) := by
  funext x; rw [Nat.zero_add]


example : (fun x : Nat => 0 + x) = (fun x => x) := by

所有这些也可以用conv at h从局部上下文重写一个假设h



example (a b c : Nat) : a * (b * c) = a * (c * b) := by
  conv in b * c => rw [Nat.mul_comm]


example (a b c : Nat) : a * (b * c) = a * (c * b) := by
  conv =>
    pattern b * c
    rw [Nat.mul_comm]


example (a b c : Nat) : a * (b * c) = a * (c * b) := by
  conv in _ * c => rw [Nat.mul_comm]



example (a b c : Nat) : (0 + a) * (b * c) = a * (c * b) := by
  conv =>
    . rw [Nat.zero_add]
    . rw [Nat.mul_comm]


  • arg i进入一个应用的第i个非独立显式参数。
example (a b c : Nat) : a * (b * c) = a * (c * b) := by
  conv =>
    -- |- a * (b * c) = a * (c * b)
    -- |- a * (b * c)
    arg 2
    -- |- b * c
    rw [Nat.mul_comm]
  • argscongr的替代品。

  • simp将简化器应用于当前目标。它支持常规策略模式中的相同选项。

def f (x : Nat) :=
  if x > 0 then x + 1 else x + 2

example (g : Nat → Nat) (h₁ : g x = x + 1) (h₂ : x > 0) : g x = f x := by
  conv =>
    simp [f, h₂]
  exact h₁
  • enter [1, x, 2, y]argintro使用给定参数的宏。
syntax enterArg := ident <|> num
syntax "enter " "[" (colGt enterArg),+ "]": conv
  | `(conv| enter [$i:numLit]) => `(conv| arg $i)
  | `(conv| enter [$id:ident]) => `(conv| ext $id)
  | `(conv| enter [$arg:enterArg, $args,*]) => `(conv| (enter [$arg]; enter [$args,*]))
  • done会失败如果有未解决的目标。

  • traceState显示当前策略状态。

  • whnf put term in weak head normal form.

  • tactic => <tactic sequence>回到常规策略模式。这对于退出conv模式不支持的目标,以及应用自定义的一致性和扩展性引理很有用。

example (g : Nat → Nat → Nat)
        (h₁ : ∀ x, x ≠ 0 → g x x = 1)
        (h₂ : x ≠ 0)
        : g x x + x = 1 + x := by
  conv =>
    -- |- g x x + x
    arg 1
    -- |- g x x
    rw [h₁]
    -- 2 goals: |- 1, |- x ≠ 0
    . skip
    . tactic => exact h₂
  • apply <term>tactic => apply <term>的语法糖。
example (g : Nat → Nat → Nat)
        (h₁ : ∀ x, x ≠ 0 → g x x = 1)
        (h₂ : x ≠ 0)
        : g x x + x = 1 + x := by
  conv =>
    arg 1
    rw [h₁]
    . skip
    . apply h₂

Axioms and Computation







  • 命题扩展性公理
  • 一个商结构,它意味着函数的扩展性
  • 选择原则,从一个存在性命题中产生数据。






在计算上,依赖类型论的最纯粹部分完全避免了使用Prop。归纳类型和依赖函数类型可以被看作是数据类型,这些类型的项可以通过应用规约规则进行“求值”,直到没有规则可以应用为止。原则上,任何类型为Nat的封闭项(即没有自由变量的项)都应该算为一个数字,succ (...(succ zero)...)

引入一个与证明无关的Prop,并将定理标记为不可还原的,代表了向分离两种倾向迈出的第一步。我们的意图是,一个元素p : Prop不应该在计算中扮演任何角色,所以项t : p的具体构造在这个意义上是“不相关的”。我们仍然可以定义包含Prop类型元素的计算对象;问题是这些元素可以帮助我们推理计算的效果,但是当我们从项中提取“代码”时,可以忽略不计。然而,Prop类型的元素并不完全是无害的。它们包括方程s = t : α,适用于任何类型的α,这样的方程可以被用作转换,对项进行类型检查。下面,我们将看到这样的转换如何阻止系统的计算的例子。然而,在一个抹去命题内容、忽略中间类型约束、减少项直到它们达到正常形式的评估方案下,计算仍然是可能的。这正是Lean的虚拟机所做的。

在采用了与证明无关的Prop之后,人们可能认为使用排中律是合法的,例如,p ∨ ¬p,其中p是任何命题。当然,根据CIC的规则,这也可以阻止计算,但它不会阻止字节码的求值,如上所述。只有在(选择)[#选择]一节中讨论的选择原则才完全消除了理论中与证明无关的部分和与数据有关的部分之间的区别。

Propositional Extensionality

Propositional extensionality is the following axiom:

# namespace Hidden
axiom propext {a b : Prop} : (a ↔ b) → a = b
# end Hidden

It asserts that when two propositions imply one another, they are actually equal. This is consistent with set-theoretic interpretations in which any element a : Prop is either empty or the singleton set {*}, for some distinguished element *. The axiom has the effect that equivalent propositions can be substituted for one another in any context:

theorem thm₁ (a b c d e : Prop) (h : a ↔ b) : (c ∧ a ∧ d → e) ↔ (c ∧ b ∧ d → e) :=
  propext h ▸ Iff.refl _

theorem thm₂ (a b : Prop) (p : Prop → Prop) (h : a ↔ b) (h₁ : p a) : p b :=
  propext h ▸ h₁

Function Extensionality

Similar to propositional extensionality, function extensionality asserts that any two functions of type (x : α) → β x that agree on all their inputs are equal.

universe u v
#check (@funext :
           {α : Type u}
         → {β : α → Type u}
         → {f g : (x : α) → β x}
         → (∀ (x : α), f x = g x)
         → f = g)

#print funext

From a classical, set-theoretic perspective, this is exactly what it means for two functions to be equal. This is known as an "extensional" view of functions. From a constructive perspective, however, it is sometimes more natural to think of functions as algorithms, or computer programs, that are presented in some explicit way. It is certainly the case that two computer programs can compute the same answer for every input despite the fact that they are syntactically quite different. In much the same way, you might want to maintain a view of functions that does not force you to identify two functions that have the same input / output behavior. This is known as an "intensional" view of functions.

In fact, function extensionality follows from the existence of quotients, which we describe in the next section. In the Lean standard library, therefore, funext is thus proved from the quotient construction.

Suppose that for α : Type we define the Set α := α → Prop to denote the type of subsets of α, essentially identifying subsets with predicates. By combining funext and propext, we obtain an extensional theory of such sets:

def Set (α : Type u) := α → Prop

namespace Set

def mem (x : α) (a : Set α) := a x

infix:50 "∈" => mem

theorem setext {a b : Set α} (h : ∀ x, x ∈ a ↔ x ∈ b) : a = b :=
  funext (fun x => propext (h x))

end Set

We can then proceed to define the empty set and set intersection, for example, and prove set identities:

# def Set (α : Type u) := α → Prop
# namespace Set
# def mem (x : α) (a : Set α) := a x
# infix:50 "∈" => mem
# theorem setext {a b : Set α} (h : ∀ x, x ∈ a ↔ x ∈ b) : a = b :=
#  funext (fun x => propext (h x))
def empty : Set α := fun x => False

notation (priority := high) "∅" => empty

def inter (a b : Set α) : Set α :=
  fun x => x ∈ a ∧ x ∈ b

infix:70 " ∩ " => inter

theorem inter_self (a : Set α) : a ∩ a = a :=
  setext fun x => Iff.intro
    (fun ⟨h, _⟩ => h)
    (fun h => ⟨h, h⟩)

theorem inter_empty (a : Set α) : a ∩ ∅ = ∅ :=
  setext fun x => Iff.intro
    (fun ⟨_, h⟩ => h)
    (fun h => False.elim h)

theorem empty_inter (a : Set α) : ∅ ∩ a = ∅ :=
  setext fun x => Iff.intro
    (fun ⟨h, _⟩ => h)
    (fun h => False.elim h)

theorem inter.comm (a b : Set α) : a ∩ b = b ∩ a :=
  setext fun x => Iff.intro
    (fun ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ => ⟨h₂, h₁⟩)
    (fun ⟨h₁, h₂⟩ => ⟨h₂, h₁⟩)
# end Set

The following is an example of how function extensionality blocks computation inside the Lean kernel.

def f (x : Nat) := x
def g (x : Nat) := 0 + x

theorem f_eq_g : f = g :=
  funext fun x => (Nat.zero_add x).symm

def val : Nat :=
  Eq.recOn (motive := fun _ _ => Nat) f_eq_g 0

-- does not reduce to 0
#reduce val

-- evaluates to 0
#eval val

First, we show that the two functions f and g are equal using function extensionality, and then we cast 0 of type Nat by replacing f by g in the type. Of course, the cast is vacuous, because Nat does not depend on f. But that is enough to do the damage: under the computational rules of the system, we now have a closed term of Nat that does not reduce to a numeral. In this case, we may be tempted to reduce the expression to 0. But in nontrivial examples, eliminating cast changes the type of the term, which might make an ambient expression type incorrect. The virtual machine, however, has no trouble evaluating the expression to 0. Here is a similarly contrived example that shows how propext can get in the way.

theorem tteq : (True ∧ True) = True :=
  propext (Iff.intro (fun ⟨h, _⟩ => h) (fun h => ⟨h, h⟩))

def val : Nat :=
  Eq.recOn (motive := fun _ _ => Nat) tteq 0

-- does not reduce to 0
#reduce val

-- evaluates to 0
#eval val

Current research programs, including work on observational type theory and cubical type theory, aim to extend type theory in ways that permit reductions for casts involving function extensionality, quotients, and more. But the solutions are not so clear cut, and the rules of Lean's underlying calculus do not sanction such reductions.

In a sense, however, a cast does not change the meaning of an expression. Rather, it is a mechanism to reason about the expression's type. Given an appropriate semantics, it then makes sense to reduce terms in ways that preserve their meaning, ignoring the intermediate bookkeeping needed to make the reductions type correct. In that case, adding new axioms in Prop does not matter; by proof irrelevance, an expression in Prop carries no information, and can be safely ignored by the reduction procedures.


Let α be any type, and let r be an equivalence relation on α. It is mathematically common to form the "quotient" α / r, that is, the type of elements of α "modulo" r. Set theoretically, one can view α / r as the set of equivalence classes of α modulo r. If f : α → β is any function that respects the equivalence relation in the sense that for every x y : α, r x y implies f x = f y, then f "lifts" to a function f' : α / r → β defined on each equivalence class ⟦x⟧ by f' ⟦x⟧ = f x. Lean's standard library extends the Calculus of Constructions with additional constants that perform exactly these constructions, and installs this last equation as a definitional reduction rule.

In its most basic form, the quotient construction does not even require r to be an equivalence relation. The following constants are built into Lean:

# namespace Hidden
universe u v

axiom Quot : {α : Sort u} → (α → α → Prop) → Sort u

axiom Quot.mk : {α : Sort u} → (r : α → α → Prop) → α → Quot r

axiom Quot.ind :
    ∀ {α : Sort u} {r : α → α → Prop} {β : Quot r → Prop},
      (∀ a, β (Quot.mk r a)) → (q : Quot r) → β q

axiom Quot.lift :
    {α : Sort u} → {r : α → α → Prop} → {β : Sort u} → (f : α → β)
    → (∀ a b, r a b → f a = f b) → Quot r → β
# end Hidden

The first one forms a type Quot r given a type α by any binary relation r on α. The second maps α to Quot α, so that if r : α → α → Prop and a : α, then Quot.mk r a is an element of Quot r. The third principle, Quot.ind, says that every element of Quot.mk r a is of this form. As for Quot.lift, given a function f : α → β, if h is a proof that f respects the relation r, then Quot.lift f h is the corresponding function on Quot r. The idea is that for each element a in α, the function Quot.lift f h maps Quot.mk r a (the r-class containing a) to f a, wherein h shows that this function is well defined. In fact, the computation principle is declared as a reduction rule, as the proof below makes clear.

def mod7Rel (x y : Nat) : Prop :=
  x % 7 = y % 7

-- the quotient type
#check (Quot mod7Rel : Type)

-- the class of a
#check (Quot.mk mod7Rel 4 : Quot mod7Rel)

def f (x : Nat) : Bool :=
   x % 7 = 0

theorem f_respects (a b : Nat) (h : mod7Rel a b) : f a = f b := by
  simp [mod7Rel, f] at *
  rw [h]

#check (Quot.lift f f_respects : Quot mod7Rel → Bool)

-- the computation principle
example (a : Nat) : Quot.lift f f_respects (Quot.mk mod7Rel a) = f a :=

The four constants, Quot, Quot.mk, Quot.ind, and Quot.lift in and of themselves are not very strong. You can check that the Quot.ind is satisfied if we take Quot r to be simply α, and take Quot.lift to be the identity function (ignoring h). For that reason, these four constants are not viewed as additional axioms:

They are, like inductively defined types and the associated constructors and recursors, viewed as part of the logical framework.

What makes the Quot construction into a bona fide quotient is the following additional axiom:

# namespace Hidden
# universe u v
axiom Quot.sound :
      ∀ {α : Type u} {r : α → α → Prop} {a b : α},
        r a b → Quot.mk r a = Quot.mk r b
# end Hidden

This is the axiom that asserts that any two elements of α that are related by r become identified in the quotient. If a theorem or definition makes use of Quot.sound, it will show up in the #print axioms command.

Of course, the quotient construction is most commonly used in situations when r is an equivalence relation. Given r as above, if we define r' according to the rule r' a b iff Quot.mk r a = Quot.mk r b, then it's clear that r' is an equivalence relation. Indeed, r' is the kernel of the function a ↦ quot.mk r a. The axiom Quot.sound says that r a b implies r' a b. Using Quot.lift and Quot.ind, we can show that r' is the smallest equivalence relation containing r, in the sense that if r'' is any equivalence relation containing r, then r' a b implies r'' a b. In particular, if r was an equivalence relation to start with, then for all a and b we have r a b iff r' a b.

To support this common use case, the standard library defines the notion of a setoid, which is simply a type with an associated equivalence relation:

# namespace Hidden
class Setoid (α : Sort u) where
  r : α → α → Prop
  iseqv {} : Equivalence r

instance {α : Sort u} [Setoid α] : HasEquiv α :=

namespace Setoid

variable {α : Sort u} [Setoid α]

theorem refl (a : α) : a ≈ a :=
  (Setoid.iseqv α).refl a

theorem symm {a b : α} (hab : a ≈ b) : b ≈ a :=
  (Setoid.iseqv α).symm hab

theorem trans {a b c : α} (hab : a ≈ b) (hbc : b ≈ c) : a ≈ c :=
  (Setoid.iseqv α).trans hab hbc

end Setoid
# end Hidden

Given a type α, a relation r on α, and a proof p that r is an equivalence relation, we can define Setoid.mk p as an instance of the setoid class.

# namespace Hidden
def Quotient {α : Sort u} (s : Setoid α) :=
  @Quot α Setoid.r
# end Hidden

The constants Quotient.mk, Quotient.ind, Quotient.lift, and Quotient.sound are nothing more than the specializations of the corresponding elements of Quot. The fact that type class inference can find the setoid associated to a type α brings a number of benefits. First, we can use the notation a ≈ b (entered with \approx) for Setoid.r a b, where the instance of Setoid is implicit in the notation Setoid.r. We can use the generic theorems Setoid.refl, Setoid.symm, Setoid.trans to reason about the relation. Specifically with quotients we can use the generic notation ⟦a⟧ for Quot.mk Setoid.r where the instance of Setoid is implicit in the notation Setoid.r, as well as the theorem Quotient.exact:

# universe u
#check (@Quotient.exact :
         ∀ {α : Sort u} [s : Setoid α] {a b : α},
           Quotient.mk a = Quotient.mk b → a ≈ b)

Together with Quotient.sound, this implies that the elements of the quotient correspond exactly to the equivalence classes of elements in α.

Recall that in the standard library, α × β represents the Cartesian product of the types α and β. To illustrate the use of quotients, let us define the type of unordered pairs of elements of a type α as a quotient of the type α × α. First, we define the relevant equivalence relation:

private def eqv (p₁ p₂ : α × α) : Prop :=
  (p₁.1 = p₂.1 ∧ p₁.2 = p₂.2) ∨ (p₁.1 = p₂.2 ∧ p₁.2 = p₂.1)

infix:50 " ~ " => eqv

The next step is to prove that eqv is in fact an equivalence relation, which is to say, it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. We can prove these three facts in a convenient and readable way by using dependent pattern matching to perform case-analysis and break the hypotheses into pieces that are then reassembled to produce the conclusion.

# private def eqv (p₁ p₂ : α × α) : Prop :=
#  (p₁.1 = p₂.1 ∧ p₁.2 = p₂.2) ∨ (p₁.1 = p₂.2 ∧ p₁.2 = p₂.1)
# infix:50 " ~ " => eqv
private theorem eqv.refl (p : α × α) : p ~ p :=
  Or.inl ⟨rfl, rfl⟩

private theorem eqv.symm  : ∀ {p₁ p₂ : α × α}, p₁ ~ p₂ → p₂ ~ p₁
  | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (Or.inl ⟨a₁b₁, a₂b₂⟩) =>
    Or.inl (by simp_all)
  | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (Or.inr ⟨a₁b₂, a₂b₁⟩) =>
    Or.inr (by simp_all)

private theorem eqv.trans : ∀ {p₁ p₂ p₃ : α × α}, p₁ ~ p₂ → p₂ ~ p₃ → p₁ ~ p₃
  | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inl ⟨a₁b₁, a₂b₂⟩, Or.inl ⟨b₁c₁, b₂c₂⟩ =>
    Or.inl (by simp_all)
  | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inl ⟨a₁b₁, a₂b₂⟩, Or.inr ⟨b₁c₂, b₂c₁⟩ =>
    Or.inr (by simp_all)
  | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inr ⟨a₁b₂, a₂b₁⟩, Or.inl ⟨b₁c₁, b₂c₂⟩ =>
    Or.inr (by simp_all)
  | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inr ⟨a₁b₂, a₂b₁⟩, Or.inr ⟨b₁c₂, b₂c₁⟩ =>
    Or.inl (by simp_all)

private theorem is_equivalence : Equivalence (@eqv α) :=
   { refl := eqv.refl, symm := eqv.symm, trans := eqv.trans }

Now that we have proved that eqv is an equivalence relation, we can construct a Setoid (α × α), and use it to define the type UProd α of unordered pairs.

# private def eqv (p₁ p₂ : α × α) : Prop :=
#  (p₁.1 = p₂.1 ∧ p₁.2 = p₂.2) ∨ (p₁.1 = p₂.2 ∧ p₁.2 = p₂.1)
# infix:50 " ~ " => eqv
# private theorem eqv.refl (p : α × α) : p ~ p :=
#  Or.inl ⟨rfl, rfl⟩
# private theorem eqv.symm  : ∀ {p₁ p₂ : α × α}, p₁ ~ p₂ → p₂ ~ p₁
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (Or.inl ⟨a₁b₁, a₂b₂⟩) =>
#     Or.inl (by simp_all)
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (Or.inr ⟨a₁b₂, a₂b₁⟩) =>
#     Or.inr (by simp_all)
# private theorem eqv.trans : ∀ {p₁ p₂ p₃ : α × α}, p₁ ~ p₂ → p₂ ~ p₃ → p₁ ~ p₃
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inl ⟨a₁b₁, a₂b₂⟩, Or.inl ⟨b₁c₁, b₂c₂⟩ =>
#     Or.inl (by simp_all)
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inl ⟨a₁b₁, a₂b₂⟩, Or.inr ⟨b₁c₂, b₂c₁⟩ =>
#     Or.inr (by simp_all)
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inr ⟨a₁b₂, a₂b₁⟩, Or.inl ⟨b₁c₁, b₂c₂⟩ =>
#     Or.inr (by simp_all)
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inr ⟨a₁b₂, a₂b₁⟩, Or.inr ⟨b₁c₂, b₂c₁⟩ =>
#     Or.inl (by simp_all)
# private theorem is_equivalence : Equivalence (@eqv α) :=
#   { refl := eqv.refl, symm := eqv.symm, trans := eqv.trans }
instance uprodSetoid (α : Type u) : Setoid (α × α) where
   r     := eqv
   iseqv := is_equivalence

def UProd (α : Type u) : Type u :=
  Quotient (uprodSetoid α)

namespace UProd

def mk {α : Type} (a₁ a₂ : α) : UProd α :=
  Quotient.mk (a₁, a₂)

notation "{ " a₁ ", " a₂ " }" => mk a₁ a₂

end UProd

Notice that we locally define the notation {a₁, a₂} for ordered pairs as Quotient.mk (a₁, a₂). This is useful for illustrative purposes, but it is not a good idea in general, since the notation will shadow other uses of curly brackets, such as for records and sets.

We can easily prove that {a₁, a₂} = {a₂, a₁} using quot.sound, since we have (a₁, a₂) ~ (a₂, a₁).

# private def eqv (p₁ p₂ : α × α) : Prop :=
#  (p₁.1 = p₂.1 ∧ p₁.2 = p₂.2) ∨ (p₁.1 = p₂.2 ∧ p₁.2 = p₂.1)
# infix:50 " ~ " => eqv
# private theorem eqv.refl (p : α × α) : p ~ p :=
#  Or.inl ⟨rfl, rfl⟩
# private theorem eqv.symm  : ∀ {p₁ p₂ : α × α}, p₁ ~ p₂ → p₂ ~ p₁
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (Or.inl ⟨a₁b₁, a₂b₂⟩) =>
#     Or.inl (by simp_all)
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (Or.inr ⟨a₁b₂, a₂b₁⟩) =>
#     Or.inr (by simp_all)
# private theorem eqv.trans : ∀ {p₁ p₂ p₃ : α × α}, p₁ ~ p₂ → p₂ ~ p₃ → p₁ ~ p₃
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inl ⟨a₁b₁, a₂b₂⟩, Or.inl ⟨b₁c₁, b₂c₂⟩ =>
#     Or.inl (by simp_all)
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inl ⟨a₁b₁, a₂b₂⟩, Or.inr ⟨b₁c₂, b₂c₁⟩ =>
#     Or.inr (by simp_all)
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inr ⟨a₁b₂, a₂b₁⟩, Or.inl ⟨b₁c₁, b₂c₂⟩ =>
#     Or.inr (by simp_all)
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inr ⟨a₁b₂, a₂b₁⟩, Or.inr ⟨b₁c₂, b₂c₁⟩ =>
#     Or.inl (by simp_all)
# private theorem is_equivalence : Equivalence (@eqv α) :=
#   { refl := eqv.refl, symm := eqv.symm, trans := eqv.trans }
# instance uprodSetoid (α : Type u) : Setoid (α × α) where
#    r     := eqv
#    iseqv := is_equivalence
# def UProd (α : Type u) : Type u :=
#   Quotient (uprodSetoid α)
# namespace UProd
# def mk {α : Type} (a₁ a₂ : α) : UProd α :=
#   Quotient.mk (a₁, a₂)
# notation "{ " a₁ ", " a₂ " }" => mk a₁ a₂
theorem mk_eq_mk (a₁ a₂ : α) : {a₁, a₂} = {a₂, a₁} :=
  Quot.sound (Or.inr ⟨rfl, rfl⟩)
# end UProd

To complete the example, given a : α and u : uprod α, we define the proposition a ∈ u which should hold if a is one of the elements of the unordered pair u. First, we define a similar proposition mem_fn a u on (ordered) pairs; then we show that mem_fn respects the equivalence relation eqv with the lemma mem_respects. This is an idiom that is used extensively in the Lean standard library.

# private def eqv (p₁ p₂ : α × α) : Prop :=
#  (p₁.1 = p₂.1 ∧ p₁.2 = p₂.2) ∨ (p₁.1 = p₂.2 ∧ p₁.2 = p₂.1)
# infix:50 " ~ " => eqv
# private theorem eqv.refl (p : α × α) : p ~ p :=
#  Or.inl ⟨rfl, rfl⟩
# private theorem eqv.symm  : ∀ {p₁ p₂ : α × α}, p₁ ~ p₂ → p₂ ~ p₁
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (Or.inl ⟨a₁b₁, a₂b₂⟩) =>
#     Or.inl (by simp_all)
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (Or.inr ⟨a₁b₂, a₂b₁⟩) =>
#     Or.inr (by simp_all)
# private theorem eqv.trans : ∀ {p₁ p₂ p₃ : α × α}, p₁ ~ p₂ → p₂ ~ p₃ → p₁ ~ p₃
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inl ⟨a₁b₁, a₂b₂⟩, Or.inl ⟨b₁c₁, b₂c₂⟩ =>
#     Or.inl (by simp_all)
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inl ⟨a₁b₁, a₂b₂⟩, Or.inr ⟨b₁c₂, b₂c₁⟩ =>
#     Or.inr (by simp_all)
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inr ⟨a₁b₂, a₂b₁⟩, Or.inl ⟨b₁c₁, b₂c₂⟩ =>
#     Or.inr (by simp_all)
#   | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), (c₁, c₂), Or.inr ⟨a₁b₂, a₂b₁⟩, Or.inr ⟨b₁c₂, b₂c₁⟩ =>
#     Or.inl (by simp_all)
# private theorem is_equivalence : Equivalence (@eqv α) :=
#   { refl := eqv.refl, symm := eqv.symm, trans := eqv.trans }
# instance uprodSetoid (α : Type u) : Setoid (α × α) where
#    r     := eqv
#    iseqv := is_equivalence
# def UProd (α : Type u) : Type u :=
#   Quotient (uprodSetoid α)
# namespace UProd
# def mk {α : Type} (a₁ a₂ : α) : UProd α :=
#   Quotient.mk (a₁, a₂)
# notation "{ " a₁ ", " a₂ " }" => mk a₁ a₂
# theorem mk_eq_mk (a₁ a₂ : α) : {a₁, a₂} = {a₂, a₁} :=
#   Quot.sound (Or.inr ⟨rfl, rfl⟩)

private def mem_fn (a : α) : α × α → Prop
  | (a₁, a₂) => a = a₁ ∨ a = a₂

-- auxiliary lemma for proving mem_respects
private theorem mem_swap {a : α} :
      ∀ {p : α × α}, mem_fn a p = mem_fn a (⟨p.2, p.1⟩)
  | (a₁, a₂) => by
    apply propext
    apply Iff.intro
    . intro
      | Or.inl h => exact Or.inr h
      | Or.inr h => exact Or.inl h
    . intro
      | Or.inl h => exact Or.inr h
      | Or.inr h => exact Or.inl h

private theorem mem_respects
      : {p₁ p₂ : α × α} → (a : α) → p₁ ~ p₂ → mem_fn a p₁ = mem_fn a p₂
  | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), a, Or.inl ⟨a₁b₁, a₂b₂⟩ => by simp_all
  | (a₁, a₂), (b₁, b₂), a, Or.inr ⟨a₁b₂, a₂b₁⟩ => by simp_all; apply mem_swap

def mem (a : α) (u : UProd α) : Prop :=
  Quot.liftOn u (fun p => mem_fn a p) (fun p₁ p₂ e => mem_respects a e)

infix:50 " ∈ " => mem

theorem mem_mk_left (a b : α) : a ∈ {a, b} :=
  Or.inl rfl

theorem mem_mk_right (a b : α) : b ∈ {a, b} :=
  Or.inr rfl

theorem mem_or_mem_of_mem_mk {a b c : α} : c ∈ {a, b} → c = a ∨ c = b :=
  fun h => h
# end UProd

For convenience, the standard library also defines Quotient.lift₂ for lifting binary functions, and Quotient.ind₂ for induction on two variables.

We close this section with some hints as to why the quotient construction implies function extenionality. It is not hard to show that extensional equality on the (x : α) → β x is an equivalence relation, and so we can consider the type extfun α β of functions "up to equivalence." Of course, application respects that equivalence in the sense that if f₁ is equivalent to f₂, then f₁ a is equal to f₂ a. Thus application gives rise to a function extfun_app : extfun α β → (x : α) → β x. But for every f, extfun_app ⟦f⟧ is definitionally equal to fun x => f x, which is in turn definitionally equal to f. So, when f₁ and f₂ are extensionally equal, we have the following chain of equalities:

    f₁ = extfun_app ⟦f₁⟧ = extfun_app ⟦f₂⟧ = f₂

As a result, f₁ is equal to f₂.


To state the final axiom defined in the standard library, we need the Nonempty type, which is defined as follows:

# namespace Hidden
class inductive Nonempty (α : Sort u) : Prop where
  | intro (val : α) : Nonempty α
# end Hidden

Because Nonempty α has type Prop and its constructor contains data, it can only eliminate to Prop. In fact, Nonempty α is equivalent to ∃ x : α, True:

example (α : Type u) : Nonempty α ↔ ∃ x : α, True :=
  Iff.intro (fun ⟨a⟩ => ⟨a, trivial⟩) (fun ⟨a, h⟩ => ⟨a⟩)

Our axiom of choice is now expressed simply as follows:

# namespace Hidden
# universe u
axiom choice {α : Sort u} : Nonempty α → α
# end Hidden

Given only the assertion h that α is nonempty, choice h magically produces an element of α. Of course, this blocks any meaningful computation: by the interpretation of Prop, h contains no information at all as to how to find such an element.

This is found in the Classical namespace, so the full name of the theorem is Classical.choice. The choice principle is equivalent to the principle of indefinite description, which can be expressed with subtypes as follows:

# namespace Hidden
# universe u
# axiom choice {α : Sort u} : Nonempty α → α
noncomputable def indefiniteDescription {α : Sort u} (p : α → Prop)
                                        (h : ∃ x, p x) : {x // p x} :=
  choice <| let ⟨x, px⟩ := h; ⟨⟨x, px⟩⟩
# end Hidden

Because it depends on choice, Lean cannot generate bytecode for indefiniteDescription, and so requires us to mark the definition as noncomputable. Also in the Classical namespace, the function choose and the property choose_spec decompose the two parts of the output of indefinite_description:

# open Classical
# namespace Hidden
noncomputable def choose {α : Sort u} {p : α → Prop} (h : ∃ x, p x) : α :=
  (indefiniteDescription p h).val

theorem choose_spec {α : Sort u} {p : α → Prop} (h : ∃ x, p x) : p (choose h) :=
  (indefiniteDescription p h).property
# end Hidden

The choice principle also erases the distinction between the property of being Nonempty and the more constructive property of being Inhabited:

# open Classical
theorem inhabited_of_nonempty :Nonempty α → Inhabited α :=
  fun h => choice (let ⟨a⟩ := h; ⟨⟨a⟩⟩)

In the next section, we will see that propext, funext, and choice, taken together, imply the law of the excluded middle and the decidability of all propositions. Using those, one can strengthen the principle of indefinite description as follows:

# open Classical
# universe u
#check (@strongIndefiniteDescription :
         {α : Sort u} → (p : α → Prop)
         → Nonempty α → {x // (∃ (y : α), p y) → p x})

Assuming the ambient type α is nonempty, strongIndefiniteDescription p produces an element of α satisfying p if there is one. The data component of this definition is conventionally known as Hilbert's epsilon function:

# open Classical
# universe u
#check (@epsilon :
         {α : Sort u} → [Nonempty α]
         → (α → Prop) → α)

#check (@epsilon_spec :
          ∀ {a : Sort u} {p : a → Prop}(hex : ∃ (y : a), p y),
            p (@epsilon _ (nonempty_of_exists hex) p))

The Law of the Excluded Middle

The law of the excluded middle is the following

open Classical

#check (@em : ∀ (p : Prop), p ∨ ¬p)

Diaconescu's theorem states that the axiom of choice is sufficient to derive the law of excluded middle. More precisely, it shows that the law of the excluded middle follows from Classical.choice, propext, and funext. We sketch the proof that is found in the standard library.

First, we import the necessary axioms, and define two predicates U and V:

# namespace Hidden
open Classical
theorem em (p : Prop) : p ∨ ¬p :=
  let U (x : Prop) : Prop := x = True ∨ p
  let V (x : Prop) : Prop := x = False ∨ p

  have exU : ∃ x, U x := ⟨True, Or.inl rfl⟩
  have exV : ∃ x, V x := ⟨False, Or.inl rfl⟩
#   sorry
# end Hidden

If p is true, then every element of Prop is in both U and V. If p is false, then U is the singleton true, and V is the singleton false.

Next, we use some to choose an element from each of U and V:

# namespace Hidden
# open Classical
# theorem em (p : Prop) : p ∨ ¬p :=
#   let U (x : Prop) : Prop := x = True ∨ p
#   let V (x : Prop) : Prop := x = False ∨ p
#   have exU : ∃ x, U x := ⟨True, Or.inl rfl⟩
#   have exV : ∃ x, V x := ⟨False, Or.inl rfl⟩
  let u : Prop := choose exU
  let v : Prop := choose exV

  have u_def : U u := choose_spec exU
  have v_def : V v := choose_spec exV
#   sorry
# end Hidden

Each of U and V is a disjunction, so u_def and v_def represent four cases. In one of these cases, u = True and v = False, and in all the other cases, p is true. Thus we have:

# namespace Hidden
# open Classical
# theorem em (p : Prop) : p ∨ ¬p :=
#   let U (x : Prop) : Prop := x = True ∨ p
#   let V (x : Prop) : Prop := x = False ∨ p
#   have exU : ∃ x, U x := ⟨True, Or.inl rfl⟩
#   have exV : ∃ x, V x := ⟨False, Or.inl rfl⟩
#   let u : Prop := choose exU
#   let v : Prop := choose exV
#   have u_def : U u := choose_spec exU
#   have v_def : V v := choose_spec exV
  have not_uv_or_p : u ≠ v ∨ p :=
    match u_def, v_def with
    | Or.inr h, _ => Or.inr h
    | _, Or.inr h => Or.inr h
    | Or.inl hut, Or.inl hvf =>
      have hne : u ≠ v := by simp [hvf, hut, true_ne_false]
      Or.inl hne
#   sorry
# end Hidden

On the other hand, if p is true, then, by function extensionality and propositional extensionality, U and V are equal. By the definition of u and v, this implies that they are equal as well.

# namespace Hidden
# open Classical
# theorem em (p : Prop) : p ∨ ¬p :=
#   let U (x : Prop) : Prop := x = True ∨ p
#   let V (x : Prop) : Prop := x = False ∨ p
#   have exU : ∃ x, U x := ⟨True, Or.inl rfl⟩
#   have exV : ∃ x, V x := ⟨False, Or.inl rfl⟩
#   let u : Prop := choose exU
#   let v : Prop := choose exV
#   have u_def : U u := choose_spec exU
#   have v_def : V v := choose_spec exV
#   have not_uv_or_p : u ≠ v ∨ p :=
#     match u_def, v_def with
#     | Or.inr h, _ => Or.inr h
#     | _, Or.inr h => Or.inr h
#     | Or.inl hut, Or.inl hvf =>
#       have hne : u ≠ v := by simp [hvf, hut, true_ne_false]
#       Or.inl hne
  have p_implies_uv : p → u = v :=
    fun hp =>
    have hpred : U = V :=
      funext fun x =>
        have hl : (x = True ∨ p) → (x = False ∨ p) :=
          fun _ => Or.inr hp
        have hr : (x = False ∨ p) → (x = True ∨ p) :=
          fun _ => Or.inr hp
        show (x = True ∨ p) = (x = False ∨ p) from
          propext (Iff.intro hl hr)
    have h₀ : ∀ exU exV, @choose _ U exU = @choose _ V exV := by
      rw [hpred]; intros; rfl
    show u = v from h₀ _ _
#   sorry
# end Hidden

Putting these last two facts together yields the desired conclusion:

# namespace Hidden
# open Classical
# theorem em (p : Prop) : p ∨ ¬p :=
#   let U (x : Prop) : Prop := x = True ∨ p
#   let V (x : Prop) : Prop := x = False ∨ p
#   have exU : ∃ x, U x := ⟨True, Or.inl rfl⟩
#   have exV : ∃ x, V x := ⟨False, Or.inl rfl⟩
#   let u : Prop := choose exU
#   let v : Prop := choose exV
#   have u_def : U u := choose_spec exU
#   have v_def : V v := choose_spec exV
#   have not_uv_or_p : u ≠ v ∨ p :=
#     match u_def, v_def with
#     | Or.inr h, _ => Or.inr h
#     | _, Or.inr h => Or.inr h
#     | Or.inl hut, Or.inl hvf =>
#       have hne : u ≠ v := by simp [hvf, hut, true_ne_false]
#       Or.inl hne
#  have p_implies_uv : p → u = v :=
#     fun hp =>
#     have hpred : U = V :=
#       funext fun x =>
#         have hl : (x = True ∨ p) → (x = False ∨ p) :=
#           fun _ => Or.inr hp
#         have hr : (x = False ∨ p) → (x = True ∨ p) :=
#           fun _ => Or.inr hp
#         show (x = True ∨ p) = (x = False ∨ p) from
#           propext (Iff.intro hl hr)
#     have h₀ : ∀ exU exV, @choose _ U exU = @choose _ V exV := by
#       rw [hpred]; intros; rfl
#     show u = v from h₀ _ _
  match not_uv_or_p with
  | Or.inl hne => Or.inr (mt p_implies_uv hne)
  | Or.inr h   => Or.inl h
# end Hidden

Consequences of excluded middle include double-negation elimination, proof by cases, and proof by contradiction, all of which are described in the Section Classical Logic. The law of the excluded middle and propositional extensionality imply propositional completeness:

# namespace Hidden
open Classical
theorem propComplete (a : Prop) : a = True ∨ a = False :=
  match em a with
  | Or.inl ha => Or.inl (propext (Iff.intro (fun _ => ⟨⟩) (fun _ => ha)))
  | Or.inr hn => Or.inr (propext (Iff.intro (fun h => hn h) (fun h => False.elim h)))
# end Hidden

Together with choice, we also get the stronger principle that every proposition is decidable. Recall that the class of Decidable propositions is defined as follows:

# namespace Hidden
class inductive Decidable (p : Prop) where
  | isFalse (h : ¬p) : Decidable p
  | isTrue  (h : p)  : Decidable p
# end Hidden

In contrast to p ∨ ¬ p, which can only eliminate to Prop, the type decidable p is equivalent to the sum type Sum p (¬ p), which can eliminate to any type. It is this data that is needed to write an if-then-else expression.

As an example of classical reasoning, we use choose to show that if f : α → β is injective and α is inhabited, then f has a left inverse. To define the left inverse linv, we use a dependent if-then-else expression. Recall that if h : c then t else e is notation for dite c (fun h : c => t) (fun h : ¬ c => e). In the definition of linv, choice is used twice: first, to show that (∃ a : A, f a = b) is "decidable," and then to choose an a such that f a = b. Notice that propDecidable is a scoped instance and is activated by the open Classical command. We use this instance to justify the if-then-else expression. (See also the discussion in Section Decidable Propositions).

open Classical

noncomputable def linv [Inhabited α] (f : α → β) : β → α :=
  fun b : β => if ex : (∃ a : α, f a = b) then choose ex else arbitrary

theorem linv_comp_self {f : α → β} [Inhabited α]
                       (inj : ∀ {a b}, f a = f b → a = b)
                       : linv f ∘ f = id :=
  funext fun a =>
    have ex  : ∃ a₁ : α, f a₁ = f a := ⟨a, rfl⟩
    have feq : f (choose ex) = f a  := choose_spec ex
    calc linv f (f a) = choose ex := dif_pos ex
               _      = a         := inj feq

From a classical point of view, linv is a function. From a constructive point of view, it is unacceptable; because there is no way to implement such a function in general, the construction is not informative.


繁饰        elaboration
抽象        abstraction
应用        application
合一        unification
规约        Reduction
策略        tactic
组合子      combinator
构造子      constructor
消去子      eliminator
递归子      recursor
构造演算    Calculus of Constructions
归纳类型    inductive type
依值类型论  dependent type theory